Archive for December, 2014

The Trichotomy

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

the trichotomy
The last time I posted this, people did not like the trefoil graphic, and proposed the triquetra, which has the handy property of symbolizing both Odinism and Christianity. So here is the improved graphic.

We need capitalism, because we need wealth and technology, we need patriarchy and tradition, to uphold the enforcement of the marital contract without which our population will disappear, and to keep ethnonationalism in line to prevent ethnonationalism from devouring capitalism with socialism and demotism, and we need ethnonationalism to prevent outsiders from devouring our society and our capitalism with it.

Post rationalism

Friday, December 26th, 2014

Christianity was the basis of European civilization, and now it is dead save for a remnant smaller than mustard seed. Civilizations die with their animating religion, being devoured by demons.

Progressivism wears the religions it has devoured like a monster that dresses itself in the skins of people it has eaten. It has consumed Judaism, Christianity, and most of Islam, though the worst and most harmful religion, Islam, still lives and is fighting back. The martial Christianity of Charles the Hammer would serve our civilization well. The pragmatic, realistic, and cynical Christianity of restoration Anglicanism would serve our civilization very well, though it proved vulnerable to people whose beliefs were dangerously sincere, being reluctant to martyr them properly for reasons of mere pragmatism. Counter Reformation Catholicism would serve our civilization well. But none of these live, and their revival is unlikely.

More Right proposes a solution:  The universe is dead, but we live.  The universe does not know good or evil, but we know good and evil.  Therefore, let us write our religion upon ourselves, rather than upon the sky.

Tradition is the accumulated experience of our ancestors.  We should conduct ourselves as if, on death, one goes to the hall of one’s ancestors, and they pass judgment upon our life.  One can have ancestor worship without taking the proposition that our ancestors are literally still around too seriously.

It would be better if we could revive Christianity – that being the religion of our ancestors, but that looks difficult, and every day looks harder.

Merry Christmas everyone

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

Merry Christmas everyone.

Normal blogging will resume shortly.

Peace is hard, war is easy

Monday, December 22nd, 2014

For peace to continue, everyone has to play by the rules established in the last round of wars. Even if the rule is that the hegemon gets his way, he got to be hegemon by doing dreadful things, which tend to be forgotten or denied as time passes.

So there is always a temptation to bend the rules, which tend to get bent further and further, until one party responds to that bending with escalated violence, to which the other party responds with even more escalated violence. And people forget that this tends to get out of hand. They assume that if they escalate, the other party will have no alternative but to yield. And the other party, since so long has passed since the last all out general war, thinks the same.

People forget that the rules are maintained by the threat of general war, and become too clever by half at adjusting the rules in their own favor.

Europe’s peace is based on rule by America. They are all muppet states and have been since World War II. America’s peace is based on the fact that people still think the government is complying with the constitution, as radically re-interpreted after the civil war. But as speech gets suppressed ever more forcefully that illusion grows thinner. And so, in Ferguson, we see the state restraining whites so that blacks can attack them without being killed.

The president, who commands both the pentagon and the state department, keeps pentagon and state department from going to war with each other. For this to work, the pentagon must see the president as more than just a puppet of the state department.

If a government is cohesive, revolution is impossible, but war between governments all too likely. If a government is incohesive, war between elements of the government is likely, and, because of governmental weakness, war between the government and its citizens is likely.

We are moving towards all three forms of war at roughly comparable speed. Hard to say which one will come first. Likely one will trigger the others. The proximate cause of the fall of the Soviet Union was that Reagan drew them into more wars than they could afford, but upon losing one external war, it suddenly became apparent that no one believed in communism any more, and a wave of collapse spread from Afghanistan to Moscow.

The Pax Americana draws to an end, the American government becomes weaker internally and externally, at the same time as it acts more aggressively than ever, internally and externally. This does not mean war tomorrow, perhaps it might mean war in a decade. But it does mean war eventually. Perhaps external war and external defeat will result in economic collapse which will result in internal war. Perhaps internal war will result in external war and external defeat. The general trend in the US empire is that the restraints against all forms of war, external war, intrastate war between elements of the state apparatus, and revolutionary war with subjects of the state, are diminishing, and the provocations are increasing.

There is a great deal of ruin in a nation. This trend has been going on for a very long time without anything remarkable happening, and it could go on for a very long time further without any very remarkable results. But in the end …

In November 2005 I thought the financial crisis would blow up immediately, or within a few months. Instead, the superficial appearance of financial normality was maintained for two years, as underneath things became more and more abnormal. But in the end, the appearance of normality collapsed.

There will be war.

Ann Coulter on the false rape epidemic

Sunday, December 14th, 2014

College must be difficult for white, straight coeds, because it’s so hard to be a victim. You’re not black, you’re not gay, you don’t have leprosy — what can you do to acquire victim cool? Join the rape club!

The vast majority of rape accusations are false

Sunday, December 14th, 2014

When the media goes shopping for stories of innocent black victims shot by whites, whom do they come up with?

They come up with nine year old honors student Martin Trayvon and gentle giant Michael Brown, that is who, because in reality almost every black shot by a white was committing assault resulting from a recent or intended robbery.

And when they go shopping for stories of innocent women brutally raped, who do they come up with?

They come up with Crystal Mangum and Jackie Coakley. Crystal Mangum is a whore.  Jackie Coakley will not stop when friendzoned. (more…)

Islam lives, unfortunately

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

Previously I remarked that Christianity is dead, save for a remnant small as a mustard seed, which is a problem, for civilizations tend to die with their animating religion. Europe was the faith, and the faith was Europe – then, later Anglicanism, while it was alive, gave us the scientific and industrial revolutions.

Islam seemed, for the most part, to be going the same way, devoured from within by progressivism, which wears Islam like a demon dressing in a suit of human skin, but late it has been showing signs of life. (more…)

Death of Christianity

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

A woman running the Young Christian Activity Group is every bit as incompatible with Christianity as an openly gay bishop, and like gay bishops, results in most of the boys and all of the manly boys dropping out of their religion. People may tell themselves that Christianity can be compatible with progressivism, but each step to reconcile them empties the churches.

If you accept the progressive position on “marital rape”, that sex requires the continuing consent of both parties, and reject the Christian position that consent to sex is given once and forever, and that for a married couple to abstain from sex requires continuing mutual consent or physical inability, then you pretty much have to accept the position that divorce is at a woman’s whim, which is the end of marriage as traditionally understood.

Since the Church is the family writ large, an echo of the family between the earthly family headed by the father, and the divine fatherhood of god, abolishing marriage as traditionally understood ends Christianity. So, if Christians deviate from the New Testament on male authority and irrevocable consent to sex, Christianity ends, and it is apparent that it is ending.

Pagan morality differs from Christian morality because it is egoist. Attempts to revive paganism are fatally flawed in that they attempt to revive paganism with a universalist morality, a morality compatible with progressivism. The true pagan treats the loser as though he has an infectious disease. The pagan concept of virtue is barely distinguishable from the pagan concepts of strength in men, manliness in men, and femininity in women, if it can be distinguished at all.

Around 390 BC, Brennus, King of the Sennones, was negotiating with the Romans over their Etruscan intervention, an intervention suspiciously resembling conquest. The Romans murdered a Sennone diplomat sent by King Brennus. King Brennus sent some more diplomants. The Romans cut out their eyes.

The Sennones under King Brennus then marched on Rome. During the march his army purchased food supplies from the locals, rather than looting, raping, burning, and killing. The Romans fought the Sennones a short distance outside Rome. Their army was defeated and scattered, and the Sennones marched into the now undefended city. The Romans reformed on the Capitoline Hile, the oldest part of Rome, a wall within a wall. The Sennones looted and burned the rest of Rome. King Brennus demanded one thousand pounds of gold to leave Rome.

The Romans agreed, and Brennus set up a steelyard scale to weigh the gold. When they Romans arrived, they noticed that the weights were heavier than they should be, and complained the Sennones were cheating, to which King Brennus famously replied by throwing his sword on the scales and shouting, “Vae Victis!” which means, “Woe to the vanquished”. So the Romans, having given King Brennus a thousand pounds of gold, had to go back to the Capitol for more gold. A steelyard scale has arms of unequal length, so they had to provide many times the weight of King Brennus’ sword in gold.

Darwin, and Darwinian theory, predicts that social animals will evolve certain moral characteristics, to facilitate cooperation and avoid killing each other too often. Those conspecifics that Darwin thinks we should kill, and that Darwinian theory predicts that we will be inclined to kill, we call evil, and those that Darwin thinks we should prefer to associate with, and that Darwinian theory predicts that we will be inclined to prefer to associate with, we call good.

The resulting moral system has a fair resemblance to Randian enlightened egoism, Aristotlean ethics, and the moral principles expressed by Xenophon when justifying the conduct of the ten thousand.

Xenophon was an economist and a mercenary.  He was one of a group of mercenaries assisting a Persian King, far from Greece.  Their employer was killed.  The officers of the Greeks were invited to a parley, to which they went hoping for further employment.  Their officers were treacherously murdered.  Xenophon then announced he had received  a message from the Gods that they should elect new officers and get the hell out.  The ten thousand slaughtered,looted and burned their way from Asia to Greece.  Getting close to Greece, Xenophon was criticized for the trail of corpses the ten thousand had left across Asia.

To which Xenophon replied that they only slaughtered and looted when the locals tried to stop them from passing through, or denied them supplies, that when the locals provided a market, the ten thousand paid for their supplies.

A Darwinian should care about his offspring, and their offspring, and generally does, and therefore cares about the collapse of civilization.

Traditional Christianity would, and did, lead to the kind of society I advocate, in particular Restoration England. But traditional Christianity is dead, save for a remnant small as mustard seed, and shows no obvious signs of being more capable of revival than Greek paganism, though a Christian might reply that coming back from the dead is their specialty. Today’s Christianity is progressive, at most trailing behind the official and orthodox progressivism by a few years.

It is probably true that a society needs religious or quasi religious underpinnings, needs a theocracy, or something functionally similar. I am a big admirer of Restoration England, which founded the scientific revolution and the industrial revolution. But the Established Christianity of restoration England can no more be revived than the official paganism of republican Rome. Julian the apostate tried and failed to revive the old paganism, and got an undead religion.

Christianity contains the seeds of the leftism that devoured it, in its universalism, and in its sympathy for losers.  The old paganism inherently had less tendency to head left.

False rape fantasies

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

Roissy proposes four possible motives for the UVA false rape accusation, of which sexual fantasizing is only one, the other three being political fantasizing.

Well, I suppose he is more expert at girls than I am, but it seems glaringly obvious to me that the UVA accusation was rape fantasy:

The story departs from realistic rape in numerous ways, and every departure is in the direction of female rape fantasies.  That the students are high status fits political fantasies.  The broken glass, and a whole pile of them sharing one girl, fits only female sex fantasies.

Men having sex with a girl amidst broken glass is an obvious female fantasy.  Gang rape by absurdly many high status males is an obvious female fantasy.  If I told you I had sex with the Swedish beach bikini volleyball team, would you believe me?

She is not raped by some random low status male, but by a whole team of the very highest status males in her social circle.  Instead of  being on the booty call rotation of one high status male with thirty other women, she has more than half a dozen of them all to herself.

And they are so frantically eager to rape her that they get down in the broken glass.

And they rape her for three hours, which works out at twenty two minutes per student.  The typical university student is lighting a joint after a couple of minutes.  The performance of these rapists tell me she has watched too many porn movies.

Now I can easily imagine that if the girl is in broken glass while being raped that might well make it more fun for the rapist, and more fun for her, but if the guy is in broken glass also – that is going to make it a lot more fun for her, but considerably less fun for him.

No highly attractive high status guy is going to share a girl with half a dozen other highly attractive high status guys, and if I was going to rape a girl for twenty minutes, would first turn on the light, get out a broom, and correctly position all the broken glass.  In fact, if going to have sex for twenty minutes, going to do it on a comfortable bed, and find some other more precisely controllable fun way of inflicting fun amounts of pain, such as a spanking.  Broken glass implies frantic eagerness, which frantic eagerness does not fit with twenty minutes per rapist, nor does frantic eagerness fit with high status highly attractive guys having sex.  The story in unreal in ways that provide the teller with the maximum sexual arousal.

Her being down in the broken glass makes sense if she is telling a political tale about cis heteronormative rape patriarchal oppression, but the oppressors being down in the broken glass only makes sense as  getting her off sexually.


Obviously the reason this appeared in Rolling Stone rather than a slash fiction is political, not sexual – UVA wants to shut down the fraternities.    But “Jackie”, the woman that composed it, and continues to claim it is true, was enthusiastically beating her pussy while she composed it.

Fake rape accusations featuring real people ruin lives.  The women that do this need to be destroyed.  “Jackie” needs to be identified.


America number two

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

In recent years both the Chinese and American economies have been fundamentally transformed.”

In fourteen years, America went from three times the size of the Chinese economy to slightly smaller, and the rate of relative decline shows every sign of quite rapidly accelerating.

Chinese GPD per capita is still substantially lower than American GDP per capita, but the number of Chinese with middle class lifestyles is arguably larger than the number of Americans with middle class lifestyles, and will soon become a great deal larger.