Monthly Archives: August 2016

The University College Scam

So once upon a time I was a student at a University College. University Colleges are a relatively new concept in the Netherlands. They are based on American teaching models: a university college delivers small scale international education and offer a 3-year bachelor’s program in liberal arts and science. Breaking with traditional Dutch education, university college offers a wide curriculum of courses, ranging from anthropology to sociology to literature to chemistry. Of course the study load is higher than the average university education, but excellence is required of the students. For admittance you need an impressive resume as well as passing an interview. This is an elite education after all. The first university college was founded in Utrecht in 1998. Several others have sprouted up all over the Netherlands, including Middelburg, Maastricht, Leiden, Amsterdam and Groningen.

The whole thing is of course one big scam. It is an intricate scam with 2 major red herrings to throw you off the trail:

1) Student life is very enjoyable. Students generally live together in semi-closed communities and develop tight bonds. They are treated as the future elite and behave as such. If there is one thing the cathedral always understood it is that students are to be treated as kings.

2) Professors aka the authority figures willingly cooperate with the scam of which they are not aware. The professors are given a sense of self-importance that they do not enjoy at regular universities. This in combination with small classes makes them more motivated and makes the learning experience as a whole more enjoyable.

Nonetheless a scam is a scam, no matter how many people will tell you the opposite. Bernie Madoff embezzled billions of dollars, university colleges scam thousands of students out of their time and money. The reason these university colleges convincingly present themselves as elite is because they pay tribute to the elite American universities (a.k.a. Harvard) and copy their material. Anthropology courses teach afrocentric feminism. Sociology courses teach how to democratise democracy. Psychology teaches about racial prejudice. The entire UC curriculum essentially boils down to the following: ‘this is what the cathedral demands of you and if you work hard you might just secure a high-ranking position. Journalism, the European Parliament, International Law, you name it.’ Which is exactly what the harder working students go on to do.

Naturally I am not one of those successful students. Being a natural dissenter I was actually kicked out of one sociology course in which the ‘professor’ shoved postmodernist discourse down our throat. ‘Nothing is real kids!’ It was too much for me. I remember highjacking the course and having fruitless discussions in which I argued that he might as well believe in Sinterklaas since truth was a social construct anyway. It did not end well. I remember running into a classmate afterwards who told me that ‘perhaps I was just not yet ready.’

In all honesty I was more concerned with getting laid in those days so besides that one course the whole political shenanigans did not bother me that much. It is only now once I’m wiser and older that I realise the grand scam that is university college: it is a well-packaged cathedral export product. Parents: don’t send your children to university college. Kids: don’t let the shiny colours fool you. It is a scam.


Een Alternatief Rechts voor Nederland


De opkomst van de Alt-Right in de Verenigde Staten is een natuurlijk gevolg van alsmaar sneller accelererende chaos onder leiding van links. Spoor zwarten aan om winkels plat te branden, verwacht repercussies van winkeleigenaars. Maar wat kunnen Amerikaanse winkeleigenaars doen? De republikeinse partij was geen daadwerkelijk alternatief: zij zijn gecontroleerde oppositie, ‘gekukt‘ door links. Zie Jeb Bush. Vandaar het succes van Trump, die niet naar de pijpen van links danst. Vandaar ook de ongebreidelde haat van linkse academia en media jegens Trump, die tot nog toe de dienst uitmaken. Vandaar tenslotte ook de onvoorwaardelijke liefde van de Alt-Right voor Trump, die zich als eerste expliciet uitspreekt tegen zowel linksmensen als kukservatieven.


Nederland bevindt zich op veel vlakken in een vergelijkbare situatie. In de eerste plaats is Nederland een sateliet-staat van de VS. Er zijn 3 soevereine landen in de wereld: Rusland, China en de VS. De VS heeft zijn linkse progressivisme met succes naar Nederland geëxporteerd. Dit zien we terug in het succes van university colleges, het overdragen van Nederlandse macht aan bureaucraten in Brussel en de unanieme veroordeling van Geert Wilders door de middelstroom media. In de tweede plaats heeft Nederland ook een immigratie probleem – hier zijn het voornamelijk islamitische arabieren die en masse naar Nederland emigreren, waar zij onder toejuiching van links moskees bouwen en Nederlandse vrouwen verkrachten. Terroristische aanvallen zijn inmiddels een wekelijkse gebeurtenis in West-Europa; het is slechts een kwestie van tijd voordat de eerste slachtoffers in Nederland vallen. De media (o.a. NOS en vertelt ons dat er niks rampzaligs gebeurt – de enige ramp is Wilders, die haat verspreidt. Het tegenovergestelde is waar. We worden binnengevallen door een vijand en we voelen het: Nederlandse mannen nemen weinig ruimte op als zij over straat lopen en Nederlandse vrouwen hebben seksuele fantasieën over de moslim agressor. Er vindt een stille invasie plaats.

Onze enige democratische hoop is Geert Wilders. Wilders danst net als Trump en Nigel Farage niet naar de pijpen van links. Hij spreekt eerlijk over islam en hij doet dat -met gevaar voor eigen leven- al jaren. Het is precies om deze reden dat Wilders consequent als Hitler wordt afgeschilderd, net zoals Pim Fortuyn voor hem. Belangrijk besef hierin is dat de PVV de enige rechtse partij in Nederland is. De Christenunie, de VVD, de CDA en SGP zijn allemaal hetzelfde als de GOP: gekukt door links. Zij zijn geen echte oppositie, zij zijn schijnoppositie. In de 2e kamer is het de PVV versus de rest.

Het Gezicht van een kukservatief.
Een goedbedoelende kuk is nog steeds een kuk.

Waarheid en memes staan aan de kant van Alternatief Rechts. Alt-Rechts is cool. Ik denk dat het onvermijdelijk is dat Nederlanders dit in gaan zien, bij voorkeur jonge en hippe Nederlanders. Links drijft immers op de ondernemingskracht van rechts en naarmate de chaos groter wordt wordt de onvrede groter. Kukservatieven als Mark Rutte en Jan Peter Balkenende zullen Nederland op geen enkele manier helpen. De opkomst van een Alt-Rechtse beweging in Nederland zal op termijn een feit zijn, al was het maar omdat we graag de coole dingen uit de Verenigde Staten overnemen.

Neoreaction, Alt-Right and Politics


I can not lie: I am really enjoying the convergence of Trump, mainstream media and the Alt-Right. Trump signing up with Breitbart is the final confirmation. Dutchies had never heard of Breitbart before a week ago and do not understand what is going on. I have known Breitbart since a year or so because of Milo, the homosexual journalist with fabulous hair. Back then he was touring around the US on his dangerous fag tour, trolling people with alt-right memes and generally being a funny flamboyant gay. Recently he got banned from twitter when he gave the Ghostbusters remake a deserved thumbs down.

Now Hillary Clinton will apparently give a speech on thursday explicitly addressing alt-right. The final final confirmation. Oh boy.

Who expected it to go this fast? Not me. At the same time I’m not surprised. The internet is by large a free speech zone which means memes flow freely and the best memes are allowed to float to the top. The Alt-Right has the best memes and the coolest memers. You might not like it but Pepe the frog has been confiscated by the Alt-Right. Young rightist memers are cooler than young leftist memers. Meme critical mass has been reached.

Vox Day writes that now is a good time for bloggers to define the Alt-Right. Sure. I have no quarrels with his points. I’ll add some neoreactionary and personal thoughts.

The most important political realisation of the 21st-century in the West is that leftists are in charge everywhere. Mencius Moldbug was the first to realise and write about this, and his theories on progressivism are what is generally accepted as neoreactionary theory. Moldbug diagnosed the USA as a communist country, run by English priests who settled in Cambrige, Massachusetts, where they founded a university you perhaps heard of: Harvard. Of course Harvard in practice is not as much a university as it is a church, and its priests are destined to become the most powerful people on earth. Widely read journalists, respected academic professors and big shot politicians all hail from Harvard or pay ritualistic respect to Harvard. We are talking about the New York Times, the Richard Dawkins and the Barack Obamas. The important people. Moldbug ominously referred to this huge collective of leftist power as the Cathedral. The problem with the Cathedral is similar to the problem with communism: it is biological parasitism which feeds on peace and order and produces chaos. We’re talking a pretty big parasite, e.g. one which Moldbug compared with Lovecraft’s mythical monster of Ctulhu.

Ctulhu always moves left

So that is dr. Moldbug’s diagnosis of the West: a persistent case of religious leftism. Now, what do we do with this knowledge? This is where opinions diverge, most prominently between neoreactionaries and the Alt-Right.

Moldbug/neoreaction advocates passivism, which argues that the system is so completely infected with leftism that it is futile to try to save it. Democracy by nature is flawed. Instead of building a kitchen in a burning house you are better off building a new house.

The Alt-Right advocates activism, which argues that you can not make a change in the system without fighting for it. To do so you need to work within the system. In the US it turns out that the supposedly right-wing republican party is in actuality controlled opposition for the leftists. The conservatives are in this sense ‘cucked’ by leftists. Hence the beloved Alt-Right meme: cuckservatives. Jeb Bush was an obvious cathedral puppet cuckservative. With the opportunity of non-cathedral president Donald Trump the Alt-Right is now attacking the cathedral head on in whatever way they can. Since they have the truth on their side, they have the memes on their side. Twitter in particular is amazing in terms of battling leftist lies with glorious memes. A personal favourite is God Emperor Trump. Were he to crown himself king, I daresay Moldbug would approve.


Alt-Righters have a point when they attack reactionaries for being pussies. Politics do not happen in a vacuum and it is silly to assume the cathedral will let you build parallel institutions in peace if you’re really quiet about it. If Trump were a passivist reactionary would he be running for president?

At the same time the righteousness of the Alt-Right feels temporary. I can’t help but notice that pretty much the entire Alt-Right hype centers around the election. Elections are bad for your soul. There’s a couple of alt-righters who seem like respectable people, but any group that defines itself by the idiom ‘no enemies to the right’ is bound to pick up lots of crazies. As long as there is a clear commander (Trump), a clear enemy (Hillary) and a clear objective (winning the election) the Alt-Right will do amazing things. After that, I am not so sure.

So ending on a personal note: I enjoy the Alt-Right but associate myself more with neoreaction. Generally though I see myself in a position where politics slowly ceases to be my #1 topic of blogging. Politics is always interesting, it is just not something on which I have a lot of new stuff to say.

Sometimes people just give themselves away

Oftentimes you can intuitively feel when someone is a bullshitter, which is not to say they are 100% composed of bullshit but which is to say they are not the person they project themselves to be.

I’ve always had that feeling with Owen Cook and Julien Blanc from RSD. But a feeling is a feeling and a feeling might be misguided. Then the whole Julien Blanc rapist scandal came along:

Julien Blanc represents himself as an aways happy cool guy who just lives life to the fullest. But in this video I see a grovelling and scared man who acts like he was caught with his pants down. He is a bullshitter and gave himself away.

The same goes for Arnold Schwarzenegger. His accomplishments and self-discipline are mind-blowing, but Arnold like so many celebrities gave himself away when he represents himself as an intelligent politician yet he voted John Kasich. You don’t care for American values, you care for yourself and your career. Bullshitter, your vote gave you away.

The problem is that snake oil merchants try to avoid situations in which they give themselves away. Julien Blanc wished the media scandal would have never happened. Arnold Schwarzenegger wished the Trump train would have never happened.

Julien is still working as a dating coach for RSD and Arnold is set to be Trump’s follow-up in the Celebrity’s Apprentice. In this sense nothing ever changes. This is why it is always good to trust your gut even if someone has not explicitly given themselves away as a bullshitter.

We are at war

“Pretty sure it is not natural for me. Feels like prison or an armed home invasion robbery. Feels like I am being intimidated off my own property.”

When I look at reactionary and alt-right discourse I see a recurring mindset: we are at war.  War is the natural state of man and war (or anarchy-tyranny) is the state we find ourselves in nowadays. It is a relatively strange war: there’s no bombings, no curfew, no shortage of food, no military force marching through town. But war is waged in many ways and the only reason we do not see public executions is because no party is strong enough to get away with openly executing their enemies. We do however see war parties churning out propaganda and disrupting the enemy in whatever way possible. Black Lives Matter is a front for warfare in the same manner that the Dutch political party ‘Denk’ is a front for warfare. Those in favour of Denk are not yet burning down shops, but only because they can not get away with it at this point in time.

The virus of universalism works so that it explicitly kills your sense of ‘us vs them’. Academic psychology tells us that ‘us vs them’ is a bias to be overcome instead of an evolutionary instinct to distinguish between friend and foe. If you believe there is no enemy you have no need to be alert and you are thus lulled asleep.

The truth is that you have friends and you have enemies. Likely you have more enemies than you think. But like most enemies they will not explicitly tell you they are your enemies. Instead they will wait, undermine and strike only when they feel they can get away with it.

Final showdown: Cialdini vs Trump

Cialdini vs Trump

So Trump’s poll numbers have been tanking and suddenly signs point towards a stumpening of the Trumpening. Topic du jour among normies is the image of Trump’s fat racist finger hovering over the launch button of the US nuclear arsenal. Heartiste has the scoop  and explains-  there ís a stumpening going on and the reason is that Hillary’s PR team has picked up speed. The media and academic apparatus was always at the disposal of the democrats, they just did not know how to use it against the madman. Now it seems someone capable has been put in charge. If Cialdini, dangerous.

There is not much to add to Heartiste’s breakdown of the situation. Biomechanics is God. The mob is capricious and will be swayed by anyone with good game. Trump understands game, but so does Cialdini. And Cialdini is backed by those in power.

Trump’s trump is stage presence. His rallies fill up massive stadiums with angry whites and his words give them hope for a better future. Clinton’s rallies are empty puppet shows. So Trump has that going for him. But seducing 320 million voters is an immense task. Man oh man oh man. Trump better had discipline indeed. And dare I say also have a back-up plan: in all fairness Trump has very little time to organize a ragtag band of republicans and weasels against the full might of the cathedral, which has openly declared him to be the #1 state enemy of progress. Perhaps with 4 more years of political network building he would do better. Then again, US voting demographics look scary. Every 4 years 10 million new voters are thrown into the power struggle. With a national 1.88 fertility rate the only conclusion is that these 10 million newcomers are almost exclusively immigrants. Immigrants by nature vote cathedral. The window of hope is closing.

At least democracy is living down to her expectations. #NRx.

Thoughts on the Rio Olympics

A friend sent me this article – why it pays to be grumpy and bad-tempered. Yes it is the BBC and yes I do not trust anything those people write, but I like the jest of the writer. It helps me rationalize my grumpy thoughts on the olympic games and turn them into a pièce de art.

For clarity: unlike probably most men I rarely watch sports. I enjoy sporting but I’d rather be doing it myself than watching others do it. Of course I do have an opinion on sports and specifically the ongoing olympic games in Rio. Here it is:  I can’t take them seriously.

First there is the obvious geopolitical situation. If Rio de Janeiro indeed represents a city of the New World it is not a new world I look forward to.

But mainly my issue is that these olympics seem to forget the original purpose of sports: competition. Sports is a matter of finding out who is best. It is a friendly battle, a K-selected struggle in a dojo for all to witness. The rush of adrenalin experienced by athletes and viewers is enjoyable because it is in line with nature – nature likes winners. Nowadays the progressive wind blows quite different: everyone is a winner! This applies to the selection process of ‘nationalist’ teams which are preferably as genetically -and religiously- diverse as possible. This makes it so that the flags associated with each athlete lose their meaning; if an American athlete wins this tells me absolutely nothing about America.

The there-are-no-losers meme also applies to the inclusion and extensive media coverage of female olympic athletes. This one gets to me especially because I see with my own eyes what is happening, namely that the female who is most like a male usually wins. In strength-based categories the females are so bulked up that they practically are men. Well of course they are not really men since male athletes consistently outperform female athletes in pretty much every sport, but let us not talk about this. Let us celebrate their achievements! Remember – everyone is a winner! Pfah.

(In all fairness my girlfriend mentioned gymnastics as a more female-friendly category. I agree.)

Free will is whatever you believe it to be


So I stumbled upon Kristor’s post on free will, which was a response to Alrenous’ earlier post titled ‘free will is analytically impossible‘. Both talk about free will and both come to opposing conclusions.

Alrenous concludes that “the desire for ‘free will’ is an evopsych thing, not a philosophy thing. It’s about not being in physical chains. It’s about my values not being overridden by someone else’s. Not being in logical/causal chains is impossible.” Ergo there is not such thing as free will.

Kristor concludes “with the opposite notion: that we do really act; that our wanting and so our willing is free; that it is, truly, ours, and not that of some other; and that it is not merely a determinate logical function of its causal antecedents.” Ergo there is such a thing as free will.

Here’s my 2 cents: they’re both right as long as they respect Gnon. Alrenous’ analysis fits that prerequisite slightly better because he explicitly mentions the chains of nature and forces us to acknowledge that we are stuck in them. Kristor is also right but struggles in his explanation. In my opinion his distinction between ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’ is semantical. You do what you do and you want what you want.

Still Kristor is right because free will is whatever you believe it to be. Philosophers have hit a brick wall on the concept. Theology > philosophy. “Free will” has no use in a scientific discussion because there is no freedom in an unfree world. A problem can not be solved on the same level it was created. Do I have free will? Yes because X! No because Y! Either answer is unfalsifiable. The same thing goes for concepts like destiny, kharma and the existence of your soul. Real? False? Who knows. Unfalsifiable. Believe whatever you believe.

Of course I solve this problem by thinking of all those words as synonyms for God. But that’s me.

It’s coming to an end

Through Ricky Vaughn I stumbled on a photo report on Obama’s visit to Singapore. I don’t know. I look at those pictures and it seems to me like the writing is on the wall. There is despair in those pictures. Michelle does look like a body builder in her bulking period. I imagine the PM’s wife greeting her and thinking ‘oooh why she so fat!’ Obama smiles but  doesn’t really smile. The toast he gave honoring prime minister Lee Loong must have been a drag.

My guess is they all start to realize the jig is up. Yes we can – no we couldn’t. There is some interesting psychology going on.

What natural rightists not always understand is that leftist dreams are really appealing. They are appealing because they seem real, they feel real. When Obama ran for president it was a huge deal among the interested parties who were mainly young students who saw ‘their’ cathedral bringing hope and change for the world. In retrospect it was of course all a scam, but retrospect is easy talking.

So regarding the psychology of Barack Obama: my analysis is that he genuinely believed in the cause. He likely thought of himself as the son of Martin Luther King and a president who would guide his people through troubled times (although natural leftist narcissism might dictate that he was more deluded). The momentum of his campaign meant people around him also believed and he thrived on that. But 7 years later the cause is in shatters. People are losing faith. Like Adolf in der Untergang so is Obama unable to filter all the negative feedback he is receiving. Also Obama has to deal with a pissed-off wife who probably feels like she was sold a beta in an alpha suit.

edit: Steve Sailer makes sense. “Obama’s 17-year-old mother arrived in Hawaii in 1960 and quickly became pregnant by an exotic black man.” That’s your prophecy right there.

Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Reading up on enemy warfare (by which I mean skimming over the wikipage). Rules for radicals is basically the leftist/evil version of Robert Greene’s 48 laws of power.


1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

10. ”The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

#3 gets to me. #4 as well. #1 used to be an issue but not anymore.