Archive for July, 2015

How to stop mass illegal immigration to Britain

Thursday, July 30th, 2015

Lately the British government has been making feeble ineffectual gestures vaguely in the general direction of attempting to slightly slow the flood of illegal immigrants, most of them black and Muslim, into Britain. This has resulted in dramatic scenes of disruption at the Calais truck terminal, but …

All of them get there in the end,’ he said. ‘No fence is too difficult – in the end, borders are there to be crossed.’

Actually not all borders are made to be crossed. America has been allowing unlimited third world immigration for some time, Britain first started allowing unlimited third world immigration in the late 1990s, and for a little while, starting around 2010 or so, every single white country, even Israel, was allowing unlimited third world immigration. Pretty soon Israel had a rush of sanity, declared an unprincipled exception for itself, and in 2013 or so, completely and totally ended illegal immigration. Very shortly afterwards, also in 2013, Australia abruptly, completely, and totally ended illegal immigration. New Zealand did the same, while furtively denying it was doing so, and piously weeping tears for the poor illegal immigrants. Australia is famous for this, for however lefty and progressive Tony Abbot’s government is, it takes no crap from the fans of illegal immigration, and, Trump like, makes no apologies, throwing those who would eliminate white nations into hysterics of outrage. The State Department is traumatized by severe cultural shock every time they have to deal with the Ambassador for People Smuggling Issues for Australia, even if Tony Abbot merely stands for a substantially slower rate of elimination of whiteness.

At present, if an illegal immigrant armed with a knife smashes his way onto a lorry headed for Britain, then, in the unlikely event a policeman removes him, he removes him a few hundred meters to the illegal immigrant camp, and a few minutes later, the illegal immigrant has another go, smashes his way into another lorry causing more damage. With this sort of law enforcement, indeed no fence is too difficult, for no wall can stand unless protected by men with the will to make it stand. Walls do not stop people, just as bullets do not kill people. People stop people. With the will to stop illegal immigration, illegal immigration can be halted abruptly and completely. Without the will, it cannot.

The solution of course is that illegal immigrants need to be removed, starting with those that do illegal things like trespassing on other people’s lorries while armed with a knife. Australia has created a number of “offshore processing facilities”, prison camps on remote islands run by the army and outside the jurisdiction of the judiciary. (Officially they are of course not prison camps, and officially they are run by “private contractors”, not the army.) You stick the illegal immigrant in an offshore prison camp resembling Gitmo, and when you get around to it, you return him home. If he claims asylum – well after being in prison for a few years, they usually stop claiming asylum and want to go home. If their home country does not want them back, you dump them on the beach regardless in an orange inflatable. Australia’s inflatables have become an increasingly familiar sight on third world beaches. Some of the inflatables have chains to restrain the more uncooperative occupants. If they are really stubborn about claiming asylum, and their claims are not entirely implausible, you find a third world country as poor or poorer than their original home, where they are not racially too much out of place, and send them there.

Now let us suppose that British Prime minister never finds the stones to do what Tony Abbot does. Then there is nothing to stop all of Africa from moving to Britain, for no wall can hold without the will to hold it. And if anyone lives in Africa, that is the sensible thing for him to do. In due course, rapidly increasing numbers of people will move till Britain becomes indistinguishable from Africa.

Kin altruism, reciprocal altruism, and ethnic altruism

Tuesday, July 28th, 2015

Kin altruism does not make much sense outside the nuclear family, or narrowly extended family. It can work in slightly larger groups if they deliberately practice inbreeding, but the groups are not much larger, and you get IQ depression from inbreeding.

So what explains the tendency of ethnics to stick together?

Well if people resemble you, they are predictable. You know you can trust them in some matters to some degree. So you do. This makes reciprocal altruism workable. Mix in outsiders, and you lose trust. Thus Jews thought they could trust Madoff to cheat gentiles, and not cheat his fellow Jews. Because Jewish cohesion has been diminishing for some time, this turned out to be a bad expectation.

Another thing that causes loss of trust is mandatory lying and betrayal. Hence when east Germany and west Germany were reunited, the east Germans appeared to the west Germans to be subhuman, even though there was no significant genetic difference. East Germans would not work unless someone was standing over them, and would cheat, lie, and steal for any momentary slight advantage. The difference seems to have diminished now that they have been living under the same political system for a while.

People are not going to be altruistic to whites just because they themselves are whites, and Jews are not altruistic to Jews just because they themselves are Jews. This is a Nazi fallacy. Comradeship of whites is no more workable than comradeship of the proletariat. Whites have always been primarily at war with whites. This is not caused by sneaky Jewish mind control rays. Man is wolf to man, and whites are wolf to whites.

Good behavior is trustworthy and honorable behavior, not benevolent behavior. People who claim to be benevolent to far away strangers seldom are, and when they are, their benevolence is disturbingly and dangerously selective and capricious. This is yet another reason why utilitarian theories of morality don’t work. Not only is no one utilitarian, no one is benevolent.

Altruism is unworkable for any group above a dozen or so people. Trust is scalable to vastly larger groups.

How to really win the “Hispanic” vote.

Tuesday, July 28th, 2015

If the Republican party seriously wanted the “Hispanic” vote, which of course it does not, because if it won the “Hispanic” vote it might win elections, and if it won elections, might have to implement its agenda, the way to go would be to split the “white Hispanics” from the indios and mestizos, and the indios and mestizos from the blacks. “Hispanics”, whether white, mestizo, and indio, really hate blacks, and the Democrats are the black party. It would be easy to take advantage of racial tensions to break “Hispanics” away from the democrat party. “Hispanic” children go to schools that impose equal disciplinary outcomes by racial quota, so that black kids get away with stuff that white and Hispanic kids face zero tolerance for.

So, find a prominent republican who is a fair skinned Mexican who speaks Mexican Spanish as his mother’s tongue. He tells them, in Spanish:

“Our kids are punished while black kids go unpunished, because Democrats are the black party, while Republicans are the white party. The schools are in chaos because of black misconduct. Do you want to be ruled by the black party or the white party?”

By and large the government quietly allows Mexicans collective self defense against blacks, while it does not allow whites collective self defense against blacks, but every so often, the Democrats, being the black party, give Mexicans the short end of that stick also. The Republicans could make hay out of such incidents.

Mexicans have a lot more contact with blacks than whites have contact with blacks, and are less brainwashed by Cathedral propaganda. Leftists keep telling republicans that Mexicans have old style Catholic values, are social conservatives, even though your local hospital is flooded with short fat pregnant Mexican women surrounded by a half dozen children by half a dozen different fathers getting free medical care for themselves and their grossly neglected children. Nah, they don’t have old style Catholic values, and neither does the Pope these days, they are not socially conservative, but they are race realists.

The left is run by white males, but their voter bank is a coalition of everyone against white heterosexual males. For Mexicans, problems with blacks are way more salient than problems with white heterosexual males. Electoral politics 101: Split the enemy coalition. Get some fair skinned Mexicans who don’t live in the bubble, who have friends and family exposed to black dysfunction, and have them stir up the $#!%. Are republicans worried about losing black votes? Bad black behavior is an enormous vote winner for republicans which they refuse to cash in. And never will choose to cash in.

The major victims by far of bad black behavior are Mexicans. Democrats are the black party. Republicans are the white party. You want to stir up anger at blacks among those nonblack democrats who live in the closest proximity to blacks. It really is that simple.

Instead the Republican party pursues sainthood for blacks, and always will.

Gay families bang their children

Sunday, July 26th, 2015

The Story of Moira Greyland

tl;dr She got banged a lot by her parents with lot of sadism and bondage, starting at age five.

from my experience in the gay community, the values in that community are very different: the assumption is that EVERYONE is gay and closeted, and early sexual experience will prevent gay children from being closeted, and that will make everyone happy.

Yes, she is right about that. Gayness in males is spread in whole or major part by adult men fucking male children, and they intend to spread gayness that way. Lesbianism is more complicated, since women remain sexually flexible all the way to menopause.

If you raise a sheep among goats, the sheep grows up goatosexual. Hence the program of providing schoolchildren with positive gay role models, and getting gay men into contact with scouts and schoolchildren. They want gay scoutmasters to recruit young gays. Whether it works or not, and I think it does work to some considerable extent, they believe that it works. They believe that gays are made, not born, and intend to make them, starting at a school near you.

New Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous Research

Progressives are fine with rape and slavery, provided the right people are doing the raping, and the right people are being raped and enslaved. Truth is, I am fine with rape and slavery also, except that my definitions of the right people differ radically from those of progressives.

Why Islamic State is successful.

Friday, July 24th, 2015

According to progressive mythology

insurgents must be like a mist—everywhere and nowhere—never trying to hold ground or wasting lives in battles with regular armies. Chairman Mao insisted that guerrillas should be fish who swam in the sea of the local population. Such views are the logical corollaries of “asymmetric warfare” in which a smaller, apparently weaker group—like ISIS—confronts a powerful adversary such as the US and Iraqi militaries. This is confirmed by US Army studies of more than forty historical insurgencies, which suggest again and again that holding ground, fighting pitched battles, and alienating the cultural and religious sensibilities of the local population are fatal.

This, of course, is a load of horseshit. One needs a base area in which one can conscript and gather funds, where leaders can safely and openly administer and coordinate. Hard to run the war from a secret cave. Often that base area has been the Kremlin – and even more often, it has been the London School of Economics.

In asymmetric wars, one’s base is often beholden to others, and one is therefore handicapped by unwanted ideology and rules. So Islamic State decided it just plain needed to grab its own base area. Islamic law is that you cannot claim the Caliphate unless you have your own base area – because you cannot be Caliph if you are beholden to others. So, needed a base, took a base. So Islamic State chooses to fight symmetrically. In an asymmetric war, the weaker side is a muppet for somebody powerful, usually the London School of Economics, which is itself a muppet of Harvard. Islamic State is nobody’s muppet.

This allows it to be authentically Islamic – to implement its own program and its own ideology.

And, being able to implement its own program and own ideology, gives gays the high jump, reintroduces slavery and the marriage of minors.

Progressives are mystified and uncomprehending.

horrors unimaginable even to the Taliban—among them the reintroduction of forcible rape of minors and slavery—have been legitimized.

Slavery never really went away. Saudi Arabia reluctantly abolished it 1964. The suppression of slavery is not the natural result of the Zeitgeist, but the military programs of British imperialism. Since the imperial tide retreats, slavery returns. As for the “rape” of minors, minor girls are going to have sex, which is to say, be “raped” unless they are married off young or kept under tight control, pretty much locked up except when appropriately supervised, and progressives have never been worried about the statutory rape of minors, nor the actual rape of minors, nor the actual enslavement of minors for sexual purposes, provided that the right people get raped and the right people are doing the raping. The ever rising age of consent was always a pretense and a pretext. Provided that fathers lose control of their daughters and husbands do not gain control of those daughters, progressives are untroubled by pimps gaining control of those daughters.

Defining cuckservative

Friday, July 24th, 2015

By one popular definition a cuckservative is “conservative” who supports white replacement. (Gradual white replacement, of course, though I am not seeing anything that guarantees that the process will remain gradual.)

Based on cuckold, one who raises another man’s son as his own, which is in turn based on cuckoo, which plants its eggs in the nests of others.

One could also apply it, and sometimes does apply it, to a conservative with no enemies to the left and no friends to the right, who thus conspires to the eradication of conservatism and its ever leftwards movement, which strictly speaking is inconsistent with the first definition. One implies physical and biological elimination, one implies mere memetic elimination.

However, the one is in practice pretty much equivalent to the other since leftist memes are in practice race replacement memes, as exemplified in Baltimore. Maybe in future there will be conflict between these two definitions.

The broader definition of cuckservative, however, communicates the neoreactionary concept of innerparty/outerparty, shows how the republican party does the left’s work for it. Though race gives the word its bitter power, the broader definition cuts reality at the joints, showing the relationship between inner and outer party.

Observe that Trump is beyond the pale and supposedly a joke for pointing at the costs of unlimited illegal immigration. Meanwhile Israel has the world’s toughest policy on illegal immigration, and Australia a close second. Both have no problem reducing illegal immigration to zero. But the Australian policy is “controversial”, and like most popular but “controversial” policies, may well be furtively changed. Note that the Austalian policy is somehow highly “controversial”, even though voters support the policy overwhelmingly. Something is unpopular and illegal. So the government puts a stop to it. This is “controversial”.

But it is too late to halt illegal immigration in America. Australia could halt illegal immigration because still mostly white. To halt illegal immigration in America, have to end democracy first.

But at least, if we use words that cut reality at the joints, we can see our doom upon us.

Traps, ladyboys, Corporal Klingers, and trannies.

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

A trap is young effeminate gay who likes sex with adult males and disguises himself as a woman to get banged by heterosexual men. To the extent that gays like sex with adult males, they like manly men, and gays are not manly.

A ladyboy is a trap who takes the drastic step of cutting his dick off.

Traps and ladyboys are low status losers, usually thieves and whores. They usually die young of suicide, criminal violence, drug abuse, or weird gay diseases.

Traps and ladyboys transition young, usually while still adolescents.

Another category of transexual, which we are seeing a lot of in the tech industry, is the quota busting transexual – the Corporal Klinger – someone who claims to be a woman to take advantage of hiring quotas. They are typically heterosexual (or as they say, “lesbian”) and look like Fred Flintstone in a dress, as Corporal Klinger did. They are usually competent engineers and usually high status winners. These guys transition shortly after entering the job market. Apart from dangerous levels of progressivism, they are not disruptive of corporate order and hierarchy, unlike actual females.

But the well known trannies are heterosexual men, usually extremely manly men who lived high testosterone lifestyles, extremely heterosexual men, usually high status successful men, and when they got older, middle aged, and then their testosterone levels fell, fell to merely normal levels, then they discovered that they were “really” women. Probably a better cure would have been added testosterone, but they could not get medically prescribed testosterone because their levels were “normal” – meaning normal for regular guys, not normal for those guys, not the levels they had experienced all their lives. After transition, their sex life consists of scaring little girls in the lady’s room. They don’t do anything that normal people would consider constitutes sex. They think they are women, but are merely eunuchs and act accordingly, while the Corporal Klingers act like the normal heterosexual males that they are, and the traps and ladyboys act like gays.

As I grew older my testosterone levels gradually fell, and my estrogen levels gradually rose. I found myself taking a gradually increasing interest in anime girls. Then I had medically prescribed correction of my hormone levels, and after several months with normalized hormone levels, anime girls started to look excessively cartoonish, while real girls looked way hot again. Of course my personal experience is just an anecdote. Could be just randomness. Before drawing any broader conclusions, would need more data. A single case is not necessarily indicative.

I also started to notice that the male protagonist in an anime show acted ridiculously girly, though I am not sure whether this reflects my normalized testosterone levels, or that anime protagonists are acting ever more girly. Probably something of both.

But it is plausible that falling testosterone and rising estrogen alters your brain, turning down the “tap that ass” recognizer, so that normal stimuli are not sufficient to activate the “tap that ass” circuits. Male sexual deviants generally look to me like they have low testosterone.

The government is making it increasingly difficult for doctors to prescribe testosterone. At the same time, no one wants to know if there are health problems related to low testosterone, let alone behavioral problems related to low testosterone. Researching harm done by low testosterone is like researching benefits of global warming. You have to have quite dangerously low levels before you can get treatment.

And since we have an extraordinary epidemic of falling testosterone and rising estrogen …

Just about every male these days has testosterone levels that are deficient by historical standards. Maybe just about every male these days needs medical intervention.

Going home

Sunday, July 19th, 2015

kakistocracy on going home.

Home is not just geography. Home is a place of comfort, safety, and familiarity. Of mutual trust and understanding. Of common past and shared future. Home is where children play without fear in a parent’s eyes. Home is where speaking honestly offends no shrill aliens. Home is what is passed from your father to your son. And most importantly, home belongs uniquely to you.

There are great swaths of her country now no more Ms. Makin’s home than the violent North African city she longs to escape. And when those swaths broaden to encompass everything, where will her daughter seek sanctuary upon saying…

I want to go home.

Some time ago, I moved from silicon valley to a place pleasantly undiverse. People leave their doors unlocked when they leave their houses. The kids are respectful. By the roadside, one sees unattended fruitstands. You take the fruit and drop the money in a box. Small children wander off unsupervised. I am a stranger here, yet it fits like an old sock.

Even wealthy whites in Silicon Valley live in a place that is frightening, dangerous, hostile, hateful, and alien. A place that hates them for the intolerable sins of sexism racism colonialism homophobia islamophobia and imperialism, and sooner or later will punish them as they deserve for those unforgivable and ineradicable sins. They are frightened and weak. And they cannot afford to have children.

Social Justice is highly lucrative.

Saturday, July 18th, 2015

One of the more noticeable Social Justice Warrior takeovers was the takeover of anarchism reddit. First they banned one “troll”, then another, then every moderator who was not in full agreement with social justice, then anyone who noticed that no discussion was possible except full and firm enthusiasm for social justice, so the anarchism board became yet another social justice board, and pretty much died except for repetitious social justice spam. The fact of censorship was censored, the fact of hostile takeover was censored. And you might well say, “what is the point in that? Silencing anarchists is pointless.”

Yes, in itself, and in isolation, taking over things like the reddit anarchism board was pointless. But its not isolated.

Consider the Effective Altruism movement. Taking Reddit anarchism facilitates taking over the Effective Altruism movement, and taking over the Effective Altruism movement facilitates stealing three billion dollars in aid to Haiti – well, aid to everywhere, but Haiti is a famous example. There was an earthquake in Haiti, which flattened a lot of buildings and destroyed a lot of infrastructure. This led to a lot of aid, which one might expect to rebuild a lot of buildings and infrastructure. Which has conspicuously failed to happen. Very little of the money even reached corrupt Haitian bureaucrats, let alone manifested in bricks and mortar, let alone benefited the supposed beneficiaries. Corrupt Haitian bureaucrats have been complaining about this for some time.

Now if the effective altruism movement was actually interested in altruism being effective, one might expect it to be asking questions about the near total lack of aid funded rebuilding in Haiti, and the fact that the aids epidemic in India and subsaharan Africa is neither heterosexual nor homosexual, but rather caused by needle reuse by aid funded organizations. Foreign aid is the main cause of aids.

But instead, very conveniently, the Effective Altruism movement seems to be forgetting about altruism actually being effective, just as reddit anarchism forgot about anarchism.

The Future Primeval observes that social justice warrior takeovers are driven by:

Ideological hijackings like these are a spontaneous failure mode or result of a widespread vulnerability of human communities, with the social justice leftism stuff just standing in as a common available ideology to take advantage of it.

These ideological hijackings are the result of a conscious conspiracy of social justice wizards plotting in the back room to take over the world one internet community at a time.

“Hijackings” like this are just the removal of unprincipled exceptions to a widely held moral code that, when consistently interpreted and applied, demands that all communities must be primarily concerned with social justice issues.

“Social Justice” is a sort of semi-autonomous collection of ideas evolved or designed like a rudimentary fungus to take root, grow, take over, and expand from communities in certain conditions, a memetic disease, a demon, a system of ideas that perpetuates itself at the expense of its hosts.

Another factor is: No enemies to the left, no friends to the right.

Since the left has been getting ever lefter, and has been ever victorious, and anyone insufficiently left gets destroyed sooner or later, as soon as a social justice warrior screams like a little girl that she is offended, everyone is terrified, and to protect themselves from future destruction, flings feces at the designated target like a monkey in a tree: Yes, Scott and Esr, I am looking at you.

So how do you stop social justice warriors from taking over.

One method is a commitment to free speech and rational argument. One refused to denounce dissent as unacceptable and beyond the pale, and instead engages in rational and relevant discussion, rather than stridently screaming strident stupid ignorant insults like a monkey in a tree. (And if I am specifically mentioning Scott and Esr, that is not because they are the worst, but because I had expected better of them.) That fixes the spontaneous tendency to failure, and the memetic disease, but does not really do much about the organized conspiracy, nor the systematic removal of unprincipled exceptions one by one.

To deal with the organized conscious conspiracy, one has to answer in kind: “You social justice warrior. You evil stupid and hateful. You die.” Only the McCarthy solution works.

To deal with the systematic removal of unprincipled exceptions – well, there is nothing for it but to stop defending them as unprincipled exceptions, but instead to defend them as surviving remnants of the ancient functional social order – in other worlds, no solution other than neoreaction.

Reality television reveals the difference between men and women

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

I have been watching “survivor amazon” and the second season of “The Island with Bear Grylls”

In both reality television series, a team of men, and a team of women, are dumped in separate locations to survive in a tropical paradise.

In both, the men promptly locate a campsite, build a fire, and build shelter. The women hang around in the open in the rain. They do very little any work, and what work they do do is hopeless incompetent and ineffectual.

In “The Island with Bear Grylls” the men locate a campsite and build a fire immediately. They then build first an impromptu shelter for the fire, to protect it from the torrential tropical rainstorms, and then a proper shelter for themselves.

The women spend the first four days in on their Island hopelessly lost wandering in circles in the jungle.

Their efforts to build shelter are feeble, slight, grossly incompetent, and ineffectual, and they soon give up on them.

Eventually they set camp, in the sense that they give up on moving around looking for a nice place to camp, start a fire and attempt to boil some water in a jerry can – which they leave sealed while boiling. Disaster ensues.

After a while they realize that the location where they are hanging out (you cannot call it a camp site, for there are no camp facilities except for a fire) is no good, and move to site previously scouted by one of the few competent women.

They attempt to start a new fire with the fire starting kit that the organizers provided for them (bow and stick) but cannot repair it when it wears out

The organizer has to personally intervene, and gives them a new fire starting bow and stick that he personally made.

Both of these shows indicate that in the ancestral environment, men supported women and children, and women provided sex and children, that women are incapable of looking after themselves.

In both shows, the difference was not physical strength and endurance. The difference was that men are simply markedly more competent, better able to work together as a team, and that men have dramatically longer time preference than women. Some of their superior competence reflects that fact that men are innately smarter than women in the kind of intelligence tests that they faced – physical problems rather than verbal, but most of it reflects their willingness to defer to the most able amongst them, while the women just bitched at each other.

Just as any normal healthy adult male is dramatically stronger than any normal healthy adult women, with essentially zero overlap, the shows revealed a much more important difference: Essentially zero overlap in future orientation.

The women were suffering hypothermia in the rain, and were nonetheless lying about in chilling rain the making no effort to build a shelter. Not one man on the show “The Island with Bear Grylls” behaved as every single woman in the shows behaved.

The women were disinclined to do anything that did not give immediate payoff, so spent pretty much all the time goofing off while homeless, thirsty, and starving in the rain. They very much needed men, not only to look after them, but to tell them what to do, to restrain their bad behavior, and command good behavior, to put them to work, to make them useful.

In both shows the primary difference between team woman and team man was not strength and speed, but that team woman was lazy, stupid, feckless, incompetent, disorderly, disobedient, and irresponsible. I am sure that any eighteenth century gentlemen seeing the even numbered episodes of Season two of “The Island with Bear Grylls” would say “Those women, all of them, need a good whipping.”

It was also immediately obvious that women are by nature nurturers, the source of life, while men are by nature killers. When the men encounter a crocodile, ancient instincts command them, and they suddenly become a team of brave, extremely violent, and absolutely determined killers, even though in civilization they answered phones or developed web graphics. When the women encounter some wild pigs, they treat them like babies, they domesticate them. Even though the women have no food to give the pigs, they seduce them into becoming tame and following the women around. And then they tearfully kill and eat the pigs. Clearly it was woman who first domesticated animals. No way would a man have seduced those pigs. And equally, no way could team woman have killed the crocodile.