Andrew BartlettGeverifieerd account


ex-Senator, coffee wrangler/small biz person, Volunteer , community worker, Blessed with a wondrous daughter

Brisbane / Meanjin
Geregistreerd in maart 2008


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  1. heeft geretweet

    All those who spent the last 2+ years proclaiming to be so very concerned about attacks on a free press will now have to decide whether they really meant it, or whether - due to feelings about Assange - they will cheer the Trump Administration's frontal assault on press freedom:

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    I spoke to World Today program about the latest charges laid against founder Julian Assange. Whatever you think of him, this is a clear assault on freedom of the press. He should not be extradited to the US.

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  3. heeft geretweet
    11 uur geleden

    This guy is my friend and facing 170 years in jail for publishing information in the public interest. People who feel the need to hate him and make comments about his personality, esp when they have never met him, might want to consider to whom they are obedient.

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  4. Cleaning up and just found this. From 1990 election, when Janine Haines quit her Senate seat early to try to boost her party’s impact by winning a House of Reps seat. She didn’t succeed, so since then no one from a smaller party has been stupid enough to try that again.

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  5. heeft geretweet

    Australia is on track to soon spend more on franking credit refunds to retirees who don’t pay tax than it spends on public schools. No, this debate isn’t over.

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  6. heeft geretweet
    10 uur geleden

    Having always taken the view that the real US/UK/Sweden agenda was to get Assange before a US court facing charges under the draconian Espionage Act 1917, I would be very interested to hear from those who have asserted over the years that the US has no interest in Assange.

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  7. heeft geretweet

    Let’s also remember that is once again imprisoned for her refusal to take part in this dangerous Espionage Act indictment of Assange. Everyone should be demanding her release.

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  8. heeft geretweet
    12 uur geleden
    , , en 6 anderen
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    12 uur geleden
    Als antwoord op en

    Anyone who is confused about this strange response - I've responded in detail here:

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  10. heeft geretweet
    12 uur geleden

    It was always going to be about the Espionage Act. The NYTImes articulates the gravity of the implications for journalists & publishers via

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  11. heeft geretweet

    The Department of Justice just declared war––€”not on Wikileaks, but on journalism itself. This is no longer about Julian Assange: This case will decide the future of media.

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  13. heeft geretweet
    22 mei

    There are 13 large scale renewable energy projects approved within 400kms of Townsville, generating 5000 direct jobs (compared with ’s 1464). Another 14 are proposed. This allows cheap, local energy and security. This narrative needs ramping up. has more.

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  14. heeft geretweet

    I feel this is somehow a metaphor for the entire election.

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  15. heeft geretweet
    23 mei

    I think he’s referring to those tedious checks-and-balances and due process thingies - the ones that underpin accountability. Every crap Minister I ever worked for complained about them. Good ones understood what they were for - and that they were a protection for all concerned.

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  16. heeft geretweet
    23 mei

    Thoughts and prayers with this Italian erotic comic artist named Albo, who has been abruptly buried beneath a deluge of tweets about craft beer, franking credits and the Newtown Jets. 😭

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  17. heeft geretweet
    23 mei

    'Money can't buy you happiness' is only true for those comfortably above minimum wage. Otherwise money can buy mental and physical health, eating and sleeping better, stressing less, better social relationships due to above, avoiding catastrophy from unexpected cost. All related

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  18. heeft geretweet
    22 mei

    Independent report for the first time since the industrial revolution more coal power around the world came offline last year than were approved. Global investment in coal tumbles by 75% in three years

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  19. heeft geretweet
    22 mei

    "The Morrison government will need to consider cuts to spending or increasing the GST or other consumption taxes to offset the increasing revenue loss from the continuation of excess franking credit refunds" Well well well...

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  20. heeft geretweet
    22 mei

    Fight for justice continues for the families of the Bowraville Children.

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