Archive for September, 2017

What women want

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

This is not turning into a pua blog. I studied pua long before there was such a word, or such a community, but what I have learned is not easy to express verbally, and anyway other people are one hell of a lot better at it than I am.

The main thing I have learned is that women are incompetent and wicked at making sexual and romantic choices, and should never have been emancipated.

Also the concept of “consent” is not easily mapped onto the real life sexual and romantic behavior of women, and therefore should not be given legal or moral weight. Short of a full marriage ceremony where vows are made before God and man under parental guidance, it is really difficult to say whether a woman consented or not, and makes little practical difference.

Sometimes I watch chick flicks either for social reasons, or to learn the nature of women. The evidence provided by such movies is useful, because I don’t want to discuss my private life, and if I do discuss my private life my commenters are going to say “but those women are no good skanks. Most girls who go to nice universities don’t behave like that”. The movies on the other hand obviously target the norm, the typical female. They have been focus tested as to what gets their audience panties wet.


The anime romance, “Yona of the Dawn”: (which inspired this post) Love interest number one murders Yona’s father. This gives her the total hots. Love interest number one is about to murder her also. Her response is disturbingly erotic, and seriously lacking inclination towards self preservation. Her father’s dead body is lying around during this scene, but she pays it almost no attention. Love interest number two rescues her. You might suppose that this terminates the romance with love interest number one, but you would be wrong. She has a knack for unrescuing herself.

Now you know why female voters vote to import Mohammedans.

“Mike and Dave need Wedding Dates”. Alpha males with massive preselection fall so in love that they turn into beta bucks friendzoned chumps, and the female protagonist fucks someone else.

“The Wedding Date” Mr Beta bucks is so in love he marries the woman who cuckolded him and who shows every indication that she intends to continue to cuckold him.

I am not cherry picking the worst movies. These are just the last three, except for another that was pretty similar. Disloyalty, infidelity, desire for murderers, self destructiveness, desire for violent evil men, and sexual desire overriding duty to kin, friends, and lovers.

One hundred roses monogamy comes from coercively restraining women from bad behavior, which comes from understanding that women are prone to bad behavior. Without external coercion, we tend to get stuck in defect/defect equilibrium.

The Victorian strategy of persuading women to behave well by ascribing good behavior to women bit the Victorians on the ass badly.

Losing in Afghanistan

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017

To the immense disappointment of his base, and indeed the immense disappoint of the vast majority of American voters left and right, Trump, breaking his election promises, decided to continue war in Afghanistan, while making the war slightly less infested by lawyers, transexuals, and women’s rights activists.

Well, delawyering the war will certainly help, but lawyers are not the core of the problem.

To put the Afghan war in perspective: In 1983 Reagan invaded Grenada, won the war in about the same time as our initial victory in Afghanistan, purged the permanent government very thoroughly, including numerous “non governmental aid organizations”, installed a new government at bayonet point, and left one month after invading. The new right wing government promptly held an election, which produced a very similar right wing government, and since then there has been no trouble in Grenada, and all elections since then have produced similarly Reaganite results, even though all elections before the invasion produced radical left wing results.

Reagan put his foot down for one month, and the place remains quietly Reaganite forever, without an American soldier in sight.

The Afghan war, on the other hand, has been running for sixteen years, and the Afghan government, despite being supposedly democratically elected, is so corrupt and bitterly unpopular that it would collapse overnight without constant violent American support. And this simply shows no sign of changing. Even if we fight a lot more effectively, thanks to delawyering the war, there is still a power vacuum in Afghanistan waiting for the Taliban.

The problem in Afghanistan is not winning the war. We won the war overnight immediately after invading. The problem is, what do you do with victory?

The problem is not that the US army in Afghanistan is infested with State Department agents making marines wear high heeled shoes. The problem is that the government in Afghanistan is infested with State Department agents making schoolgirls put a condom on a banana, who are trying in an ineffectual limp wristed fashion to impose the American state religion in an environment where a hostile and armed opposing religion has deep roots. Further, every Afghan who matters can see that victory for the State Department religion would mean that he probably will not get his dick wet. Communism in Grenada had no roots except the permanent government and the quasi statal NGOs. Purge the permanent government and the NGOs, problem solved. Mohammedanism in Afghanistan has considerably deeper roots.

You need to bring a gun to a gun fight, and a religion to a holy war. The State Department has brought a religion to a holy war, but the problem is that their religion stinks.

How do you win in Afghanistan?

You install a King whose religious practices and official state religion are acceptable to the vast majority of his subjects, which is to say, totally unacceptable to the State Department. You install a conservative Mohammedan King, one who does not think that Mohammedanism, rightly understood, is progressivism. You install a King with a striking resemblance to Dost Mohammad Khan.

The cause of these wars is that the State Department is violating the peace of Westphalia, by imposing our state religion on the entire world.


Monday, September 25th, 2017

Our financial system is corrupt and oppressive. Cryptocurrencies represent an opportunity to route around that system, and make lots of money doing so.

Cryptocurrency is real, and presents the opportunity to make enormous amounts of money. Also, cryptocurrency scams are real, and present the opportunity to lose enormous amounts of money. Like the dot-com bubble in the 90s, you can add the concept of blockchain to just about anything and have a ‘business’ worth millions, no matter how idiotic the original idea. The vast majority of initial coin offerings are investments in businesses that are not providing anyone with any value, have no real customers and no obvious prospect of ever having any real customers.

The successful altcoin will be genuinely decentralized, as bitcoin was designed to be, originally was, and to some extent still is. Most of the altcoins, possibly all of them except the Bitcoins and Ethereum, are furtively centralized.

It will use, or at least offer the option, of Zooko type wallet names, as Bitcoin and Ethereum do.

It will be scalable to enormous numbers of transactions with low transaction costs, as Steemit and Ripple are, but Bitcoin and Ethereum are not.

It will support sidechains, and exchanges will be sidechained.

It will be a blogging and tweeting platform, as Steemit is, and will be a decentralized blogging and tweeting platform, as Steemit is not.

Every website reporting on the altcoin boom and the initial coin offering boom has an incentive to not look too closely at the claimed numbers. Looks to me that only Bitcoin and have substantial numbers of real users making real arms length transactions. Maybe Ethereum and Ripple also. The rest are unlikely to have any significant number of real, arms length, users. The white papers don’t tell you the qualifications of the people running the operation, or what they are going to do, what milestones they hope to reach.

The crypto coin business is full of scammers, and there is no social pressure against scammers, no one wants to look too closely, because a close look would depress the market. There is no real business plan, no very specific or detailed idea of how the coin offering service is going to be of value, how it is going to get from where it is now, to where it is going to usefully be. It is very hard to find out how many real users a crypto currency has, and how much stuff is available denominated in that crypto currency.

Most of the alt currencies are just me-too copies of bitcoin, not adding any substantial value, and/or they cannot scale, and they are deceptive about how centralized and how vulnerable to state attack they are. Nearly all of them are furtively centralized, as Bitcoin never was. They all claim to be decentralized, but when you read the white paper, as with Waves, or observe actual practice, as with Steemit, they are usually completely centralized, and thus completely vulnerable to state pressure, and quite likely state seizure as an unregulated financial product, thus offer no real advantage over conventional financial products. When you buy an initial coin offering, you are usually buying shares, usually non voting shares, in a business with no assets and no income and no clear plan to get where they will have assets and income, as in the dot com boom.

The numbers show that Bitcoin is number one, ethereum number two, ripple number four, and number eighteen, but my wild assed guess is that Bitcoin is number one, steemit number two, ethereum number three. I have absolutely no idea where ripple stands. No one is providing data that would enable us to estimate real, arms length users.

Bitcoin exchanges are banks, and banks naturally become fractional reserve institutions. Bitcoin exchanges are furtively and secretly investing customer deposits, without reporting the resulting term transformation.

Genuinely free market banks, and bitcoin exchanges are genuinely free market banks, have a financial incentive to engage in term transformation – borrow short, lend long. Which is great for everyone until a rainy day comes, rains on everyone, and everyone withdraws their deposits all at the same time, and suddenly all those long term loans cannot be liquidated except at a loss, whereupon the banks exchanges turn to the state, and so begin the transition from a backed currency to a state currency, ceasing to be free market banks.

The trouble with fractional reserve is that free market banks, banks trading in a backed, rather than state, currency, tend to deny, understate and misrepresent the term transformation risk, making them slowly, and often unintentionally, drift into becoming scams. If the reserve fraction is visible to customers, then we could rely on caveat emptor. Right now, however, every bitcoin exchange is drifting into becoming a scam.

We need, and we could easily have but do not have, a system where the amount of bitcoins owed to customers by an exchange is knowable and provable, and the amount of bitcoins owned by an exchange is knowable and provable, so that the reserve fraction is visible, whereupon the exchange would have to provide information about the extent and nature of its term transformation, or else would likely lose customers, or at least would lose large, long term customers. This would involve the decentralized cryptocurrency making each exchange a sidechain operating a centralized cryptocurrency backed by the decentralized cryptocurrency. Which would also help mightily with scaling.

Bitcoin and ethereum is truly decentralized, in that it is a protocol that any entity can use, and that in practice lots of entities do use. If the government grabs some hosts, or some hosts do bad things, they can just be ignored, and the system continues elsewhere. They also use Zooko type identities, which in practice means your wallet name looks like line noise. This is outstandingly user hostile, and a reason so many people use exchanges, but it provides the core of resistance to state power.

Unfortunately, Bitcoin and Ethereum face scaling limits. Maybe ethereum will fix its scaling limits. Bitcoin does not seem to be fixing them. This makes Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions inherently expensive, which is likely to prevent them from replacing the corrupt and oppressive US government controlled financial system. has a far superior design which does not result in scaling limits – although we have yet to see how its witness election system will perform at scale – as the system scales, money holders have less incentive to vote, less incentive to vote responsibly, and voting will inherently cost more. is also highly centralized. The altcoin that will win will be the one needs to be scalable all the way to Visa and Mastercard levels, and needs to be visibly decentralized, visibly resistant to state seizure, and needs to have a mechanism that makes the fractional reserves of exchanges visible to exchange users.

Bitcoin was genuinely decentralized from the beginning, and over time became more centralized. Big exchanges and a small number of big miners are on the path to inadvertently turning it into another branch of the oppressive and corrupt government fiat money system.

The new altcoin offering are for the most part not genuinely decentralized. They have a plan for becoming genuinely decentralized some time in the future, but the will and ability to carry the plan through has not been demonstrated.

I like the steemit design. The witness system is scalable, the witness election system has problems which may be fixable, or may be inherent.

But I have a suspicion that investing in steemit is only going to profit whoever owns, not the owners of steemit currency.

According to Steemit documentation, it looks like a well designed cryptocurrency that deserves to replace Bitcoin, because it is more scalable, more user friendly, and more immediately usable.

Well, that is what it looks like. Except its front end is the website, and any one website can easily be seized by the feds. If actually decentralized, it should be a bunch of websites using a common crypto currency and a common identity system,

Remember usenet: A common protocol, and an internal name system. The particular host through which you accessed it did not matter all that much, because all hosts had to behave much the same. Steemit should be something like usenet with money, and it is not.

The way usenet worked, anyone (meaning anyone’s computer and his client program) could join as a client by having an agreement with a host, and anyone (meaning anyone’s powerful and well connected computer system) could join as a host by having an agreement with a few existing members.

A successful altcoin needs to be a blogging platform like Steemit, but it also needs to be a federation, like Usenet or Mastodon. Many of the blogs will be offering goods or services for cryptocurrency.

Then one could be more sure that success of the federation currency would benefit owners of the currency, rather than owners of a single central website.

Needs to be Mastodon with the ability to support a blog like post, and like Steemit, and unlike Mastodon, to send and receive money. is with the ability to send and receive money.

Bitcoin has a decentralized name system, rooted in Zooko style names that are not human intelligible. Its resistance to state power comes partly from the fact that there are several miners and anyone can be a miner, and partly from its decentralized name system.

Steemit has a communication and blogging system. But if I hold steemit currency, connects that to my phone number, which the government connects to my true name. All that handy dandy data that the government would like all in one place that you can serve a warrant on or mount a raid on. Or just sell for profit.

Need a decentralized communication, identity, name, and blogging system, unlike’s centralized communication and blogging system, and a name system that is resistant to government intervention and control, like Bitcoin’s name system. Thus the blogs offering goods and services for crypto currency will be resistant to regulation or seizure by the state. When a ruler meddles as much as our state does, he gives dangerously great power to those dangerously close to him. The regulatory state inevitably drifts into anarcho tyranny, or, like Venezuela, into violent and chaotic anarchy.

But we also want human readable names. How can we square Zooko’s triangle? (As Aaron Schwarz famously asked, and then infamously gave a very stupid answer.) I will give my answer as to how a crypto currency can square Zooko’s triangle in a following post. (The answer being, much as namecoin does it.)

Chicks dig jerks

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

This is not going to turn into a game blog. Other men are much better at game than I am. I know, because I have seen them in action. On the other hand, I am not just an average f#@#!g chump. I clearly score more than the average f#@#!g chump, and fat and in my sixties I still score more than the average f#@#!g chump, though back when I was very fat, not so much.

I know a man half my age who was a male model and is a lot richer than I am. Girls stop and turn their heads when he walks through the mall. If he stands still, cute girls appear from nowhere and start conversations with him. But then nothing happens. Money and looks gets your foot in the door, but it does not get you laid. His problem is that he is far too nice.

Now a lot of readers of this blog seem to believe that nice, upper class girls, the girls that come from intact families, go to good universities and have supportive upper class fathers are not like that. Being a nice guy will, they think, get you a nice girl.


The girl who started fucking at nine years old, jumped aboard more cocks than merry go round rides, mostly the cocks of criminals, and is still unmarried at thirty five because she is incapable of bonding with any man, is the girl who whose doting intact family spent a shitload of money getting her a good law degree from a good university. And this is precisely what evolutionary theory predicts. It is precisely the girl with the good family and a loving father who is disinclined to have sex with the nice guy. Nice guys have a way better shot with girls whose fathers have died or abandoned them. I have tried nice, and I have tried being an asshole, and nice gets mostly gold diggers and a few fatherless girls.

If you want a nice girl, be the bad man. The only society where nice guys get the girl is the society where the patriarch does not allow any non related males near his daughter except the man he has already decided will marry her. (And in such a society she will agree to marry him, because she wants to climb aboard the first plausibly high status cock that she meets, and her Dad treats him as high status and forces her to treat him as high status.) Ballroom dancing is pretty much a ritual to make the males look high status to the girls, so back in the day the system was a girl had a dance card filled out by her father, and was compelled to dance with everyone on the dance card, and be polite and respectful to him, and forbidden to dance with anyone not on the dance card.

But in a society where you can meet chicks without asking their dad to put you on their ballroom dance card, you need to treat chicks like dirt. And you especially need to treat them like trash if you want chicks from intact families who don’t have a number larger than your own.

One of my commenters told me that if I was dating much younger women, I was dating gold diggers. Yes, I have dated gold diggers, lots of gold diggers. But the trouble with gold diggers is that they want the gold, they don’t want to lay me. If I want to lay women, I get far better luck not giving them any gold, at least not until they have been having sex with me for a while without any indication of fidelity or financial support. I would be happy to date gold diggers if I got laid that way, but I don’t get laid that way – OK, I did get laid by one gold digger, but it was part of a plot to commit paternity fraud. Beta provider game just does not work. I know, because I have tried it extensively. You need a little bit of beta provider game, but it has to be part of asshole game, and you don’t turn on the beta provider game until after asshole game has succeeded. The chick needs to think that by laying you, serving you, and obeying you, then she reveals the soft nice guy inside your harsh exterior. Early niceness will lose the chick. Similarly, when you catch a fish, got to give it a hard jerk to set the hook. You let it run only after it is well and truly hooked. There comes a time in the relationship when you need to give her some beta provider game, or else you will lose her. But if you give her beta provider game too soon, too easily, or too much, you will also lose her, to someone who is a much bigger asshole than you are.

If you want a society where men act well, you need a society where men that act well get laid. Thus for civilization, must have patriarchy, and that patriarchy will be very forcefully resisted by women howling for their demon lover, and has to be very forcefully imposed on those women.

How forcefully? Well, England before 1810 or so was fairly successful at keeping women in line, and frequently deployed methods that would make the Taliban blush, methods that horrified the Victorians. We need to copy eighteenth century England, eighteenth century Virginia, and early nineteenth century Australia. The Old Testament gave women a legal status similar to that of modern day pets, and eighteenth century England was only marginally more progressive than Old Testament Israel. And to the extent that it was marginally more progressive than old Testament Israel, I would argue that this was a big mistake that led to the disaster we now suffer.

Giving women legal status similar to that of pets would have two effects: It would reward civilized behavior, and it would raise fertility to Timor Leste levels. Now some of my commenters are worried about white fertility. If whites were reproducing at Timor Leste levels, pretty soon we would need to conquer inferior races, take their land, and restrain them from reproducing. Oh the horror. Which reasoning seems scarcely different from the proposition that Europeans should restrain their reproduction so that we can benevolently rescue four billion African refugees over the next forty years.

The swerve left

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

We are ruled by a government that hates us and wants to destroy us, and tells us we hate ourselves and wish to destroy ourselves, and I suppose most people will believe this. But it is not true, and the last election proved it was not true.

In the recent election, the public voted to end Obamacare, build a wall, stop immigration, stop white replacement, the abolition of white jobs, and to rebuild infrastructure. But permanent government policy against legacy Americans on all these matters has in fact escalated.

If Obamacare is not repealed, the wall is not built, mass migration continues, and our infrastructure continues to deteriorate, America is not a democracy.

Damore and Charlottesville reflects a swerve left. The Charlottesville protest was a reaction to accelerated erasure of white history, and then followed accelerated left wing violence against rightists.

And this swerve left has swerved the Trump white house left. Trump is the only Trumpist left in the Whitehouse. Trump is tired and weak, and is acting like a lame duck. He has allowed himself to be surrounded with people who are fundamentally hostile to him. He has been put inside a bubble of unreality where mass low IQ replacement immigration is popular, the dreamers are popular, the wall is unpopular, rebuilding infrastructure is unpopular, Obamacare is popular and virtuous, never ending wars to make conservative Mohammedans into progs are popular and virtuous, and so on and so forth, a bubble where he is a bad person, a low status person, and his natural inclinations are gross, wicked, and depraved. They are gaslighting him. Alinsky 101: socially isolate the target.

Having one Trumpist in the White House is still something. He went through the motions of trying to overthrow Syria, while quietly letting Syria be Syria. We thought he cucked out when he bombed Syria in February, but in the end, Trump prevailed despite officially cucking out and bombing Syria. He seemingly yielded, but in the end, it was Trump playing 4D Chess.

Rather than looking at the complicated details of DACA, the wall, miscellaneous wars, Charlottesville, Google, domain name seizures, and lawless exercise of executive authority by judges, all of which may be interpreted as collapse of will by Trump, 4D chess by Trump, or the Permanent Government cheerfully going its merry way paying absolutely no attention to the mere president, we need to step back and view current events in the context of the last thousand years.

What tends to happen is that when you have a permanent government that is incohesive, it suffers a holiness spiral, as each little conspiracy in the government tries to outflank all the other little conspiracies, taking advantage of no friends to the right, no enemies to the left. And so the Tsar was forced to hold elections and cede power to elected officials, because his bureaucratic apparatus wante legitimacy for stuff that was lefter than could plausibly be blamed on the Czar. Then the Kadets seized power, intending and expecting to institute a constitutional monarchy. Then the socialists seized power and removed the monarchy, but found it difficult to support their democratic credentials because the people were not in fact ready for socialism and not in fact ready to lose the monarchy, then the communists seized power, and then there were internal power struggles within the communist party.

Grenada has a similar story. What happens is that movement left is made in the name of the people, but inevitably the permanent government moves left faster than the people do, so its democratic credentials become less and less credible, and the government increasingly lies about representing the will of the people, and crushes anyone who calls out the lie.

And right now the policies that are in fact being implemented have no plausible democratic credentials, despite ever louder proclamations to the contrary.

We are not in the run up to open left wing dictatorship, because left wing dictatorship is never open. Mao and the rest claimed to be the will of the people, and I am sure the vast majority of Chinese, North Koreans, and so forth believe that leftism was the will of the people. But we are in the situation where the lie becomes more obvious, and is therefore enforced more coercively.

This is a rerun of the Russian “Revolution”, the French “Revolution”, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, communism in Grenada, and many others like it. You need to step back from the details of Trumpists being exiled from the Trump government and look at current events from the thousand year view.

Maybe Trump will reluctantly go along with this, maybe he will be overthrown and killed. It looks less and less likely that he will prevail, though he prevailed on Syria.

If Obamacare is not repealed, the wall is not built, mass migration continues, and our infrastructure continues to deteriorate, America is not a democracy. We are now retreading the path the socialists took in Russia and Grenada, with a merely elected government unable to deliver legitimacy to the ever lefter actions of the Permanent Government. In America today, the mere president cannot supply legitimacy to the mighty power of the Presidency. As in Grenada 1979 and Russia 1916, the permanent government is too far left to obtain legitimacy from elections.

We are ruled by a government that hates us and wants to destroy us, and tells us we hate ourselves and wish to destroy ourselves, and I suppose most people will believe this. But it is not true, and the last election proved it was not true.

The natural limits of monarchy.

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Throughout history, the normal and usual form of government has been monarchy. Republics and such have been rare aberrations that have usually ended disastrously. The neoreactionary position is that nothing very much has changed. Our republic is decadent, corrupt, disunited, and lawless. It suffers from anarcho tyranny and lack of asabiyyah. Pretty much like most republics before they collapse to Ceasarism, external enemies, or internal disorder.

The neoreactionary position then is that we will be in monarchy soon enough, one way or another way, and the problem then is to make the transition go relatively smoothly, and the monarchy adequately functional.

Kings are usually theoretically absolute, and if they are not supposedly absolute, if they are not the final judge, the final legislator, if they cannot appoint judges that please them and fire judges that displease them, then problems ensue.

But government that is actually absolute, rather than merely formally absolute, works poorly. Mortals cannot really exercise that much power.

The Patriarch is not the ruler of his family because the King makes him so, rather the King is ruler of the state because the patriarch is ruler of his family.

And similarly, the King owns the state because the farmer owns his garden. The farmer does not own his garden because the King grants him title.

And if the King develops overly grandiose ideas, he find himself dangerously dependent on a dangerously powerful bureaucracy or aristocracy.

Taking power from the father, the businessman, and the landowner, does not grant that power to the King. It grants it to dangerously powerful people dangerously close to the King.

Which is how the Romanovs died.

Therefore, the wise King needs to let society run itself as far as possible, applying state power only in exceptional cases, when there are large scale organized challenges to state, society, legitimacy, property, the status of the King, and law.

We are vastly wiser than our ancestors in matters of technology, and the biggest break through was the limited liability company and double entry accounting. While the limited liability company is a disaster for banking and insurance, because of the obvious moral hazard, which results in banking and insurance companies becoming quasi govermental, becoming defacto socialist, the limited liability company and double entry accounting made possible Rand’s heroic scientist engineer ceo, who mobilizes other people’s capital and organizes other people’s labor to advance technology, and make those improvements in technology widely available. We first see technological advance mediated by limited liability companies, we first see Rand’s hero scientist engineer CEO, immediately after the restoration of Charles the Second.

But today, this social technolgy, fundamental to the triumph of white civilization, is being undone by an ever more lawless and intrusive government, by anarcho tyranny. HR is socialism, a branch of the state intruded into every limited liability company and standing between the entrepeneur and his employees, and Sarbannes Oxley is making accounting into the same kind of thing, a branch of the socialist state intruded into every limited liability company and standing between the entrepeneur and his investors, remaking every business into the kind of quasi state thing that banking and insurance already is.

Technology, and the limited liability company that made technology widely available, are real progress, but when it comes to morals and government, no progress is apparent. After two thousand years of failure, people are still trying socialism, figuring it will be different this time.

Looks to me that the no coveting commandment was a reaction to late Bronze age Egyptian socialism and counter measure against it, and “Proverbs” (the famous wisdom of Solomon) a reaction to and counter measure against legalism and bureaucracy.

So, since then, regress in the fields of morality and governance. Since we are evidently no wiser about socialism, bureaucracy, and absolutism, it is unlikely that the old pattern, where monarchy was the norm, and Republics dangerous and short lived, will change.


Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

I play a wealthy vain narcissistic playboy sadistic violent criminal adventurer asshole in front of women. A confrontational bully. It works. What else can one do if one wants to get laid?

But the character I play is not the man that that builds or maintains civilizations. It is the man that is high status in a world of female dominance, where women are more equal than men. It is not the man who should be high status, not the man that a civilization needs to make high status in order for that civilization to succeed.

Unguided, unsupervised, and unrestrained female choice rewards male bad behavior.

But recognizing that this is the man that women want is a good corrective to what progs teach men to be. That man is a lot closer to the man that builds civilization than the emasculated man.

As civilization falls apart, likely we can only attain Pauline masculinity by going through Viking masculinity and out the other side. A world of female sexual choice is a world that is likely to be conquered by men practicing Viking masculinity, for its cuckolded males will not defend it, neither will its playboy males watching the decline from the poolside defend it, hence the female preference for that kind of masculinity.

Not agreement capable

Friday, September 8th, 2017

When the Russians were dealing with President Gay Caffè Latte, they complained the US was “not agreement capable”. They would make an agreement with one branch of the US government, and few hours later another branch of the US government would sabotage the agreement by blowing stuff up.

I have been trying to figure out US government policy on Libya. Some time ago the US color revolutioned the place, but somehow power did not fall into the hands of the Interim Transitional National Council, the collection of quarreling rootless cosmopolitan NGO employees that the US proclaimed were the new government.

So the US launched fourteen thousand bomber strikes, each strike dropping thirty tones of explosives, mostly on civilians, murdering about thirty thousand people, but somehow still power did not fall into the hands of the collection of quarreling rootless cosmopolitan NGO employees that the US proclaimed were the new government.

So the US government successfully had Gaddafi murdered, and somehow still power did not fall into the hands of the collection of quarreling rootless cosmopolitan NGO employees that the US proclaimed were the new government.

Then Benghazi happened, and the US government could not agree on what had happened, what was going to happen, or how they were going to deal with it. They do not know who is in power in Libya, cannot agree who should be in power. Whoever is in power (and I am pretty sure that whomever the coastguard answers to is in power) the US Government is simultaneously at war with them and at peace with them. Or rather some elements of the Permanent US Government are at war, and some elements are at peace.

President Gay Caffè Latte is no longer president. President Trump is president. The Permanent United States Government is in open revolt against him. But, as is evident from its current Libyan policy, the Permanent United States Government lacks a single leader, or even a united and disciplined politburo. The revolt by the Permanent Government against the merely elected government is leaderless, confused, and chaotic.

It is a truism on the alt right that there are only three independent governments in the world, China, Russia, and the US. Well, maybe five now, North Korea and Libya having become independent. North Korea because it is acquiring nuclear missiles, Libya because all the high value targets have already been blown up or murdered.

That Libya looks independent tells us that US government is weak and incohesive. There is no strong reason why the US empire does not collapse tomorrow, the way the Soviet empire did. People are rightly worried that if they revolt, then when the empire gets its act together, it will exact terrible and bloody revenge, but it has been a while, and the empire is not yet getting its act together.

Charlottesville was a disaster, and the response of the neoreaction to the rest of the alt right was:

“We told you so, frontal attack on the Permanent Government has always failed disastrously, purported rebels are always tools of the powerful. We should give up on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, which are in practice only for those backed by state power.”

Which is true:

And also:

“The Permanent Government is invincibly strong, therefore frontal attack on the Permanent Government will always fail disastrously.”

Which is not at all true when the Permanent government is spectacularly incohesive.

Obviously if you hope to defeat the Permanent Government, you don’t bring Nazi symbols, because to your enemy, that means “The guys who lost last time”. And you need a better cause than the erasure and demonization of our past. These guys have been erasing and demonizing our past since 1830 or so. Pretty soon not only will Washington and Jefferson vanish down the memory hole, but even Newton and Darwin will be remembered only for raping their slaves, whom they personally abducted from Africa. And reliable electricity and affordable air conditioning will be equated with the Love Canal and Exxon oil spill. Global warming will be caused by demons unleashed by white people. (What do I mean “will be”? It already is. Mainstream science accounts of Global Warming no longer seriously pretend to be scientific.)

And freedom of speech and freedom of assembly is not a useful cause. You are fighting on your enemy’s turf. Freedom of speech is for them, not us. Any disagreement by anyone anywhere constitutes an attack on their freedom of speech. That is what freedom of speech and freedom of religion means. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion means that businesses get shut down, as Sweet Cakes and the Bank of Beverly Hills was, if they permit their employees to show insufficient piety towards the state religion. That is what it has meant ever since the War of Northern Aggression. This really is not new. And before the war of Northern Aggression, it only meant that the federal government could not enforce a state religion. The individual states could and did enforce their particular state religions, and the war of Northern Aggression was fought to bring them all into line, to all enforce one single religion upon all.

But because our enemy is incohesive, they are bound to do something spectacularly stupid and wicked sooner or later. Maybe they will arrest or attempt to arrest Trump and his family prematurely, though somewhat to my surprise they have not attempted to arrest him yet. Maybe they will go to the mat on resisting the building of the wall, a color revolution against Trump over the wall. If a color revolution can fail in Syria and Libya, it can fail in the USA, though quite possibly with levels of violence more severe than in Syria or Libya. And because those stupid things have been foreseen, discussed and warned against, quite likely it will be some entirely unexpected and unforeseen stupid thing.

I am not predicting that the balloon goes up next month, though quite possibly it could. I still predict 2026, but the way the left singularity has been accelerating, next month is within the bounds of possibility. They could snatch President Trump tomorrow, and likely we would be in civil war the day after. It daily becomes less accurate to model our opponent as a single rational self interested being with a single will. In retrospect it is apparent that our opponents lost cohesion under President Gay Caffè Latte, and far from regaining cohesion, are continuing to lose cohesion. Power is about to fall into the street to wait for someone to pick it up. There is a lot of ruin in a nation, and this could well go on for a decade or so before the balloon goes up, but we are seeing a lot of ruin. The most likely scenario is internal and external collapse happening roughly simultaneously, escalating into roughly simultaneous internal and external war. The external collapse is foreshadowed by Syria, Libya, and North Korea, internal collapse foreshadowed by the election of Trump in the face of Permanent Government opposition.

If the Permanent Government dealt with weakness and disunity by temporarily moderating its external position and external demands while it sorted out its internal problems, it would have no problems, but disunity means it cannot rationally address weakness. Instead it responds to its own weakness by escalation. That does not necessarily mean war and collapse next month, but if the trend continues, means war and collapse sooner or later.

The election of Trump shows that the Permanent Government is just not all that strong internally. Libya and Syria show it is just not all that strong externally. And it reacts to these demonstrations of weakness by uncontrollably sliding into positions more extreme and aggressive. The wind has been blowing this way for some time, and continues to blow this way.

Jewish overrepresentation among badly behaved elites.

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

When whites are driven out of affluent middle class areas which then become terrifying run down burned out urban jungles, it is not Jews that they are fleeing.

The inner city used to be where the affluent, the rich, and the upwardly mobile lived. It is not Jews that destroyed the inner city, Detroit, Ferguson, and are now destroying Chicago.

Female bad behavior comes from desire to fuck taciturn narcissistic assholes, starting at age eight or nine. If it was Jewish influence, they would want to fuck neurotic talkative dweebs resembling Woody Allen. Margaret Mead fucked people of both sexes and numerous races, but did not fuck Franz Boas.

Blaming Jews is yet another good news religion, because it is easy to gas the Jews, but considerably more difficult, and more disturbing, to keep women under loc parentis supervision from eight to menopause. So the program of restoring civilization sounds a lot easier if all you have to do to get things back on track is gas the Jews.

If we blame the Enlightenment, in particular and especially the extravagantly absurd claim that all men are created equal, if we blame blacks, single women, and the holiness spiral, then it looks like a harder problem, that requires us to do things that are inherently unpopular and unholy, whereas exterminating a market dominant minority is always popular, and you can very easily get away with representing it as holy. Jews are a market dominant minority, and we whites are about to become a market dominant minority.

People who hope to win an election with a universal franchise have to blame the Jews, or else blame whites in general. You cannot shut down a holiness spiral in a democracy except with another holiness spiral.

Muslims in Europe and America are very close to successfully representing gassing the Jews as holy, and shortly thereafter will go to work on similar representation of whites.

Notice eager Jewish collaboration in Muslim efforts to represent gassing the Jews as holy. This falsifies the doctrine that Jewish misbehavior is collectively rational behavior that advances the interests of “the Jews”.

I have often said that going after the Jews is goring the matador’s cape, rather than goring the matador. You have to shut down the holiness spiral itself, rather than a category of people that contains a disturbingly large proportion of exceptionally enthusiastic demon worshipers.

Shutting down the holiness spiral requires something like an inquisition. We don’t need to burn people at the stake, though Charles the second did need to burn a few people at the stake, in particular one alarmingly and excessively holy female heretic, whose holiness was inconveniently and irritatingly genuine, and whose Unitarian Christian derived belief system was alarmingly twenty first century. But mostly what Charles the second did was fire everyone in state and quasi state jobs, and invite them to re-apply for their old jobs. In the job interview, the applicant was asked whether he would “conform” – conform to the new standard of moderate holiness, which prohibited excessive holiness in general, and the old form of holiness in particular. If one declined to say he would conform, he did not get burned at the stake – but neither did he get his old job back. Many who declined to conform departed under their own power to New England. A few said they would conform, got their old jobs back, but then engaged in apostacy, and those ones Charles came down on pretty hard, but usually they got ridiculed and their careers got ruined, rather than burned at the stake. Looks to me that only one genuinely sincere and genuinely holy heretic got burned at the stake by Charles the Second, and all the others that were burned were two faced slimy lying hypocrites, and that most of the apostates just got laughed at and their careers stalled, rather than burned at the stake, or even fired. But you really do need to sometimes take firm measures against stubborn and excessively ostentatious holiness.

The problem with Jews is that they are a market dominant minority with a strong identity. Being a market dominant minority with a strong identity they are particularly subject to potential persecution, plus, in even in the absence of actual persecution, they still have an extremely strong persecution mythos, which makes them paranoid and hostile. Since one is going to get treated as a persecutor no matter what, one feels inclined to actually persecute them.

Jews are are inclined to attack the fabric of the host society, because when it’s strong it attacks them, and when it’s weak it lays off. The fabric of society is essentially everything “fascist”, so they are naturally anti-fascist insofar as they identify as jewish. Obviously this pattern has been reinforced. The reform jews most so because they are actually trying to integrate, which they can’t if everyone is Nordic Catholic “Fascists”.

When they engage in a holiness spiral, they don’t have any personal attachment to the things that their utopian schemes will destroy, or any concern about the reasons it won’t work. Whereas a white man would say “what about my job, family, community, ancestors, people, church, business”, your typical academic jew would say “Certain elements of the bourgeois will feel the move to equality as oppression (and I never liked those dumb goyim anyways)”.

Their talents make them useful to short-sighted elites, which puts them in the position of High, but with more mobility, more of a mobile bandit; they can always go elsewhere and feel just as at home. In addition to the insecurity they feel as a persecuted minority, they are naturally aligned with High which has in our recent history been engaged in destructive anti-fascism.

Their talents further mean that they are quite good at the subversion, which, lacking attachment to their host society, they naturally get into.

But the problem is not Jewish participation in subversion, it is that subversion is profitable, respected, and rewarded. Make it unprofitable, despised, and dangerous, and there will not be a Jew in sight.

Civilization is the art of people living together in large numbers: The basic problems of civilization are shutting down violence, ensuring that men and women agree to stick together for richer or poorer, or better or worse, and are forced to stick by that agreement, and securing property rights. Leftism is an attack on all of these, leftism is siding with the forces of entropy for political advantage, and Nazism is just leftism that has been left behind by a hundred years of movement even further left. “Fascism” is freedom, freedom is made possible by law, law is made possible by first establishing order, order is made possible by peace, peace first require victory, and victory requires war. Leftism reverses this chain of causation and moves us back towards the war of all against all. Leftism weaponizes covetousness and envy to attack property rights and female sexual lust to attack marriage. Single women, rather than Jews, vote for the mass import of rapeugees, because unconsciously they hope to be sold naked in chains on the auction block.

Observe what is happening with the Rohingya. The Rohingya correctly believe that a good Muslim should live under Muslim rule, and that a Muslim should establish Muslim rule wherever he lives. They attempted to establish a Muslim state in Burma, the Burmese were not having any, and are now expelling them. The expelled Rohingya don’t want to go to the USA. They want to go to a Muslim state, but Islamic states fear that if they accept the Rohingya, the Rohingya will decide that their hosts are insufficiently Islamic, or the wrong kind of Islamic. The US government wants them, wants to dump the on marginal electorates in flyover country, and you really cannot blame the Jews for this. You cannot blame the Rohingya for this. They don’t want to go to an infidel state. It is single female lust for men manly enough to subjugate them. If a bunch of east europeans were fleeing some place, I bet the PUAs would be keen on bringing them here.

Holiness and corporate performance.

Friday, September 1st, 2017

Notoriously, corporations that are Social Justice converged behave in ways that are not only evil, but self destructive, leading to loss of shareholder value.

It is difficult to objectively assess social justice convergence, but we can expect it to have a pretty good correlation with the company’s business model – a green energy company is going to be full of social justice warriors, and receive lots of investment from fund managers who are trying to earn brownie points from the government, rather than brownie points from investors, whereas a gun company is probably trying to make good money by making good guns.

“Watts Up With That” recently did a ten year comparison of such companies, and found that over ten years, holiness investing lost nearly all your money, while sinfulness investing doubled your money.

Twelve years ago, holiness investing consisted largely in investing in providing mortgages for single women, Hispanics, and blacks. And all that money disappeared also.

However, while holiness investing is terrible for investors, it works extremely well for management, as for example Jon Corzine, the world’s most regulated and regulating financier, who without informing his customers proceeded to use their funds to rescue Greece.

Jon Corzine’s customers were eventually paid back by burning JP Morgan, illustrating that when you do business with progs, someone gets burned. The short of it was that various financial entities who were improperly paid with money belonging to Jon Corzine’s customers had to give it back, so that they are out of the money, they got burned, yet somehow Jon Corzine is still smelling of roses.

Corporations that go left tend to disappear or get hollowed out, unless they have some kind of state protected monopoly.