Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy

Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes Smart and sexy is the definitive book on sex differences…

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A retrospective on working on racial differences in intelligence by Richard Lynn.

A retrospective on working on racial differences in intelligence by Richard Lynn.

Original location here, apparently its a teaser for a special issue of psych coming out later this year. I am excited. It basically details how…

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Weird documents hosted by

Weird documents hosted by

So, over time I have found a number of very strange things and claims hosted at Most were released as a result of FOIA…

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Interesting Conspiracy Videos

Interesting Conspiracy Videos

He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is a folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13 Since Vox Day and Anonymous Conservative…

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“Atavisions” The new RSS aggregator feed for Dark Enlightenment related sites.

“Atavisions” The new RSS aggregator feed for Dark Enlightenment related sites.

This was requested by a couple of users on the new /r/darkenlightenment server, details on how to join here. You can read about RSS…

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The /r/darkenlightenment discord server is being replaced by a community.

The /r/darkenlightenment discord server is being replaced by a community.

This is a copy of an announcement just made on /r/darkenlightenment. The replacement chatroom can be accessed via this link. and it is now also…

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Youtube facilitating the sexual exploitation of children

Youtube facilitating the sexual exploitation of children

Pizzagate is real. From user Mattswhatisthis. Unrelated (maybe), but I came across the post image at about the same time so I decided to include…

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Bananas in Pajamas

Bananas in Pajamas

I know this is an odd post topic, but I was just made aware of the somewhat dark undertones present in the theme song for…

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The new guidelines on “Toxic” masculinity

The new guidelines on “Toxic” masculinity


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Sacha Baron-Cohen uncovers Las Vegas pedophile ring

Sacha Baron-Cohen uncovers Las Vegas pedophile ring

(((Cohen))), unsurprisingly, is a bit of a leftist twat. And often just disgusting for the sake of being disgusting. The nude hotel scene in Borat…

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James Gunn: Hollywood pedophile and satan worshiper.

James Gunn: Hollywood pedophile and satan worshiper.

The sublimely autistic people at 4chan, despite their sometimes crass humor, continue to do the world a great service by revealing the darkness among the cultural…

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A review of “A Fair Hearing: The alt-right in the words of its members and leaders” from Arktos Media

A review of “A Fair Hearing: The alt-right in the words of its members and leaders” from Arktos Media

A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders. Edited by George T. Shaw and Daniel Friberg. Arktos Media Ltd. May…

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Why games go politically correct

Before gamergate was a thing, I wrote an article on how the Mass Effect series got progressively worse because of typical prig prog antics. Given that…

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Using archive sites on social media actually does work to cut funding for the Lügenpresse

Using archive sites on social media actually does work to cut funding for the Lügenpresse

Source Additional evidence shows moderators from specific subreddits force users to misuse web archiving services so as to ideologically target certain news sources by depriving…

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Who are stronger, men or women?

Who are stronger, men or women?

The following is an excerpt from the book “Smart and Sexy” by Roderick Kaine; a book mainly about the biological causes of sex differences in…

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How expensive are women?

How expensive are women?

The following is an excerpt from the book Smart and SeXy by Roderick Kaine. For additional excerpts and reviews please see this page. Please see…

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