Archive for June, 2018


Saturday, June 30th, 2018

This is not a PUA blog. To learn PUA, read Heartiste, and then practice on actual women, not this blog.

But some people have partially misinterpreted my observations on passing shit tests, so, clarifying.

I depict shit tests as tough, deadly, scary, threatening, and vital to pass, because they are. But though a cat will be bored if it manages to catch a cat toy, it will also be bored if it seems there is absolutely no chance of catching the cat toy.

The girl thinks she wants to enslave you, wants to dominate you. In a sense she does want those things, but if she were to actually get them, would lose interest. But at the same time you let her eventually earn the sight of soft vulnerable marshmallow inner core under that solid stone cold exterior – alpha badboy with a touch of provider beta. You need to let her win a little bit, or to think she might win a little bit. But not too much.

You are far more likely to err on the side of undergaming than overgaming. I play a very bad man, and I still regularly err by undergaming, and am endlessly astonished at the ways in which my mistreatment of women is rewarded. But zero vulnerability, zero betabucks provider, does not work long term either.

Do not take this as me telling you it is OK to be a whimpering beta provider. It is not. That tactic seriously fails to work. Been there, done that, got burned. Don’t be a nice guy. Be a bad boy. But while being a bad boy, let them see the occasional hint of a heart of gold. Just the occasional piece of niceness.

Ideally, of course, the man and the woman perform their biblical roles. The woman honors and obeys, the man loves and cherishes. And I suppose that if you got one hundred percent honor and obedience, it would then be safe to give one hundred percent loving and cherishing. But if you only get eighty percent honor and obedience, need to provide rather less than eighty percent loving and cherishing. Keep her on her toes.

Here ends PUA advice. Back to your regularly scheduled political posts.

Kathy Forth’s suicide

Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

Kathy Forth offed herself, leaving a lengthy suicide note in which she accused numerous men of sexually harassing her, and the entire society of ignoring this terrible sexual harassment, thereby driving her to suicide.

Fat, pushing forty, and supposedly suffers unbearable amounts of sexual assault.

Back when she was hot, the amount of sexual assault she suffered was entirely bearable.

All women love drama, all women create drama, and all women create drama because they are looking for a spanking from a strong man. All women are like that. Childlessness and the lack of a strong man in their lives greatly worsens this problem.

Not all women make false accusations of sexual harassment, not all women kill themselves, but all disruptively create drama and problems: The ones not under the authority of an alpha male, and the ones that have remained childless while their fertility is running out, create more disruption, more drama, and more problems.

They are all cruising for a spanking, every single one.

All the sides in this debate that are permitted within the Overton Window are the same insane side. Scott is evil, depraved, decadent, and insane, #metoo is even more evil and more insane, and the fat old cat lady who offed herself was ridiculous, hilarious, evil, sinful and insane, her over the top evil, and her over the top vanity being hilariously funny to any sane person. Any remotely sane person commenting on that reddit thread gets instabanned. Anyone who manages to post twice on that thread is evil or insane, and most likely both. That thread is a conversation in the lunatic asylum.

Every woman lusts for drama. Fat, and pushing forty, people were ignoring her: Men were ignoring her. So she decided to go out in a blaze of glory, the ultimate “Hey look at me” opera, a gigantic soap opera of martyrdom.

Kathy Forth was evil and spent her life ruining other people’s lives out of depraved, foolish, and ridiculous sexual lust.

It is normal, and indeed universal, for childless unowned women who are fertile age, or not very long past fertile age, to destructively and self destructively destroy their social and organizational environment, burn the family assets, disrupt the business, divorce, etc. Kathy took this to extremes.

All Women Are Like That. Kathy more than others.

When a woman creates drama she is unconsciously, and in Kathy’s case quite consciously, hoping to smoke the alpha male out of hiding so that he will take possession of her and give her a spanking. She flat out tells us in her suicide note. In her suicide note she tells of her fantasies for powerful alpha male to take possession of her, to own her, to command her, supposedly in order to protect her from all this supposedly terrible sexual harassment.

This is what female lust looks like. It is not genitally focused like male lust, but that does not make it better, it makes it worse. Much worse.

During her fertile years, a lustful woman is not funny. Past fertile age, a lustful childless woman is hilarious.

Not every woman makes false rape and false sexual harassment allegations, but every woman acts disruptively, every unowned fertile age woman acts more disruptively and causes great damage, childless unowned women even more so, and childless unowned women continue doing so well past fertile age, while women with children calm down as their fertile period ends, particularly women who have previously experienced the firm hand of the father of their children.

And Tango does not make three

Thursday, June 21st, 2018

Singapore and Hong Kong resist “International Community” dominance, taking gay books off the library shelves.

Now that Trump is disinclined to back Blue Empire soft power with Red Empire hard power, Blue Empire soft power is running into severe head winds. Recall Duterte threatening to give Soros a helicopter ride if he came to the Philippines.

One of the books removed is “And Tango makes Three”, a book that schoolchildren in countries under Blue Empire domination are forced to read.

The story in “And Tango makes Three” is about two cute homosexual penguins who adopt a baby penguin. Supposedly this is a true story, or based on a true story, but of course it is a lie. The two real life penguins on which it is based have never had sex with each other. They were buddies. It was a bromance. Gays are a signaling hazard, and this signaling hazard prevents male on male cohesion. That David and Jonathan loved each other facilitated David becoming King of Israel, because it facilitated cohesion among David’s mighty men. If David and Jonathan had had sex with each other, he never would have become King of Israel, because there would have been no cohesion between him and his mighty men. Gay men do not cohere, and gay penguins do not cohere.

That males could cohere, and could build a strong society, required that gays be put to death. Nations, tribes, peoples, cultures, and religions that forcefully suppress men who also lie with mankind, as they lie with women, conquer nations, tribes, peoples, cultures, and religions that do not or cannot. Israel has not won a war since it had gay parades, women in the front line, and gays in the military.

Chinese soft power actually works, being based on thousands of years of history and deep understanding of the use of soft power. Progressives know no history, because everything before the current year is shameful and hateful, so they cannot do soft power very effectively. Their “soft” power is actually based on terror and mass murder, as for example Libya and Syria. Peoples and nations submitted to their “soft” power in fear of what happened to people and nations that failed to submit.

Hard power requires suppression of gays, among other things. Soft power requires knowledge and understanding of history. Thus the “international community” is weak, both in soft power and hard power, and now, as in the last days of the Soviet Union, this weakness is showing. The Soviet Union lost soft power, because they ceased to believe, and hard power, because socialism wrecked their logistics. The “International Community” cannot do soft power, because of self imposed ignorance, and cannot do hard power, because of gays and women in the military, and because people are getting sick of unsuccessful attempts to use hard power.

English pay the Jizya

Sunday, June 17th, 2018

The Daily Mail Online tells us
“Less than one in twenty street robberies and burglaries solved”

Naturally I thought the unmentionable planet Jupiter must be in sight, and suspected that these mysteriously unsolvable crimes might correlate with that.

“Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire had the lowest rate of solved crime in 2017, while the most crimes were solved in Uttlesford in Essex”

So, I looked up Google Earth, for the main town of Rushcliffe, which is West Bridgford.

And then I looked up the main town of of Uttlesford, which is Saffron Walden, which has only two mosques. (Which is nonetheless two more than the number of churches)

Surprise surprise, white working class:

Muslim predation on infidels is legal, white self defense illegal.

[Hat tip a certain reactionary Jew in high places whose name cannot be spoken]

Naturally the Daily Mail proposes more money for policing, but more money for police will merely make white self defense even more illegal than it already is.

Can’t stump the Trump

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

Trump defies the world

Naturally the world press attempted to frame this as Trump taking a humiliating beating like an errant schoolboy.

But …
Brow beating

But the frame fell off with Trudeau’s eyebrows.

Trump targeted Trudeau in particular, not because of anything he said, that was just an excuse, but because the Canadian economy is the most vulnerable to a tariff war with the United States. The fake eyebrows were a visible manifestation of less visible weakness. A weak country produces, and is produced by, weak men.

Which brings me to a far more important conflict: The president’s struggle with the presidency. (more…)

Jordan Peterson, controlled opposition

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Jordan Peterson is on our side of the Culture War:

  • anti-political correctness
  • anti-identity politics
  • biological sex roles and traditional gender roles
  • meritocracy and meritocratic hierarchy
  • personal freedom and responsibility
  • angers our enemies

But this man is not an ally. The enemy of our enemy is not always our friend.

It is good that my enemy’s enemy is successful against my enemy, but much though I wish my enemy’s enemy was my friend and ally, I don’t get to choose.

Jordan Peterson is reaching a huge audience, and that is good news for us … but … (more…)

Baking a gay marriage cake

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

The supreme court has rolled back the decision that forced a particular baker to bake a particular gay marriage cake.

But has done nothing in general about the rules that pressure everyone else to piously give service to gay marriage, that require ever other baker to bake a gay wedding cake.

The reason for undoing that particular decision is that the human rights commission was openly and enthusiastically delighting in mockery and sacrilege and openly expressed the intent to humiliate Christians. The marriage was completely unserious, just a piece of mockery directed at monogamy and Christianity, performed for the purpose of sacrilege.

So, the Supremes left open the possibility of forcing a baker to bake a cake for a serious and sincere gay marriage – if any such are ever found. (more…)