
People across the so-called US are taking action against Trump’s state of emergency, as both he and the Democrats push to use billions of dollars to militarize the border and build even more border wall. Already, actions are being carried out at the occupation in Tornillo, Texas outside of the child detention facility and at the Somi Se’k Village Base camp, which is resisting border wall construction that will destroy Native land and sacred sites, animal and plant habitat, and people’s homes. Below is a list of actions in various cities. Get your event listed by emailing us at: info [at] itsgoingdown [dot] org.

To read the #BlocktheWall callout, go here.

Spokane, WA, February 19th and February 23rd:

Olympia, WA, Wednesday, February 20th, Percival Landing Park, 4pm.

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Free food, sign-making, information, music, and more! Bring donations to support asylum-seekers (visit commotion.world for an updated request list). This will be a drop-off location in addition to a place to meet, enjoy the music, create some protest materials, get information from several local organizations, and get amped for 5 o’clock.

EMERGENCY-themed march: bring noisemakers, flashing lights, construction vests, hard hats, and more. In a world of increased surveillance, racist immigration policies, and outdated obsessions with surrounding oneself by walls, borders themselves are the real emergency! March leaves at 5 pm sharp!

Seattle, WA, Wednesday, February 20th. Seattle Central College, 4pm: Solidarity march.

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We’ve decided to call for a Solidarity March at 4pm on Wednesday, the 20th of February at Seattle Central College to show that those suffering due to borders, austerity, and state repression are not alone. We also hope to make this a space of encounter where we can find each other and take action to join with networks already doing things together to share aid and disrupt the apparatuses of brutality.

Portland, OR, Monday, February 4pm. Tom McCall Waterfront Park, 4pm.

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Trump has announced he will use national emergency funding to continue building his wall of hate. This is a threat to our democracy and we oppose this unconstitutional power grab. His gesture promises to destroy the power structure by arrogating the legislative power of the purse. Securing funding to keep migrants out of our country is a racist and demagogic move. Not only will this funding continue to devastate families seeking asylum, it will cause pain and a loss of hope for those suffering in the 31 other national emergencies the US has.

Tucson, AZ, Wednesday, February, 20th, Catalina Park, 6:30 PM.

Denver, CO, Monday, February 18th. Benefit for Casa de Paz.

Carbondale, IL, Wednesday, February 20th, 12pm, 1275 Point Drive.

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We stand in solidarity with the call Ato #blockthewall! We are holding a rally on Wednesday at noon on campus starting at Lentz dinning hall and then marching to central campus. We need to show solidarity with immigrants, latinx, and all those that are oppressed by the system of control that the wall represents. We stand in opposition against Trump’s racist wall and the Democrats disgusting smart wall and simpler walls and borders of control.

Washington DC, Monday, February 18th, the Park at City Center, 12pm.

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In spite of the abuse, criminalization, deportations, and surveillance… our joy, our anger, our survival is resistance. Join us on anti-presidents day as we gather to protest trump and the criminalization of all black people.

For black people like She’yaa Bin Abraham-Joseph – 21 Savage who are currently fighting deportation.
For black people who are criminalized for sex work
For black people pushed out of our communities by gentrification
For black people harassed, abused, and surveilled daily by MPD

Show up to the protest, show out for our people, and get plugged into all of these campaigns.

DC events continue on the 18th 19th, and 22nd, and 23rd.

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Columbus, OH, Monday, Februrary 18th, 11am, 50 West Broad Street.

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Trump declared a national emergency to fund a border wall for a fake crisis that he and his administration made up. Immigrants is what makes America Great and they aren’t a epidemic, they’re human.

Somi Se’k Village Base Camp in so-called Texas

Continuous updates and action here.

Tornillo, TX, Febrruary 14th – 18th, Tornillo Detention Facility.

More Info:

Activists with Tornillo: The Occupation launch of their weekend of Revolutionary Love, from February 14th-18th, to disrupt migrant detention, deportation, and murder.

The group will be doing art-based creative Direct actions over the course of the weekend bringing attention to other detention centers in the area that largely operate unnoticed. One specifically where asylum seekers called the #ElPaso9 are hunger striking in detention for their freedom and better conditions.

Austin, TX, Wednesday, February 20th, 422 Guadalupe Street, 4:30pm.

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Join in speaking out against Trump’s State of Emergency announcement. Walls are meant to separate us – the best way to fight back against hate is to come together and take care of one another. We will be sharing snacks, company, and information on how to support the ongoing effort to oppose the border wall and support immigrant and immigrant communities. Come with contributions of your own or empty handed – All are welcome!

Tampa, FL, Tuesday, February 19th, Centennial Park, 6: 30pm.

More Info:

People across the country are taking action against Trump’s state of emergency, as both he and the Democrats push to use billions of dollars to militarize the border and build even more needless border wall.

We are hosting our own event, right here in Tampa, along with other local organizations to join in solidarity with actions everywhere, to make our stand against this manufactured “emergency.”