Archive for August, 2017

The threatened imprisonment of Sheriff Joe

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

Sheriff Joe was threatened with imprisonment for enforcing the law of the land, after he was elected on a platform of enforcing that law.

This reflects the drift towards criminalizing political differences. Or as the Democrats call it “rule of law”, rule of law being a euphemism for rule by judges, where judges make executive rulings on traditionally executive issues.

Straightforward extrapolation of this trend is that if Trump loses power, he will be imprisoned, and eventually executed, and not very long thereafter, we will see a purge of military and police in which most of the current leadership is imprisoned and/or executed, nominally for past crimes towards single women, blacks, gays, fat people, and whoever gets on the oppressed list next year, actually for being suspected of insufficient loyalty and enthusiasm for the new regime.

Trump is losing or firing his strongest loyalists, and surrounding himself with people who intend his destruction. He rather should surround himself with people who intend Trump and his descendants to remain in power permanently.

People are going to tell me that imprisoning and killing the Trumps is unthinkable. It is unthinkable in 2017, but a whole lot of things were thinkable in 2016 that were unthinkable in 2008, and imprisoning Sheriff Joe was one of those things.

Purging loyalists and installing enemies in power is how the Romanovs died. The first coup resulting from this policy was the Kadet coup, which merely intended democratic constitutional monarchy, which was swiftly followed by a social democrat coup which merely intended a democratic socialist Republic, resulting in the purging of the Romanovs, which was swiftly followed by a communist coup, which swiftly resulted in the execution of the Romanovs. Something along those lines for 2024 is just straightforward projection of current trends, of which the attempt to imprison Sheriff Joe for enforcing the law of the land is one straw of a great many straws in the wind. The elite is increasingly using political violence, not only on ordinary political opponents as at Charlottesville., but on elite political opponents such as Paul Manafort and Sheriff Joe. They have crossed a line, and there are no remaining lines between what they are doing now and full scale war. This sets in motion an inevitable drift to the greater use of simple violence to resolve political disagreement within the elite. Wars are easy to start, hard to stop. We are drifting towards wars internal and external. War is a form of entropy. If you don’t do anything clever, forceful, and effective to prevent war, war will probably ensue. If actions are unconstrained by the possibility that war may ensue, war will ensue. War is easy, peace is hard. Even if the right rolls over and plays dead, this will merely mean that people who are today unthinkably far left will be deemed extreme right, and eventually executed for their reactionary tendencies.

No enemies to the right

Saturday, August 26th, 2017

No enemies to the left has been working great for the left, and no enemies to the right has been working great for us.

If you declare someone to your right your enemy, you wind up dancing to a tune called by leftists.

Supreme Dark Lord Vox Day recently criticized Spencer and the Nazis as fake right – criticized them not for being too far right, but for being too far left, for being socialist. He did not criticize from the left, but from the right. He is correctly maintaining a position of no enemies to the right. You can argue that his criticism was too harsh, that he was cutting off communication, but his action was not an example of enemies to the right. Socialism is leftist, and Nazis are leftists who have been left behind by the rest of the left as the rest have continued to move further left.

People who want to smash or steal stuff belonging to Jews are mistaken. That never makes us rich, it makes us poor.

Non Jews should be removed from state and quasi state power in Israel, and Jews should be removed from state and quasi state power in the US. But if you go smashing up a Jewish pawnshop or a Jewish distillery, you are allowing covetousness and envy to distract you and make you do stupid things. Taking or smashing other people’s stuff is a bad idea. Land and women can be usefully and effectively stolen, but the trouble with socialism is that more complicated forms of wealth tend to get messed up in the transition. Jews in exile tend to specialize in precisely those forms of wealth that are not usefully confiscatable.

Censoring the internet

Saturday, August 26th, 2017

Racist sites are being taken off the internet. Expect “racist” sites to follow.

The internet is built to resist censorship, and it is time for alt tech that takes advantage of this. patronize, duckduckgo, hatreon, and, assuming that they are still up by the time you read this. If they are not, namecoin and tor.

The never ending war in Afghanistan

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

Too many Americans have died in order that Afghan girls can be taught how to put a condom on a banana.

Trump has reversed course on Afghanistan. Perhaps he needed to do that to keep the officers on side, but this war needs to be won or lost. Keeping it going forever is costing far too much blood and treasure.

How do you win an Afghan war?

It is not hard: You need a genuinely Islamic strong monarch who can accomplish the difficult job of keeping order, and let him know that if trouble comes out of Afghanistan and reaches you, he is going to die.

The problem with our existing war is that it is a holy war, fought to emancipate women in Afghanistan, and to destroy conservative Islam, not to create order under the control of someone who can be held responsible for any trouble coming out of Afghanistan. If you are going to fight a holy war against a live religion, need to kill huge numbers of people and level their cities, which we are reluctant to do – although if they were white Christians, I am sure there would be no hesitation.

If we are reluctant to slaughter and burn on the require scale, then we need to let Afghans be Afghans. It is time to shut down those prog schools in Afghanistan.

Too many Americans have died in order that Afghan girls can be taught how to put a condom on a banana.

We forbid our soldiers to piss one hundred yards upwind of Koran, we forbid them to carry bibles, while we attempt to destroy the values taught in that Koran.

I would totally support holy war against the Afghans, fought with the methods necessary to win a holy war. I am not so keen on unholy war. We are fighting to destroy what is right with Islam, rather than what is wrong, fighting to corrupt Islam as Christianity was corrupted, and the Taliban rightly sees this as wickedness.

Red Guards and Cultural Revolution

Monday, August 21st, 2017

Three years ago, after World War Trans, people said, “OK, one more unconditional and total capitulation by the right, and then we will be able to live in peace.

But today we have red guards and a cultural revolution.

And that is what everyone says, after each capitulation, starting with the denial of King George’s divorce. “The left has today become so crazy, so extreme, it cannot get any crazier, and there is going to be a blacklash.” (Or, in the case of King George, a holash. And after King George’s divorce was denied, there was indeed a holash against wives who fuck around, but it did not stop things from rapidly getting worse, and the attack upon the family from endlessly escalating, and the total fertility rate from endlessly falling, with a temporary remission from the early thirties to the early sixties, between first wave and second wave feminism.)

Now it is apparent that the next big thing is Red Guards and the Cultural Revolution. Whiteness is today being erased from our past, and tomorrow we will be erased from our present. After whitness, maleness, starting with fathers and husbands.

A left singularity is usually terminated, as by a Stalin or a Cromwell. One leftist grabs all power and absolute power, and then stops things from getting worse, lest he be devoured in his turn. But until then, it just goes on getting ever more extreme. It does not stop quietly of its own accord, merely because it has become sufficiently extreme to sate people’s appetite for destruction. It is only going to stop if someone stops it.

Fathers and husbands will be deemed toxic for wives and children and will be removed from their families – the salami slicer is already operating to remove the supposedly worst husbands and fathers, and eventually it is going to get the whole salami. Wives who fail to cooperate in the removal of husbands and fathers will lose their children, and eventually be subject to violence and imprisonment, and eventually execution. Next cishet single men, then insufficiently gay single men, and then …

Eventually, as in Szechuan, everyone enthusiastically tortures everyone else to death in an unsuccessful effort to be the last to be called out for insufficient leftism and devoured, and no one remains, unless at some point, the left gets it in the neck, and is purged from the institutions of the state religion – in our case the Ivies and the key media.

In Russia, the left communists were leaving old fashioned Marxism Leninism behind, as the Unitarians had left Puritanism behind. Stalin was guilty of old fashioned Marxism Leninsm, and so would surely have been devoured, so he purged the left communists under the excuse that they were “objectively fascist”. In the ensuing purge, Jews suffered disparate impact, extreme disparate impact, and the party wound up pretty much Judenrein, but it was not a purge of Jews for Jewishness. It was, mostly, a purge of communists for heresy, entirely genuine heresy.

The “fascists” and “wreckers” that were purged were largely imaginary, but the “Objective fascists” that were purged really were heretics from what had been orthodox Marxism Leninism, and they were nailed for heresy, not Judaism.

Eventually, the left edge of politics is going to be purged from the Ivies and government employment – perhaps by us, more likely by someone unimaginably further left than any present day tendency.

Or else, as in Szechuan, everyone is going to die horribly.

Equality and Social Justice is just rhetoric for mobilizing envy and covetousness and turning it into violence and destruction, as for example Detroit.

The left cares about power, and power is “impact”, and “impact” is making people suffer. When they run out of kulaks, they liquidate the peasants. Obamaphone woman cares about equality and social justice, the mindless river of meat cares about equality and social justice, in the sense that they are pissed that some people have nicer stuff than they do, and want to trash that stuff and mess up those people, but the puppeteers controlling Obamaphone woman do not give a shit. When they have finished using her to kill all whites and all males, they will take Obamaphone woman’s phone away, and then they are going to kill her: Impact!

Look at any greenie environmentalist protest. They leave a trail of garbage behind them, they totally trash the environment. Look at the save-our-jobs counter protest. They clean up behind themselves as if they had never been there.

They don’t want to save the earth they don’t want equality and social justice, they want power, power is impact, impact is making people suffer. Every BLM and greenie protest proves it.

Leftism has made envy and covetousness into a sacrament, because that is the sin that is easiest to pander to politically.

Not only is it easier to destroy Detroit, than to transfer it intact from whites to blacks, it is easier to destroy Jewish assets than to transfer them intact to Germans.

And not only is it easier, it is much more satisfying in the short run. Do you want to balance a set of account books, or do you want break windows and terrorize the people behind those windows? BLM and Antifa!

Face it. Smashing and terrorizing is just more fun. If you want a mob of muppets, you don’t offer them other people’s assets to organize and operate, you offer them other people’s assets to destroy, and other people to destroy. BLM and Antifa is impact!


The left plan

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

The plan appears to be to go right ahead with massive repression as if Hillary was president. If the mere president allows this to happen, he and his family get arrested later, by a bunch of social justice warriors dressed as cops carrying a warrant from some judge no one has heard of. If the God Emperor does not allow it to happen, they attempt to arrest him sooner.

Looks like Spencer and Charlottesville had nothing to do with it. They just happened to be in the line of fire when Democracy Spring started to roll.

We not only over estimate the role of street protests and public opinion, we also over estimate non state agency. Collective action starts from state decisions This was always about Trump. Going after Trump through the Russians was not working, so now they are going after him through their real target, the right.

The plan was that Hillary would be elected, then they would do to conservatives, including cuckservative Republicans, what they did to Nazis. With the unexpected loss of the presidency, the plan is being adapted in an ad hoc fashion. If “Russia stole the election” had worked, they would have taken out Trump, then the right. Now they are going to attempt to take out any and all Trump loyalists, then take out Trump, then implement the original plan.

That escalated quickly

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

First Damore at Google, then he gets fired, then the Charlottesville march to protest the destruction of white history is violently crushed, then then the erasure of white culture and history is dramatically escalated, then protest march about Google’s mistreatment of Damore is threatened with the Charlottesville treatment, and folds in the face of clear intention to terrorize them as at Charlottesville.

At this rate, we will be at democide and infinite leftism by Wednesday.

I still predict the left singularity for two thousand and twenty six or so, but if I was going by the latest headlines, I would predict it for Wednesday.

I don’t think it will happen by Wednesday, but these events make it more likely that they will shortly attempt to arrest the God Emperor on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by some judge no one has heard of, without bothering with the obsolete inconvenience of a two thirds senate vote.

Gassing the Jews is worse than a crime

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

It is a distraction.

A Jewish neoreactionary accurately complains about today’s nazis:

being happily married, with children, and having regular employment, does wonders to stabilize and sober up the minds of creative, imaginative, intelligent people with energetic and action-oriented “free radical” personalities. Fatherhood as antioxidant. Socialization with other normal fathers as electrical ground. The longer one of these types goes without these moderators and governors, the more likely they are to keep drifting until eventually finding a social scene which amplifies ones impulses. Like Taliban groups of unattached single men are constantly pumping and psyching each other up for Jihad, right here, right now, even if it’s senseless. There’s definitely some kind of masculine failure mode there.

In the ancestral environment, if you were a reproductively unsuccessful male, you formed a tribe of young men, who went off and stole some land and enslaved some women. Holiness signalling about racial purity is tribe formation.

What their genes really want them to do is confiscate the Ivy League endowments, kill the males at Harvard, occupy the Ivy League buildings, and enslave the Ivy League women. Given that the alternative is near certain genetic extinction, this is not a stupid ambition, though purity spiraling, which generates the solidarity needed to accomplish this program, also distracts from this program.

Getting overly obsessed about Jews creates the cohesion necessary to address this problem – but also results in not conquering and enslaving women, which is actually the whole point of the program, just as females shit testing results in those females not having children and not forming relationships, even though from the point of the genes the whole point of shit testing is family formation – girls are behaving provocatively to find a male powerful enough to subdue them, but girls think they are behaving provocatively because they actually want power, freedom, and independence, with the result that they attain neither power nor family, and achieve freedom and independence as cat ladies.

Your genes don’t actually want you to gas the Jews. That is just a flag to rally around, and a club with which to attack your enemies. (Hence the tendency of Nazis to denounce everyone they don’t like as Jewish.) Your genes want you to gas the enemy males, take their land, revenue sources, and buildings, and enslave their women. Krystalnacht was assets being smashed, rather than transferred to individuals competent to use them. If you gas the Jews without winding up supported by the revenue from the campus endowment, in a nice home with a couple of ivy league slave girls serving you in what used to be an ivy league campus, it has all gone horribly wrong, like a thirty year old woman issuing an inappropriately brutal shit test to a beta provider male.

It is a “masculine failure mode” only if you don’t get the land, the house, and the slave girls. Recollect that in the American Revolution, the Whigs dispossesed the Tories, drove them out of America, and took their stuff. The alt right are today’s Tories, and their genes want a re-run.

Not time for war yet

Monday, August 14th, 2017

A lot of people are saying that Charlotsville means time for war.

No, not time for war yet, because the God Emperor says to cool it. You have to go with the King you have, rather than the King you would like to have, because otherwise it is democracy, and we know democracy does not work.

When they arrest him using a warrant from some judge no one has heard of, then likely it will be time for war.

Summary of the Global Warming evidence

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Surface measurements have various major sources of error, which have to be guestimated away in an ad hoc manner. The only data that is arguably good enough to estimate the rather small changes in climate is Australia, Britain, and the US – which on the whole have not been warming as measured by surface instruments. And even for them, the warming estimated from surface instruments is rather similar to various sources of error, that have to be “corrected”. The main contribution to global warming as measured by surface instruments comes from sources where you can get any result you want by rather arbitrarily deciding some data is good enough to include, and some data is not, by cherry picking particular events – for example warm nights indicate America is warming, but hottest days indicates America is cooling. You can always find one indicator to be alarmist about, but on the whole, where our data is good, surface instruments indicate little or no global warming. Because our surface instrument database is noisy, inaccurate, and incomplete, there is plenty of room to spin it any way one pleases.

The most precise measurement of global warming comes from satellites, which indicate a warming of one degree centigrade per century.

Recent changes in the icecaps indicate slight warming over the last thirty years ago, though the antarctic icecap has increased by almost the same amount as the arctic icecap has decreased, but the icecaps still have substantially more ice than a hundred years ago. The landing sites of early antarctic explorers are now behind a vast barrier of thick, and very old, ice impenetrable to icebreakers. A century ago there was too much open water at the North Pole, even in midwinter, to access it by dog sled, yet today, you can access it by dog sled in winter. Early attempts to reach the North Pole by dog sled had huge problems with open, ice free areas of water. Recent efforts to recreate those trips using identical equipment just took a straight line over solid ice.

The worlds biggest glaciers, the ones in the Himalayas are growing. Greenland glaciers are arguably shrinking, but by a miniscule amount. Glaciers do not tell you today’s weather as compared to yesterday, but today’s weather as compared with a very long time ago. Which fits with the experiences of arctic and antarctic explorers a century or so ago. Different glaciers are giving different indications, which is consistent with the conjecture that some years, some decades, and some centuries are warmer, and others are cooler.

So, lukewarming is true, for the moment, natural variation is true, and catastrophic warming is not true.