

Donations are urgently needed. The major parties recieve millions of dollars from the corporate rich but we rely on workers, the unemployed, pensioners and students.

Your donation will help the Socialist Alliance produce more posters, leaflets and broadsheets and to run candidates in elections, all of which will help build a bigger movement for change — so every dollar you can spare will count.

All donations up to $1500 are tax deductible.

Donations can be deposited directly into:

Socialist Alliance
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account 06-2018-1010-9498

Please send a note to the National Office about any donation you deposit directly into our account.

Cheques should be made out to "Socialist Alliance" and sent to PO Box 114, Broadway, 2007.

A receipt will be sent to you if you include an address.

If you would like to make a donation from your credit card via our Paymate account, please fill out the form below.

Your details