Criteo App

The proven way to get valuable shoppers back into your mobile app to buy.

Continuously learning from 1.4 billion shoppers a month, Criteo App Retargeting uses machine learning to entice each user with dynamic mobile ads from your entire product catalog — all optimized in real time for individual purchase intent and browsing context.

How Criteo App
Retargeting Works for You.

Keep app users engaged

Bring shoppers back to your app with dynamic, personalized ads. Integrate via your Mobile Measurement Partner or directly with the Criteo SDK and enable the Criteo Engine to see shoppers’ engagement within your app and power product recommendations in your ads.

Deliver real-time relevance

Through Criteo Shopper Graph and DCO+, Criteo App Retargeting recommends new and previously browsed products from across your catalog, configuring ads on the fly with visual elements proven to engage each user.

Drive in-app conversions

Drive more sales from your app. Personalized ads, delivered at just the right time and in the right format, brings app users back to complete purchases.

Jumpstart conversions
across all channels.

Powerful, sustained performance

Criteo App Retargeting bring shoppers back. Once engaged, shoppers are 30% more likely to return and shop within the app without further encouragement.

Achieve maximum reach

Criteo App Retargeting delivers personalized dynamic ads that perfectly scale to all ad sizes across more than 555k mobile apps.

Help shoppers find products they haven't yet seen.

Up to 28% of purchases are products that weren’t previously viewed. Our engine accurately predicts the best offers from across your entire catalogue.

Deliver a seamless experience

Ads directly deep-link shoppers to the most relevant product pages, driving a 3x increase in products browsed per user.

App Retargeting: How it Works and Why You Need It
The Retargeting Hub: Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting

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