Narendra ModiEgiaztatu kontua


Prime Minister of India

2009(e)ko urtarrila(e)tik Twitterren
Jaioteguna: iraila 17


@narendramodi blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @narendramodi desblokeatuko.

  1. Duela 1 ordu

    Thank you for the greetings. Look forward to further strengthening of entire gamut our bilateral relations.

  2. Duela 1 ordu

    Thank you President for your warm wishes and greetings. I look forward to working closely with you to further strengthen our bilateral relations with Senegal.

  3. Duela 1 ordu
  4. Duela 1 ordu

    Thank you . Wishing you and the team the very best for the upcoming World Cup.

  5. Duela 1 ordu

    Humbled the affection, . Please thank your mother for the blessings and confidence she has placed in us. I assure her, and every citizen of India that we will work even harder to fulfil the aspirations of our citizens.

  6. Duela 1 ordu

    Thank you . Our efforts to transform lives and make India more developed continue with renewed vigour.

  7. Duela 1 ordu

    Thank you . It is an honour to serve 130 crore Indians and work for the empowerment of the poor.

  8. Duela 3 ordu

    Will be going to Gujarat tomorrow evening, to seek blessings of my Mother. Day after tomorrow morning, I will be in Kashi to thank the people of this great land for reposing their faith in me.

  9. Duela 14 ordu

    Thank you . Glad that you mention healthcare and nutrition, which are priority areas for the Government of India. We have made remarkable strides in these sectors during the last five years and in this term, we will do even more.

  10. Duela 14 ordu
  11. Duela 14 ordu
  12. Duela 15 ordu

    Thank you . Looking forward to building on the work done in the last five years to fulfil people's aspirations.

  13. Duela 15 ordu
  14. Duela 15 ordu
  15. Duela 15 ordu

    बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद जी।

  16. Duela 15 ordu

    President , I am deeply touched by the warmth you have always displayed for me and my people. I look forward to big strides in India-ROK relations with your support in the coming years!

  17. Duela 17 ordu

    The sun sets on this term but the brightness our work has brought will continue to illuminate the lives of millions. A new dawn awaits, a new term beckons. We are even more determined to fulfil the dreams of 130 crore Indians and create the New India all of us dreamt of.

  18. Duela 17 ordu

    Met the Council of Ministers earlier today. It has been great working with this team, which has left no stone unturned to fulfil people’s aspirations and boost India’s development. I thanked them for their industrious efforts.

  19. Duela 17 ordu

    Had a wonderful interaction with the entire PMO staff. Thanked them for their hardwork over the last 5 years. Also thanked their family members, who have been very understanding. Emphasised on the importance of teamwork and how it ensures better efficiency and service delivery.

  20. Duela 18 ordu

    Party colleagues from Kashi gave me the official certificate of election from Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency! Feel happy to be representing one of the oldest and most vibrant centres of Indian culture.


Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
