Archive for October, 2018

The right wins in Brazil

Monday, October 29th, 2018

If we are lucky, this will be the last Brazilian election in a very long time. Bolsanaro is more Trump than Trump is.

The White House has confirmed that US president Donald Trump called  Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday night to congratulate him on his election victory.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Trump congratulated the president-elect and that “both expressed a strong commitment to work side-by-side to improve the lives of the people of the United States and Brazil.

The losers looked remarkably like Hillary supporters on election night. Lots of delicious liberal tears.

His political program is on the face of it unremarkable: for gun rights, for family, against abortion, for capitalism, for God, for country, for secure property rights and in particular for secure property rights in land and houses, against crime and corruption. Is there anyone who is openly for crime and corruption?

So why the all the drama?

Because, in the eternal struggle between priests and warriors, he thinks that warriors should rule. When our priestly classes, the professoriat, the media, and the judiciary, cast God out of the high places, they sawed off the branch on which they were sitting. For priests to rule, they need to plausibly claim to represent God and be backed by God.

And, having declared themselves holier than God, proceeded to rub it in with gay rights, transexuals, and so on and so forth. There is a limit to what can be done with soft power, and they have hit that limit, and are flailing. Increasingly they are forced to use openly dictatorial methods, such as seizing the domain name.

We have non priestly rulers in the USA, in the Philippines, in Hungary, and now in Brazil, the most openly opposed to the official priesthood of them all. In the USA, the priestly classes are abandoning their pretended support for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, so even if they win, they lose. In Hungary, and only in Hungary, the elected government has taken real power from the permanent government, but if it can be done in Hungary, possible in America.

The holiness spiral, the left wing singularity, inexorably leads the priesthood into self destruction. The details of the crash are different each time, as glass shatters differently each time, but the crash is inevitable. Where we go from here no one knows, but ever leftwards is looking less and less likely.

The seizure of Gab a few days before the election, and the obvious bomb fakery, reveals that they are abandoning business as usual, and are now going to try open priestly dictatorship, as in Russia in 1916

If they had just sat quiet for eight years of Trump, and waited for demographics to continue to move in their favor, they would have been fine. Business as usual would have worked for them and would have destroyed us. But the underlying force of the left wing singularity will not let them sit quiet. They have to continue becoming ever more extreme, ever faster, and it is biting them. The frog is now being fast fried instead of slow boiled.

The Reichstag is burning

Friday, October 26th, 2018

The fake bombs were not sent through the mail, (no postmark on the stamps and insufficient postage) therefore delivered in person by an insider. Recipients did not act as if they feared the bombs were real. Therefore, the insider was recognized by the recipients.

Therefore recipients were complicit in a fake bomb threat – which is as serious a crime as complicity in a real bomb threat. The criminality of fake bomb threats is settled law and practice, and rightly so, for deadly threats are apt to lead to deadly acts.

The interesting thing therefore is whether settled law and practice gets applied to senior Democrats.

If Democrats get away with this, they can get away with similarly criminal acts of real violence.  If they cannot get away with this, it is the Reichstag fire.

If they cannot get away with this, then we are going to see a whole lot more people start hailing Trump as God Emperor Trump.

Although I have been referring to him as God Emperor Trump, this impious as well as optimistically premature. He is still merely a president presiding over a presidency that hates him, ignores him, and routinely defies him. If he does deal with those who set the Reichstag on fire, if the FBI chooses to obey him in and prosecute direct political crime committed by powerful people, then he has successfully brought the presidency to heel, whereupon a more appropriate name is Holy American Emperor Trump the First.

If he deals successfully with those who lit the Reichstag, I will then hail him as Holy American Emperor Trump the First, as is likely to reflect his real status.

If, on the other hand, the FBI ignores criminal acts by senior democrats, we have taken one more step towards Civil War II, but this time a rather large step, which will be in due course followed by even bigger steps.

The coalition of the evil and unhinged

Friday, October 19th, 2018

People form political coalitions within a larger society in order to knock over apple carts to grab some apples. That is what politics is. That is why people use “political” as a negative word. Because it is a negative thing.

The left is not the largest coalition. The left is whatever coalition is largest.

Whatever happens to be the supposed coalition issues at any given time is unclear, arbitrary, and frequently changing. The left has no essence, no defining character, other than that is against whoever is managing the apple cart, and against whatever is keeping the apple cart upright.

But right now, it is a coalition of single women against males, husbands, marriage, and children, nonwhites and Jews against whites, and the underclass, Human Resources employees, accountants, and government employees against capitalists and against private sector employees who produce physical things, sexual deviants against straights, and non Christians against Christians.

Democrats tend to think that the only reason someone would which oppose this coalition is if he is a straight white male Christian capitalist.

(And I am a straight white male who is socially Christian in the sense of irregularly attending Church and ingrouping Christians, viewing them as adoptive kin, and arguably at least as capitalist as any kulak. Half the time Carlylean Restorationist and Glosoli tell us that they are only against invisible trillionaires, and the other half of the time, they are going to kill the peasant who raised a pig to eat, because he is supposedly forcing blacks on welfare to eat too much fried chicken fast food, so I am at least as capitalist in my economic role as those that Carlylean Restorationist blames for bad lower class behavior, and I am also socially capitalist regardless of what definition they use in any one comment and regardless of my economic role.  When Human Resources went after management, I got drunk with management.)

All large tribes are necessarily synthetic, all a synthetic tribes are necessarily religious, are necessarily religions, broadly defined, and the people who are managing the unity, solidarity, and social coalition of the synthetic tribe are necessarily performing a priestly role, are clerics and priests, broadly defined. And so, in any synthetic tribe, you tend to get priests on top, and the path to get to the top of the priesthood is apt to be superior holiness.

So, it is not just our society that is coming down with a holiness spiral. It is the left coalition that is coming down with a holiness spiral and the left dominating our society.

The left, like my excessively frequent commentators Carlylean Restorationist and Glosoli, tells us that we white males should hate capitalists and capitalism (which happens to be overwhelmingly straight, white and male).  Supposedly all these rape and sexual harassment charges are coming from Evil White Male Trillionaires, not from the cat ladies of Human Resources. Perhaps on some other blog, they pose as white women and tell white women to hate white males, and that therefore white women should ingroup blacks on welfare, and on a Muslim blog, tell Muslims to hate Christians, and that therefore Muslims should ingroup feminists, support abortion, and emancipate their daughters.

But, as the left coalition goes ever more extreme under the pressure of the holiness spiral, it is increasingly against all whites, all males, all Christians, and all heterosexuals. So in the coming election, all whites, all males, all married women, all Christians, and all straights should vote Republican.

We are seeing Republicans go after the votes of black males and the wives of black males, rationally appealing to the rational self interest of intelligent black men, and the wives of black men, that the Democratic anti male agenda is dangerous to men, and telling them it is especially dangerous to black men, that black males are under even worse threat of getting the Kavanaugh treatment than white males.

Trump’s maleness appeals to black males. Hence Kanye West praising Trump’s male energy. The president is the father of the nation, and it is has been a long time since the nation has had a masculine father figure. Lots of black males are, like Kanye West, missing that male father figure.

In the 2016 Republican Presidential primaries, we saw Trump, and only Trump, campaign against the holiness spiral.

In the 2018 mid term elections, we are seeing a whole lot of mainstream republicans, led by Trump and inspired by Trump, campaign against the holiness spiral.

But the holiness spiral is not the Democratic party, and cannot simply be voted out of power. Observe that the holy are still in power, despite having been voted out already.

Tony Abbott in Australia took measures unthinkably drastic by American standards, and yet the holy remained in power. Duterte and Viktor Orbán, however, are getting places. Duterte used right wing death squads. Viktor Orbán applied less drastic measures, but he has been in power a long time and only now is getting some traction.

Charles the First said “No Bishop, No King”, meaning if no Bishop, then no King. For the merely elected leadership to be effective against the holiness spiral, they to intervene in the priesthood to stop holiness competition, which is what Viktor Orbán has been doing. He made superior holiness a poor career move.

There are huge number of state and quasi state jobs that are supposedly immune from “political” control, people who are on the government or quasi government payroll, who are chosen by their fellow social justice warriors on the basis of superior holiness, which means that they are immune from merely elected politicians, but their appointments are in practice very political indeed.

What Viktor Orbán did is radically amend the constitution to put these under direct “political” control – put the priesthood directly under the authority of the merely elected government, and he then proceeded to make superior holiness a bad career move within the priesthood.

A similar change in the US, to do in the US what Viktor Orbán did in Hungary, would be to confiscate the college endowments, give the president the power to hire and fire any civil servant, including college presidents and judges, and make the president effectively the final court of appeal over the supreme court. And then elections could halt the holiness spiral.  As long as we have a vast pile of quasi governmental institutions that are outside the power of the merely elected government, in particular Human Resources, we are going to continue having a holiness spiral regardless of people voting against it.  Accounting is also falling to Social Justice Warriors, having been remade by Sarbanes-Oxley into a quasi governmental institution, and as a result the accounts of publicly traded joint stock corporations are fast becoming as unreliable as peer reviewed research, in much the same way, and for much the same reasons, as peer reviewed research has become irreproducible.

In the coming mid term elections, we will likely get a merely elected government that is hostile to that holiness spiral, though unable to do much about it.  No Bishops, therefore no King.  Once again I repeat my prescription:  Archbishop, Inquisition, and Grand Inquisitor.

To implement that in America, likely will need a King.

Angry mob meme

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

The Democrats are an angry mob of crazy vicious moral degenerates.


“You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob. Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law – not the rule of the mob.”

Well, then, if the other party is an angry mob, democracy cannot really continue.

Democracy relies on a certain amount of comity, trust, and mutual tolerance keeping the stakes down to something that people can afford to lose, a general acceptance of playing by the rules.

Progs instituted a new rule: That if a male is accused by any women anywhere, even if there is no likelihood they ever met, different schools, different circles of friends, hang out in different geographical areas, even if the woman is ugly and the man handsome, even if the woman has no evidence and is strangely vague as to the place and time where this supposedly happened, even if there is no indication that the two ever met, or were ever in a situation where they could have met, well then, the man is guilty, because we cannot possibly doubt the victim. If you doubt the victim, the poor pitiful victim, you are a rape apologist.

And then, in a startling display of balls, Republicans refused to play by these rules. Democrats were outraged.

Eric Holder:

“When they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about,”

So, republicans must be punished for noncompliance with the 2018 rule until compliance is obtained, since failure to comply with the latest unilaterally announced progressive rules is obviously unacceptably bad behavior.

What, I wonder, will the 2019 rule be?

If Republicans must be punished, can they ever allow a mere election to return Democrats to power?

And if the Democrats do regain power, chances are that Republicans are going to be punished in a way that makes it impossible for them to ever return to power by democratic means.

I am not predicting that democracy will dramatically and visibly disappear tomorrow, because the Roman Republic never dramatically and visibly disappeared. Rather, we will have elections that increasingly resemble the style of today’s California or the 1934 German plebiscite.

God Emperor beats Democrats at 4D chess

Saturday, October 6th, 2018

Time and time again Trump does supposedly stupid stuff, supposedly demonstrating what an ignorant stupid buffoon he is, and then, strangely and mysteriously, wins.

The explanation for this strange mystery is that he is playing the game at a level his enemies do not understand, playing a different game by different rules to that which his enemies are aware of.

Recent events need to be understood in terms of the left’s theory of legitimacy, and Moldbug’s theory of the uniparty.

The Uniparty

Democrats are inner party of the uniparty, the high status inner members of the uniparty, Republicans are the outer party, the low status outer members of the uniparty.

Until the Kavanaugh nomination, Republicans were utterly determined to lose the mid terms in the house by any means necessary. Even though individual Republicans want to win their races as individuals, they don’t want other Republicans to win their races, because this would put them in a position where they are under pressure to implement Republican policies.

Democrats wield the carrot and the stick over Republicans.  The carrot being “Cuck out and we will allow you to crawl close enough to us for us to spit on you”, the stick being, as we have seen in the Kavanaugh crisis, actual stick.

Trouble with wielding actual stick is that if you wield too much stick against too many Republicans, the two party system is likely to rise from the dead.  Remember all those complaints that Trump’s Kavanaugh tweets were not helping?  They were helping collapse the uniparty system.  Trump knows how to trigger his enemies into acting unwisely.  Today, the two party system rose from the dead.  Today, Republicans voted on party lines for a judge that will rule that it is legal for Republicans to govern.  In the next month, chances are that Republicans will campaign to win the house.

Legitimacy and Color Revolution

Legitimacy in general means, “Should be obeyed, even when you disagree or don’t like it.” But the only people who are supposed to ever do this are conservatives, because when progressives don’t like it, it’s illegitimate. The Democrats are the party of the priesthood, the party of Harvard, and the priestly class gets to define legitimacy.


If people vote or some lower authority figure acts against progressivism, any other institution whatsoever is fully justified in neutralizing and reversing the outcome by whatever means necessary, and those institutions are portrayed as ‘legitimate’ which means that it is everyone’s holy duty to defer to them, at the very least, surrender and acquiesce in submissive and obedient resignation, but more often, they are supposed to recognize that the action really does flow from the ‘rule of law’ and accurate universal principles and the “true meaning of democracy vs mere populism” or whatever.

On the other hand, when the shoe is on the other foot, these institutions are illegitimate, biased, corrupt, tribal, ultra-partisan, extreme and radical right-wing, etc., etc., usually racist, and basically Nazis. And “anti-democratic” as opposed to anti-populist or pro-Constitutional constraints. They deserve zero respect or deference – indeed, constant criticism, protest, public shaming, and personal destruction – and progressives should feel free to ignore any pronouncements of such an institution as presumptively suspect and inherently invalid.

The priests denounce the sovereign as illegitimate, and this sometimes manifests as color revolution: a handful of priests storm the winter palace, successfully applying hard power, because the warrior class, who could crush them like ants, have been neutralized by priestly soft power. To do violence to violent priests would be “illegitimate”.

Today, a handful of priests stormed congress, and the warrior class crushed them like ants.

From time to time some judglet from Hawaii rules that Trump’s policy is racist, therefore that judge gets to exercise executive, legislative, and fiscal authority and overrule the President of the United States. I have been urging and expecting Trump to pull a Tony Abbott, and use military power to overrule the courts, or to pull a Duterte, and just plain terrorize the courts, but to my surprise he has so far adopted a more moderate course, and appointed judges who will reliably rule that the elected president and the elected party have the right to govern.

This will put the priestly class in the interesting situation of claiming that the president, the congress, and the Supremes are illegitimate.

If Trump is to assume his rightful place as God Emperor, he will sooner or later have to pull a Duterte, but perhaps he judges that the time is not yet. Likely, when the priestly class is campaigning on the grounds that President, Congress, and the Supremes are all illegitimate, the priests will burn the Reichstag.

Paternity, war and conquest.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

Competition with no limits and no rules is the war of all against all, is predation, every other creature except for close kin being obstacles or raw materials. Humans organize so that competition is channeled into productive activities, rather than massively negative sum activities. But how do we organize this? This is what we call order, and political order is also order in the thermodynamic sense, in that a functional state of the social system, where competition produces excellence through cooperation is a very special case, and any random change is apt to be for the worse.

Where does this organization come from. Where does order come from?

Partly it comes from a ruler, but for a ruler to actually remake society, he has to have remarkably great power, which is apt to result in competition to be the ruler getting out of hand, as it did in the Roman Empire. In substantial part it comes from natural selection of social orders. A society where people cooperate effectively is apt to conquer and dominate other societies, much as a group of humans can predate upon a herd of cattle. Thus, for example, colonialism, outsiders come in, inject themselves at the top of the colonialized society’s social order, and remake that society in their own image, not necessarily killing all the men and enslaving all the women, quite likely creating greater prosperity and freedom for everyone, but rather more prosperity and freedom for themselves.

The better a society is at creating prosperity through orderly and productive competition, the more likely it is that its dominion is rather more civilized than killing all the men of the conquered society and taking their land and women. But there needs to be some substantial payoff for those imposing order. If no substantial payoff, drift to entropy is inevitable.

The population size estimated from Y chromosome diversity is smaller than the population size estimated from mitochondrial diversity, indicating that far more females than males reproduce – we are de-facto a substantially polygynous species.

About seven thousand years ago, during the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture, this ratio went to extremes.

One possible explanation of this is that the local ruler owned all the land and owned all the women, thus only one male in seventeen got to reproduce. Another possible explanation is that women got to choose, and they chose one male in seventeen. But the bottleneck happened during the transition between hunter gathering and farming, hence connected to property rights and property rights enforcement, thus property rights enforcement in land, crops, cattle, and women.

Only the local ruler reproducing is unlikely to be stable. The other males will not fight for him. Thus a patrilineal group cooperating and fighting to enforce its property rights in cattle and women, as depicted in the book of Genesis. Genesis depicts Abraham’s patriarchal group warring with Kings with reasonable success. Books later in the series depict patriarchal groups helpless before Kings and armed religions.

The bottleneck can be explained by competition between patrilineal groups, so that the survival of one man’s Y chromosome is highly correlated with the survival of his kin in the paternal line, where one patrilineal group was apt to wipe out another patrilineal group and take their women. If you were a descendant of Genghis in the male line, you and all the other descendants of Genghis in the male line would work together to take the other men’s women and prevent other men from taking your women – which implies and presupposes that women got no say in this.

During the transition, need property rights in land, crops, and cattle.

Father’s brother’s daughter marriage ensures social cohesion on Y chromosome lines. Abraham’s property rights in cattle are secured by kinship relationships with people who share his Y chromosome.

Later, Kings matter more, patrilineal kin matter less, but if everyone secured property rights the way Abraham did, there would be a high correlation between Y chromosomes and reproductive success. Own stuff, have the same Y chromosome as other people owning stuff. Don’t own stuff, don’t reproduce.

In the book of Genesis, we see a bunch of wars in which patrilineal kinship groups fight kings as roughly equals. This environment could mean a much smaller effective population size for Y chromosome, since the population size would be number of property owning patrilineal groups, not number of individual males.

This does not necessarily manifest as outright conquest and abduction – just that you can feed women, and the guy without property rights cannot, and you can enforce your property right in women, and thus you want to feed your women and their children.

If enforcement comes from patrilineal groups, including enforcement of marriage, then a moderate disparity in willingness and ability to enforce property rights in women and children can result in a very large disparity in effective population size, because we are measuring not the number of successfully reproducing males compared to the number of successfully reproducing women, but the number of successfully reproducing patrilineal property rights enforcement groups compare to the number of successfully reproducing women.

Of course, we are still talking war between patrilineal groups but the war may fall short of killing all the men and taking all the women in one hit. But if a patrilineal group cannot defend its land and women, it is going to eradicated, possibly in a less sudden fashion.

The point is that one gets a reduction in effective male population size if genetic survival is correlated with one’s Y chromosome. Everyone you know is descended in the male line from your great great granddad. And if he is not, no one is stopping you from taking his cattle and his women, and killing any children encumbering those women. But this implies that you know who everyone’s dad is, which implies female sexuality is under male control – as depicted in the old testament in the time of patriarchs, where the penalty for consensual sex was death.

This does not necessarily mean that one night patrilineal clan A attacks, and in the morning the Y chromosome of patrilineal clan B is no more, but that is the net effect over time, meaning still fairly brutal.

For the model to work, a major unit of selection has to be the clan, with the men of clan B being eradicated, all of them, and the women of clan B being taken into clan A, which is what we expect to happen if cooperation is mediated through patrilineal relationships, and not matrilineal relationships, which implies women being hauled away, and males controlling their sexual choices.

For the model to work, your brothers in the male line and your cousins in the male line have to support your capability to reproduce, which requires that they restrain your women from screwing other men. Thus, patriarchy, and patrilocality. Patrilocality means you maintain your connection with your brothers and cousins in the male line, and if your sister is married or stolen outside of your male line, you lose your connection with her, and patriarchy means that the enforcement system for property also enforces marriage – thus your women are your property like your cattle, thus everyone knows who is someone’s father. You stick up for male kin’s property rights.

Exodus happens around the time of the collapse of bronze age civilization, 1200BC to 1150BC, therefore Abraham’s kin group contending successfully with kings have to be around 2000BC or so, which puts them well after the bottleneck, but they could well be a survival, a leftover, of the bottleneck social order. The bottleneck lasted from around 5000 BC to 3000BC. Abraham has to be around a thousand years after the bottleneck, but some remnants of the bottleneck social order are still going strong today, in that we still have societies where patrilineal groups are important in protecting property rights in women and cattle. America’s defeat in Somalia was patrilineal kin groups contending successfully with modern day sovereigns equipped with cruise missiles and attack helicopters five thousand years after the bottleneck, so it is plausible that Abraham and his kin could have successfully contended with Kings a thousand years after the bottleneck.

It looks as if the white race originated ten thousand years ago and four thousand years ago, in waves of near genocidal conquest by early whites. About eleven thousand years ago, neolithic grain growing middle eastern farmers, with light brown skins, dark hair, and brown eyes, who largely ate bread, porridge, and drank beer, conquered Europe, completely genociding the paleolithic brown skinned, but blue eyed, European hunter gatherers, who retreated before them towards Asia into more severe climate of Russia. As the middle easterners penetrated into harsher climates, they entered an environment less favorable for grain growing, and more favorable for cattle herding, and the paleolithic hunter gatherers retreating before them were no longer hunter gatherers, but cattle ranchers, so the conflict became more equal. The two races exchanged hostages, as recorded in the sagas, and interbred. Hybridization and subsequent selection produced higher IQ fair skinned people with mixed eye and hair colors, the ancestors of modern whites, who herded cattle, and lived on milk, meat, butter, and cheese. These people invented bronze and in due course, war chariots drawn by small horses, and conquered the farmers of Europe, killing the men and enslaving the women in another wave of hybridization, producing a race that largely ate bread, butter, and beer, who subsequently produced bronze age civilization.

But about twelve hundred years before Christ something went horribly wrong. Bronze age civilization collapsed and depopulated, and white pastoralists once again conquered, but this time, were conquering lands that had largely been abandoned – a functional society returned, because a dysfunctional society largely failed to reproduce. The switch from bronze to iron seems to have been forced by the collapse of long distance trade. Iron could be produced from local sources, but bronze required that people mine tin in one place, and copper in a very distant place, so that people were forced to find a technological solution to replace long distance cooperation, much as today the corporate form is collapsing, and we seek to replace the corporation with the block chain.

So it is non trivial to produce a society where competition leads to cooperation rather than destruction. Magic dirt does not do it, and high IQ does not in itself do it. A society where competition is productive rather than destructive is highly ordered and that order is the product both of selection and of conscious will.

The last days of bronze age civilization were socialist in the sense that the Egypt described in the bible was socialist, and socialist in the sense that Ithaca described by Homer was socialist. Archaeology indicates trade was centralized in the palace. Internationally traded goods and intertemporally traded goods, like the wheat that Joseph advised the Pharaoh to horde, were managed by kings, and distributed through the palace, as indicated by the archaeology of the Minoan civilization, indicating that private property rights were not secure. Similarly, we record Abraham pretending that his wife was his sister – thus property rights in women were insecure. And then, in the Ithaca recorded by Homer, and the Egypt recorded by Ipuwer, the property rights of the King also became insecure – people failed to reproduce due to the sexual immorality recorded by Ipuwer, and the fields lay unplanted, because he who sowed was unlikely to reap.

The decadent settled people of the bronze age vanished, and were largely replaced by severely patriarchal pastoralists – pastoralists who condemned coveting, and respected private property and marriage – thus prohibiting the most obvious forms of destructive competition.

In the ten commandments we see the conscious design of a social order by a ruler with kingly and theocratic power. The emphasis on prohibiting coveting suggest that Moses perceived the social breakdown and collapse of Egypt as a result of insecurity of marriage and property, but he was building on or reviving the social order of the patriarch Israel, or claimed to be doing so, which reflects the natural selection of social orders, since descendants of Israel had, overall, reproductive and military success – and it was this military capability that preserved their way of life against Egyptian attempts to multicult them, to assimilate their social order to the dysfunctional Egyptian social order.

There are four religious commandments concerning worship, which have the effect of making those obeying the commandments visible to others who obey the commandments, and ensuring that people who obey these commandments tend to associate with people who obey these commandments, since they were all required to take their rest day at the same time, and six commandments concerning how men shall deal with men, which have the effect of ensuring that competition for women and goods does not take destructive forms.

These latter six rules were generally obeyed by successful societies until recent times, but leftist redistribution of goods and emancipation of women now results in competition for women and goods being political, making it difficult to produce wealth or reproduce. Coveting, rather than being forbidden, has become a sacrament, and adultery a human right. Recollect how Starbucks was recently memed into providing black people with a free home and office.

If two men agree to exchange wheat and iron, the exchange must make both of them better off or else they would not agree to it, and is unlikely to have significant externalities, but if a woman decides to have sex with a man, the decision is always deeply irrational, an eruption of volcanic forces that she does not comprehend and is scarcely aware of, and the decision is apt to have enormous externalities, harming her actual and potential children, her parents and siblings, and her present or future husband. But we regulate the hell out of two men exchanging wheat and iron, while horrifyingly wicked and self destructive sexual choices are an absolutely inalienable human right.

As is the murder of unborn children. Currently we have a system were the unborn are treated as non people in relation to women, and as people in relation to fathers and taxpayers.

If we suppose that the unborn should be treated as non people, then it makes no sense that the tax payer or the reluctant father should provide child support. Bastards should be killed or enslaved.

If, on the other hand, the unborn should be treated as people, then the mother should be compelled submit to the father, to be always sexually available to him and never to any other, and the father should be compelled to support, protect, supervise, and guide the mother and the child, and to always be sexually available to the mother.

An inalienable right of women, but not men, to murder children is made necessary by the inalienable right of women to have sex or refrain from having sex with whoever they choose, whenever they choose, because their choices are apt to be so disastrous as to produce problem children.

Leftism and female emancipation is coveting and adultery, and leads to destructive competition over goods and women. Adultery is not a code word for sex. It means much the same thing in female pussies as in beer.

Another important virtue, not covered in the old testament, is truth telling, which was, in the England of the restoration, an aristocratic and noble virtue thinly disguised as a Christian virtue, though it was never a Christian virtue. The Gentleman was independent of and resistant to social pressure to go along with the false consensus. The gentleman could be relied on to speak the truth because of his independence. This ideal of gentlemanly independence is the opposite of peer review, which produces truth by consensus behind closed doors. Peer Review has produced the replication crisis, where no one can trust other people’s data, and it was predictable that it would, since the social dynamics of consensus behind closed doors is to produce official truth unrelated to empirical truth, which by imperceptibly small degrees gradually becomes outright fraud, as unwanted data is “corrected” to fit the social consensus.

Peer review is bringing back the demon haunted dark. The demon haunted dark closes in upon us, shutting down nuclear power, forbidding fracking, superstitiously terrified of dangerous compounds at one thousandth their harmful levels. Peer Review needs to be condemned as vile, disgusting, and unclean, akin to adultery, for the social dynamics of peer review inevitably lead to lies being enforced, and truth being demonized. Peer review on empirical questions and empirical data is like wallowing in shit, you get exposed to memetic diseases. It is the memetic equivalent of gays in a bathhouse having sex in a great big pile. As sex in the bathhouse in a great big pile spreads biological diseases, peer review spreads memetic diseases. The lies fester and multiply behind closed doors.

The requirements of a functional social order are well known, narrow, and precise – and installing them means enforcing a moral code, requiring all in positions of status and power to affirm this moral code, and demolishing the status of anyone challenging this moral code by treating them as if they were stray dogs attacking your chickens, which moral code necessarily condemns leftism as inherently sinful.

Everyone should learn about the crimes of the twentieth century, and be taught that they were caused by coveting, as today they are taught that they were caused by racism.

It has been done in the past. It can be done again. That is the planning and conscious will aspect. If one society in one place manages it, and manages to keep to it, it will in due course colonialize all others, or massacre the menfolk of all others and enslave their women, or just eradicate all others completely. That is the natural selection of societies aspect. The social order of the patriarch Israel, with private property rights in cattle and women, was favored by natural selection, and consciously re-created by Moses in a deliberate act of political will, political violence, and divine revelation.

Goodbuy NAFTA, hello USMCA

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018

Major changes:

  1. To qualify as USMCA manufactured cars have to be (mostly) built by workers earning $16 per hour – in other words white workers, because mestizo and indio workers are generally not worth $16 per hour. Usually minimum wages are a bad idea, because they keep kids out of the job market and prevent them from gaining experience, but since you can place a car plant anywhere the major impact of this is that car companies are going to be making cars away from Democratic party vote banks, in federal electorates where the votes of working class whites are likely to matter.
  2. US gets to sell milk products to Canada. Again, jobs for Republican voters, in federal electorates where Republican votes matter.

This is a major victory for Trump’s infamous hardball deal making style. By smacking Canada hard against the wall, Canada being of all the countries in the world the country worst placed to withstand a trade war with the USA, Trump creates the expectation that you have to do trade deals his way.

Same tactic as Reagan invading Grenada. Smack the monkey to scare the gorilla. (Canada being the monkey, and China the gorilla) Also delightfully humiliates that irritating girly man with the fake eyebrows, which likely gives Trump even more joy than it gives me.