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Twitter Developer Labs

Coming soon...

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    What is Labs?

    Twitter Developer Labs is where you’ll have early access to new API endpoints, features, and versions. We’ll use Labs to test out new ideas and invite our developer community to share their feedback to help shape our roadmap.

    Why sign up?

    • Test out the latest API endpoints and developer tools from Twitter.
    • Provide feedback to help shape the future of Twitter’s APIs.

    You will need a developer account to use Labs. Apply now so that you’re ready to join when we launch!

    What's coming

    Tweets and Users

    New versions of core API endpoints provide a foundation for working with the Twitter API. Look up Tweets and users by ID and post Tweets.

    Updates v1.1 statuses/show, statuses/lookup, users/show, users/lookup & statuses/update

    What’s new and different:
    • Support for long-requested API features
    • Customize the data returned for each request
    • Simplified endpoint structure

    Filtered Stream

    Filter Tweets for a realtime stream that delivers just the Tweets you care about.

    Updates v1.1 statuses/filter

    What’s new and different:
    • More powerful filtering
    • Standardized filtering language
    • Reliability and data fidelity enhancements

    Recent Search

    Search for Tweets from the past 7 days using enhanced query capabilities to find only the Tweets you care about.

    Updates v1.1 search/tweets

    What’s new and different:
    • More powerful queries
    • Standardized query language
    • Reliability and data fidelity enhancements

    What's coming

    Tweets and Users

    New versions of core API endpoints provide a foundation for working with the Twitter API. Look up Tweets and users by ID and post Tweets.

    Filtered Stream

    Filter Tweets for a realtime stream that delivers just the Tweets you care about.

    Recent Search

    Search for Tweets from the past 7 days using enhanced query capabilities to find only the Tweets you care about.

    Updates v1.1 statuses/show, statuses/lookup, users/show, users/lookup & statuses/update

    Updates v1.1 statuses/filter

    Updates v1.1 search/tweets

    What’s new and different:
    • Support for long-requested API features
    • Customize the data returned for each request
    • Simplified endpoint structure
    What’s new and different:
    • More powerful filtering
    • Standardized filtering language
    • Reliability and data fidelity enhancements
    What’s new and different:
    • More powerful queries
    • Standardized query language
    • Reliability and data fidelity enhancements


    Why is Twitter doing this?

    We are inviting our developer community to partner with us in shaping the next generation of our API through our new Twitter Developer Labs program so they can test and share feedback before we finalize our product approach. This new, early access program is consistent with our broader values as a company (including building in the open).


    What is important to know?

    We want your feedback! Developers are welcome to share feedback directly with our developer relations team. We want to hear from you, whether it’s about our documentation, or your ideas for what you hope to see us build in the future.

    The endpoints we release in Labs will be previews and are likely to change before they are released broadly, so we encourage you to take that into consideration as you build. It is possible that some Labs features may be cancelled rather than graduate to fully-supported releases. For Labs endpoints and features that we move to fully-supported releases, we expect to maintain the original Labs version for an overlapping period of time to facilitate migration.


    What existing APIs will be affected?

    APIs in production will not be immediately impacted. Labs releases should be viewed as completely new functionality. Over time, this may change. As new endpoints move out of Labs, they may replace existing endpoints. We will make announcements in advance of any future changes to existing endpoints so that developers can plan appropriately for migrations.


    Will Labs offerings change over time?

    Yes! Developers should expect endpoints and features in Labs to change over time. We may add new previews, as well as make changes to previously-released Labs previews. In the case of potentially breaking changes, we expect to version Labs releases.


    How long will previews stay in Labs?

    There is no set amount of time previews will stay in Labs. However, we do expect the previews in Labs to be in an interim state that will likely move to fully-supported releases when ready. Alternatively, we reserve the right to remove Labs endpoints or features entirely; we expect to provide notice in this case.


    When will I get access to Labs?

    We will be rolling out access to the Labs previews over the next few months. Subscribe above to be notified about new opportunities to participate.


    Who qualifies for access to Labs?

    Anyone with an approved Twitter developer account can sign up for Labs.


    Can I request elevated access to Labs endpoints?

    At this point, there is no elevated access offered for Labs endpoints. If you have specific needs for elevated access, we would encourage you to share this feedback as a feature request.


    Will you charge for access?

    No. We are not charging any fees to access Twitter’s latest developer previews in Labs.


    How do I get access to Labs?

    First, you will need a Twitter developer account. If you have not already created one using developer.twitter.com, apply here.

    If you already have an active developer account, you will be able to sign up to participate in the Labs program when we make the endpoints more broadly available. Enter your email above to be notified about Labs availability.


    Where can I learn more about Labs?

    You can review available documentation and read more about why we want to partner with our developer community to shape the next generation of our API in this blog post.