Satan is a troll

Are demons real?

The answer is yes, they are real, just like angels and ghosts and chakras and whatnot. That is to say, they are real if you think they are real.

For example, I don’t know if Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta participate in dark rituals with pentagrams and black robes and child murder. I just don’t know. But I know they’re evil, so if people shout ‘pizzagate!’ and ‘demons!’ at them, I’m like: ‘eh, why not.’ Such categories help people to make sense of the world, and at any rate, calling Hillary a demon is much closer to the truth than calling her an inspiration for women.

The same goes with all kinds of metaphysical entities that supposedly manifest on earth. Mostly women love imagining such entities; the ghost of a grandfather watching over her, the energy of a stone guarding her, that sort of thing. Do they exist? Yes, they exist in the mind of the person that thinks they are real.

Alf you’re pulling my leg, why won’t you say out loud that just because a person says it’s real it does not mean it is real.

OK I’ll say it: just because a person thinks something is real does not mean it is real. That 30$ green ruby a woman bought during a Positive Energy Workshop is likely to bring her as much good as a pebble from her garden. But my point is: why bother? Symbols and spirits help us understand the world. They give us a feeling of belonging. Let them. There is no point in making a fuss about the unfalsifiable; better restrict ourselves to the falsifiable.

The problem is not a woman buying a 30$ green ruby because Positive Energy, it is the woman buying a 30$ green ruby because it reminds her of the alpha salesman who made her feel things her husband never did.

The belief in the unfalsifiable is not the problem, the belief in something unfalsifiable outranking the husband is the problem. The solution is simple: back up all symbols with the strongest symbol of all: God. As long as God is the husband’s alpha, and through God the husband is in charge, symbolism will always and inexplicably work out in the husband’s favor.

But if God is the strongest symbol of all, what does that make of Satan?

Well, Satan is, more than he would like to admit, God’s bitch. Yes, evil exists, and yes, it will exist as long as good exists, but humanity is not evil. We are incapable of being evil as a race, for if we were, we’d have to commit mass suicide. We don’t, we in fact feel bad for those who do commit suicide, so we are not evil. It really is that simple.

This leads us to conclude that those who do say we are evil, you know, the type of people who constantly drone on about ‘uhhh we’re destroying the planet ohmygod we are a virus on mother nature when will our tyranny end’ are themselves evil. They deny us our purpose and they lie to us that we are evil for being who we are. Nonsense. If you believe we are evil just for who we are, be consistent and commit suicide.

Evil is mostly a cruel joke, something that from a distance is entirely logical yet stupid, but from up close may seem all-consuming. Evil is a troll that cannot help but shoot itself in the foot during its trolling. Take for instance this Satanist’s church meme on how to treat women:

It’s more accurate to say that the bible says a woman can be married to her rapist, which is entirely sensible, because women alarmingly often put themselves in situations where rape is just bound to happen.

But most salient is of course the Satanic bible’s command on treating women: do not make reciprocated sexual advances. Isn’t that funny. It’s the kind of advice a boomer dad would give you nowadays. It’s also entirely wrong. The mating process predates words and is hard to explain verbally, but it certainly does not boil down to making sexual advances only when they are reciprocated, unless you want to have sex exclusively with whores, who are the only types of women to never play coy.

My point is this: it’s not primary followers of God that are hurt by Satan’s tricks. It’s followers of Satan. Satan cannot help himself: he trolls everyone, everywhere, and those that actually take his advice serious are bound to be trolled the most.

I am thus always consoled by the fact that those high in the progressive hierarchy will similarly be trolled by their own evil beliefs. It is impossible to strike a bargain with the devil without paying an unforeseen large prize for it.

In this sense, there is a lot of justice in the world.

Jimianity FAQ

So, you’ve made the decision to convert to Jimianity. Congratulations! A wise choice indeed. 

You may notice our dire lack of infrastructure, which is only slightly unusual for a budding religion. Unfortunately, every formal Christian institution has long been killed and skinned and is now inhabited by our enemies. So for now, we have resorted ourselves to the anonymous internet. We wish the situation were different too. Anyway. I’m sure you have lots of questions. Let’s see if we can answer some of them.

What do I do now that I’m a Jimian?
Not all too much differently. Think of Jimianity as playing a game. The game is called: ‘what would Jim have said about this?’ If Jim would have agreed, it is probably a good thing. If Jim would have disagreed, probably a bad thing. So, in all of life’s endeavors, ask yourself: what would Jim have said about this? Since Jim writes in an unambiguous manner, it should not be too hard to figure out Jim’s stance on the matter and it should also not be too hard to solve disputes with the help of Jim’s stance on the matter.

How do I use Jimianity to get ahead in life?
Naturally we want you to get ahead in life, because we want our allies to prosper. Our eventual goal is for our (that includes your) grandchildren to conquer the universe, but we are perfectly fine with our own (that includes yours) prosperity as a short-term goal. Jimianity is designed to get you ahead in life, in fact it is our single most effective selling point. No matter your problems, whether with women, with friends, with work, with property, with family… Everything serious in your life that you struggle with, everything on which you cannot find anyone to give you truthful advice, Jimianity provides. Jimianity gives its followers purpose, and the means to achieve that purpose.

Where do I find allies?
You likely have more allies than you think, even if few of them dare to say it out loud. Remember, not everyone has to agree with everything you say! For instance, many men willfully blind themselves to the dark nature of women and may thus be outraged when you suggest it is at times necessary to hit a woman. But, you will find that the next time their woman picks a fight with them and they have the urge to raise their hand, suddenly what you said does not sound so strange anymore, and suddenly they are not so ashamed of their urges anymore.

You will find your most natural allies among white men with children. These men, by nature of their position, think in terms of long-term cooperation, and Jimianity is the most cooperative religion around. Otherwise your natural allies are happy people.

You also have natural enemies. Bitter spinster cat ladies for example. Do not let their hatred bring you down; we are the religion of the strong, they are of the weak. They hate you because you are happy and they are not. They hate you because they fear you. Show them they have nothing to fear: show them it is safe to submit to you, that you care for them as well. This is our most powerful weapon.

How do I spread the Word of Jim?
How do you normally convince people? Just do that.

If you are bad at convincing people, I will add that people are best convinced by action, not by words. If in your action you are a successful man, and you attribute large part of that success to Jimianity, you will be more successful than any man who in action achieves nothing but talks about Jimianity all day. So, instead of telling other people how they’re wrong, show them how you’re right by making Jimianity work for you. Trust in Jimianity to make you prosper, trust in other people’s refusal to listen to bite them in the ankles. Remember, not even the richest man in the world is safe from the consequences of refusing to listen.

Hi I’m an entryist am I welcome too?
Ah, good to hear from you as well. An entryist, for those who don’t, has many names: parasite, leftist, infiltrator, leech to name just a few.

It is inevitable that a significant minority of new Jimians are entryists, and there will be only be more as Jimianity gains momentum. Entryists are attracted to power like moths to a light. An entryist, instead of building his own castle, infiltrates other castles and co-opts them. He will then kill the old guard and wear their skin as if it were his. This it is what entryists have done to Christianity, Western governments and many formerly beloved institutions. So, dear entryist, my answer is simple: no, you are not welcome.

Of course, this will not stop you from trying anyway. It is in your nature to try anyway. I do not blame you. This is after all the classic battle of the ages, the battle between creators and destroyers: we try to build a castle, you try to infiltrate it and destroy it from the inside. You must give us time to build a glorious and magnificent castle! I’m sure we will succeed, and only then, in a long time from now, will you no doubt eventually succeed in knocking it down. After which we will build a new castle, and the game can begin anew.

But I’m not an entryist!
Is exactly what an entryist would say. Show and don’t tell us that you can be trusted, and let us be the judge of it.

The Religious Gold Rush

Conventional wisdom is that we have passed the Age of Religion.

Moldbug revealed conventional wisdom to be a lie. The cooperative benefits of religion are still very relevant. So relevant in fact that today we are still ruled by a religion: Progressivism.

Progressivism is a leftist religion, meaning an inherently unstable one. It will come apart, is already coming apart in front of our own eyes.

We seem overdue for a rightist religion.

But whatever the kind of religions we shall see, our conclusion is that you cannot do without it. A shared identity among thousands, nay millions of men is simply too effective. Band together in a religion, crush the enemy.

The irony is of course that our current religion explicitly denies being a religion and denounces all other religions as ‘religious therefore bad’. But in the age of free internet, the lies have been debunked and the truth has come out. A new religion is inevitable.

So we’ve decided that we need a religion. Which one? Before we get into that, two points.

First, the best religions are organized around God. God is the easiest rallying point: everyone can believe in God! Seriously, even the most staunch atheists can think of a definition to prove the existence of God. It’s really not that hard. For instance: God is everything outside the universe. Good no? I just made that up.

Since the proof of God is so easy, it is less important than people think. The correct response to any proof of God is: ‘OK you’ve used some words to prove another word, so what?’ This is true. What matters is the man through whose words we interpret the will of God.

So, for seconds, a religion is organized around a prophet. A prophet’s words are easiest to follow, because they are much less ambiguous than ideologies. This keeps the message more coherent and defends better against infiltrators. ‘Conservatism’ changes definitions every two days, but ‘Marxism’ is pretty consistent.

OK, so a religion around God, around a prophet. Which one??

On this the options have been discussed.

Islam is an always looming contender. We do not think it is the way. We respect many parts of Islam, not excluding its treatment of women, but we do not like its attitude towards science. According to Islam, a matchstick does not burn because of the combustion triangle, it burns because Allah wills it. We’d rather have the matchstick burns because of the combustion triangle. Islam makes God too big.

Then, Christianity. It is a respected option. Many in our corner of the internet think it is the best option. We, however, are more reserved. We see Christianity has done very well, despite progressive propaganda claiming otherwise. We think the King James Bible is a trove of valuable information. But, we see some issues. Christianity is divided over the theory of evolution, ergo it is divided over science. Also, Christianity has proven incapable of resisting the progressive onslaught, which onslaught after all had evolved to specifically invade Christian communities. Nowadays, even if you plead with your priest to marry you in a traditional Christian style, he will still utter a feminist prayer under his breath.

In short: Christianity is a bit outdated.

So, we are looking for something new. Since we know the power of religion, we may even surmise that ‘something new’ inevitable. We are, in that sense, in a kind of romantic Wild Wild West era — a religious Gold Rush. Every prophet for himself!

There have already been plenty attempts. Rajneesh comes to mind, as do L Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith, Nick Land and Jakob Amman. I don’t think they can really cut it as ‘religion of the West’, but they stick out as successful nonetheless.

Of course, I have already gone pretty all-in on the prophet Jim, e.g. Jimianity.

(Jimianity does not translate so well to Dutch; Jimianiteit sounds convoluted, perhaps Jimdom better. Anyway.)

Since I am a practical guy, I am not overly invested in the success of Jimianity. Competition is good. I do think any competing candidate will have to come very close to espousing Jimian views, but what do I know. Maybe there’s a better candidate out there. Let us see!

But while it is still early in the religious gold rush, forgive me for using this early head-start to promote my favorite horse wagon.

A major bonus of Jimianity is that it does not seek to be a separate entity from the Bible. It seeks to be a continuation of Christianity. Our only point of contest is that we have reservations regarding the validity of Jesus’ resurrection. However, we think it is disrespectful to point this out too loudly and we do not believe it diminishes the validity of Jesus’ message. Therefore, we welcome both Catholic and Protestant converts.

Another bonus of Jimianity is that it integrates religion with science; Jimianity thinks Charles Darwin was a very smart man. Therefore, we welcome both atheist and progressive converts. We do of course think you’ve sinned a bit in your past, but hey, who hasn’t.

So convert now and receive your informational pamphlet tomorrow! (Why The Food Pyramid Killed More People Than Communism And What You Can Do To Prevent It)


I’ll give you improved eyes, all I ask for is your legs…
– The devil, yesterday

A problem in the information age is the information. There is too much of it. Or rather, it’s overly available in overly stimulating ways. I bet that if you’d do a brain scan of someone surfing the internet, similar areas will light up as when someone is doing drugs. It’s just pleasurable.

Thing is, we can’t do without information. It is useful. Even traditionalist Wrath of Gnon is on Twitter. But, in the correct dose.

Currently we are overloaded on electronic stimuli. It is very understandable: it is really recent, like only, what, since 15 years ago, that you can actually observe an amazingly large part of the world from your own room. Well people sort of did that with cable tv earlier, but I mean, c’mon. There’s no comparison to high-speed internet, no comparison to immersive games. Computers can get you your fix, no matter how niche it is.

But again, I don’t think the Amish solution of complete blindness is a good long-term strategy. Need electronics. But, in moderation. Just like any drug.

So, need a return to some amounts of willful blindness. Shut off the screen, shut out the electric world. Relax.

It’s just you in a room.

Life’s Game

When I was young, I was completely clueless with girls.

I remember in high-school, I was in love with a girl. Never spoke a word with her. One day I mustered my courage and struck up a conversation with her. Did not know what to say, but she was wearing a skirt, so I blurted out: ‘isn’t it cold wearing that skirt?’ She looked at me like I was a hobo.

Not that girls weren’t into me. One girl actually liked me. She was pretty as well. She gave me all the typical signs high school girls give you, like talking to you, fiddling with her hair, asking you what you’re up to. I had no idea how to handle it. So in the end she dated a classmate of mine.

I could tell you dozens of these failed cringe stories. Truth is, my failures weren’t just with girls, they were with people in general, even if the failures with girls hurt the most. I set out to correct this. For years, from my teens to my late-twenties, I have studied, experimented, explored and pushed myself to learn from my mistakes and find the Truth. I searched on the internet, studied Game, read obscure blogs, dated lots of women. And over time… Things started clicking.

In fact, things started clicking very well. I learned that I had been lied to, that most of what I was told was not helping me but hurting me, and that it in fact is not so hard to get laid after all. I learned that once you understand the rules of life’s game, life is actually a lot of fun.

So now I have friends in many places, I have slept with 34 women (yes I counted them), I have settled with the prettiest girl and I get along with people from all corners. To figure all this out took me about 15 years, but it was worth every second.

It is this journey that you will find in Life’s Game: I have combined all my scattered blog posts on men, women and self-development, expanded and/or translated them, added my later thoughts and adapted them for book format.

Basically, it’s a director’s cut of my old blog, meant especially to help young men looking for truth in how to play Life’s Game, although even an old fox might learn a trick or two. It’s about how women work, how men work, how you can get you what you want. It’s raw, honest and unfiltered. In short, it is the book I wish I had when I was younger.

Because I want to write freely, unburdened by any publishing company, Life’s Game is only available as an e-book.

For reasons of anonymity and coolness, Life’s Game can only be bought with bitcoin. The book costs 0,0025 BTC, which according to today’s course (1 BTC = €3104 or $3524) equals €7,76 or $8,81.

If neither of those restrictions stop you, I thank you for your purchase and wish you much reading pleasure.



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