Smithfield meat packers strike for Powell - London, 1968.

An assessment of Powell's patriotism and racism and its influence within the politics of his time.

Matteo Salvini rape culture

Part 1 of an article by the Nicoletta Bourbaki collective, published on Wu Ming's website.

IWW Deliveroo picket, Swiss Cottage, London.

Deliveroo riders organising with the London IWW have been taking spontaneous action for improved wages...

2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the National Minimum Wage.


Anti-Zionism in Israel.

First of a two-part episode on a people's history of Zionism and opposition to it within Israel, in conversation with former members of Israeli socialist group Matzpen, Moshe Machover, Haim...


Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.

Short biography of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first thinker to ever call themselves an 'anarchist'.


Libcom's organising toolkit - guides to organising at work, in your local area and more.