Queensland Greens認証済みアカウント


A future for all of us. Join the Queensland Greens: . Authorised by K. Carra, QLD Greens, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor, QLD.





  1. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    We should honour coal workers & communities for everything they have done for our country. It is not their fault their industry is no longer sustainable. But the ‘coal=jobs’ line isn’t just giving these people false hope, it will keep the LNP in government. (End thread.)

  2. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    Unions, activists & organisations are all reflecting now, as it should be. But some hard decisions might need to be made if we want to change the government. Like accepting that a real transition plan is needed for coal exports & that ‘coal=jobs’ just helps the right. /12

  3. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    This is, of course, what the we’re pushing during the election, with a plan for close to 50,000 jobs for Qld, but the election is over and this isn’t a partisan point. It’s about where the non-LNP forces go from here. /11

  4. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    A ‘green new deal’ can be picked up and applied across party lines and can work as well in Melbourne as in Capricornia if it’s believable. But if people within Labor, both MPs and their backers, keep sticking with ‘coal=jobs’, everyone loses. /10

  5. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    The only way out of this cul-de-sac is with a plan for real jobs in new industries located in these coal communities. Let’s build new solar thermal, or put people to work on building new transmission lines in Queensland, or subsidise a new manufacturing plant in these areas. /9

  6. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    Because the right will please their tax-dodging corporate masters by bankrolling coal from here to our doom. That means these coal communities will always see these same arguments played out. And ‘progressives’ will always lose. /8

  7. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    Worryingly, with all this talk about ‘back to our roots’, it seems Labor is about to swallow the right’s argument hook, line and sinker. Which is bad news if we ever want to tackle global warming and/or change the government. /7

  8. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    And it is why the whole LNP line about the ‘anti-Adani convoy costing Labor seats’ is complete rubbish. It was Labor itself accepting the right’s terms of argument - shifting it from climate to jobs - that cost them. /6

  9. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    Some unions could see this, which is why they (correctly) urged that Labor should oppose Adani because it would hasten global warming, and instead make Adani about climate (not jobs) and offer a solid, believable program for alternative jobs and industries. /5

  10. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    But their biggest boost came when Qld Labor MPs & their backers started agreeing it was all about jobs. All of a sudden, the right could fight on and own the ‘left’s’ terrain. With their pro-Adani pledges & rallies, they signed their party’s death warrant. /4

  11. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    Adani, of course, wants to automate its whole endeavour and provide only 1,400 jobs. The right knows this & had been seeking to fight the whole thing as part of a culture war, with coal as a proxy. That was a fight they were doomed to lose. /3

  12. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    One of the biggest mistakes came when people accepted the implication that Adani/coal = jobs. From the moment that ALP MPs and candidates were being effectively forced to sign pledges to support coal projects because of ‘jobs’, the LNP got a massive boost. /2

  13. さんがリツイート
    11 時間前

    The broad ‘progressive’ side of Australia risks drawing all the wrong conclusions from the election - especially about climate and Adani - and it could cost us all dearly. (A thread /1)

  14. さんがリツイート
    10 時間前

    Adani remains Australia’s moral challenge. While the Morrison camp gloats, Earth is heating. Inevitably, the future of every child on Earth, including every Australian child is on the altar of Adani. Bob Brown

  15. さんがリツイート
    9 時間前

    If there's one thing you read today, make it this thread by

  16. さんがリツイート
    6 時間前

    Global strike on May 24th. 1263 places in 107 countries. And counting. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed. Find your closest strike or register your own at . Please spread the word!

  17. さんがリツイート
    6 時間前

    We're incredibly proud of what we achieved in Griffith. I'll tweet some thoughts soon but for now here's my summary

  18. さんがリツイート
    7 時間前

    Here are some initial thoughts after the weekend's election... I expect I'll change my mind on some of this over the next few weeks, but maybe it's a starting point for discussion...

  19. 5月18日
  20. 5月18日

    We're on track to hold our QLD Senate seat & have huge swings in many seats, esp. Griffith, Brisbane & Ryan. The Greens are here to stay in Qld. We have so much more to do & thanks to our wonderful candidates, volunteers & supporters we'll get it done -




