If Trump had been successfully given the perp walk by social justice warriors wearing recently issued police uniforms on the basis of a court order obtained by Mueller on the basis of being an accomplice after the fact in Russian spying on Hillary from some judge no one has heard of, or if he had been successfully stuffed into a straitjacket by social justice warriors wearing recently issued psychiatric orderly costumes, on the basis of a long distance mental health diagnosis by some psychiatrist no one has heard of, this would have been a deep state coup by the permanent government against the merely temporary and merely elected government.
If, however, high ranking members of the deep state are arrested for illegally spying on American citizens, which is to say, illegally spying on members of the merely temporary and merely elected government, this is a coup by the elected government against the deep state and the permanent government.
For the elected government to act decisively, it necessarily has to be incarnated by its president, just as a corporation can only act decisively as incarnated by its chief executive officer. For a group to act decisively, one man has to decide, and everyone else decide to go along with it.
If on the other hand, no one gets arrested, well, we are getting closer to the point where someone does get arrested, and there will be a next time, for as the left moves ever lefter, there will be another crisis, each crisis bigger than the last.
I am not making a prediction about which coup will happen, or that a coup will happen now. But I am telling you what it will mean if someone does get arrested,