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Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
Did the System Work? Aftermath of the 2020 Election Wayne 6:05am J15
How Do We Stop a Coup? dfdf 5:01pm D6
A Conference of the "National Anarchists" Wayne 2:02pm D2
A libertarian socialist view of the capitalist and health crisis in the Americas Prophet2022 12:39am A31
Solidarity with the Struggle of the Mapuche People Eepa 5:16am A9
Mary Trump on the Political Psychopathology of President Donald Wayne 5:02am A3
Solidarity with the Struggle of North American People! mazen kamalmaz 1:25am J6
Some of My Past Political Mistakes Mike Harris 6:01am M12
How Did Socialists Respond to the Advent of Fascism? Wayne Price 8:01am M5
Are Anarchists Socialists? elias 4:25am F28
Trump’s Betrayal Of Ypg – Paris Commune Falls Again? KA 10:53pm D27
Nelson Mandela SamFanto 12:48am D17
Poder y Anarquismo René 6:20pm D14
Alex Pirie R.I.P José Antonio Gu 5:15am N27
Breve reflexão sobre a Bolívia a partir do golpe de Estado de 10 de novembro de 2019 Mazen kamalmaz 6:21pm N20
It's Going Down (A Rabbit Hole in Rojava) WEB 1:00pm N4
Solidarity for Afrin and Rojava against the Turkey State Wayne Price 8:03am O19
Makhno’s army hits the Russian screen abcc 4:31pm S18
Should the Anti-Capitalists Contest Elections? Wayne 6:53am S12
Comment on the Accusations against Michael Schmidt Wayne 10:41am S3
O sindicalismo revolucionário como estratégia dos Congressos Operários (1906, 1913, 1920) fabio luz 12:13pm A24
Maoism vs. Libertarian Socialism? Review of Elliot Liu, Maoism and the Chinese Revolution; A Critical Introduction (2016) Wayne 8:24am A3
Considerations about the Anarchist Programme Ilan S. 2:20am A3
About the conditions under which we fight and the current state of the anarchist movement in the German-speaking region – for the creation of a revolutionary, platformist organization! Wayne Price, US 9:26am J22
Los soviets libres de Ucrania en la historiografía soviética eulalio 1:27am J21
Why the Jews? Ilan S. 8:55pm M8
A Green New Deal vs. Revolutionary Ecosocialism BC 1:59pm A19
"The Coming Insurrection"? Wayne 7:31am A14
Dernier témoin de l’anarchisme algérien, Léandre Valéro s’en est allé Leandre fellow 12:12pm M16
The Revival of U.S. Socialism—And an Anarchist Response Tana La Luz 3:46am M12
Left unity, left cooperation or a working class front? Warren McGregor 11:41pm F5
Protesta social recibe tratamiento militar en Colombia Milagros Sefair 7:55am J7
An Anarchist View of State Formation-- Review of Peter Gelderloos, “Worshipping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation” Ty Cobb 1:07pm D19
Fascisti, giù le mani dall'Irlanda Gianni Sartori 4:39pm N24
VICENZA IN MANO NEMICA Gianni Sartori 6:48am N12
Nota sobre o atual cenário da luta de classes no Brasil Cmd 9:30pm O31
El Confederalìsmo Democrático y la economía colectivista Luiggi 7:14am O17
The naked emperor and the new Syria Ahmet B. 11:27pm S19
"The North American American Anarchist: The Newspaper Dedicated to Direct Action" Mike Harris 9:23am S19
Declaración de la Federación Anarquista Uruguaya acerca de los sucesos en Nicaragua Gruppo Anarchic 7:53pm S6
Los hechos de la Anarquía (1921) Eleuterómano 5:16am A25
Falange Armata, Ultimo Atto Della Strategia Della Tensione? Gianni Sartori 6:48pm A15
Call to Action: “Disarming Rheinmetall – war starts here” nyone 7:43pm A14
8 reasons anarchists are voting Yes to Repeal the hated 8th Andrew 7:03pm M29
Chi Spara Sui Curdi Spara Sulla Rivoluzione Gianni Sartori 2:41pm M22
Haití: La Cara Sucia de las Razones Humanitarias José Antonio Gu 2:03pm M21
La Organización Política Anarquista en el Chile de los '50 Gabriel Guzmán 10:31am M14
[ZAD] For Immediate Release - Evictions Have Begun; the ZAD Calls for Mobilization woooo 10:29am A17
Book Review: Radical Unionism Anarcho 6:07am A13

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