
Discover how our solutions help you deliver unparalleled performance
by connecting shoppers to the things they need and love.

Criteo Dynamic

Maximize sales, see an average of 13X ROAS, and bring shoppers back with personalized ads based on real-time intent.

Criteo Sponsored
Products for Brands

Win more sales and grow your customer base. Our open network connects you directly with more shoppers on the world’s top retail sites.

Criteo Customer Acquisition

Reach and connect with up to 12x more shoppers. Generate incremental revenue, boost website traffic, and drive conversions by up to 73% from new customers.

Criteo Audience Match

Accurately target and re-engage more of your customer base with dynamic paid display ads across web, mobile browsers, and apps.

Criteo Commerce Display for Brands

Influence customers throughout their shopper journey and drive real sales and ROAS via premium retailer inventory.

Criteo Direct Bidder

Maximize revenue by directly connecting with Criteo’s unique demand and retain the full value of the impressions we buy.

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