maryland egg farms

ISE Factory Farm Roof Collapses and Kills Thousands of Birds

ISE America Egg Farm Disaster

Heavy snowstorms plagued the Washington, D.C.-metropolitan area in February 2003, and tens of thousands of egg-laying hens at ISE-America fell victim—not only to the inclement weather, but to our taste for eggs.

On the evening of Thursday, February 20th, Compassion Over Killing (COK) received an anonymous tip that the roofs of some sheds at the ISE mega-egg farm in rural Cecilton, Maryland had collapsed due to the snowfall, and hens were trapped inside battery cages, some crushed, others mangled, both housing live and decomposing hens.

Later that night, COK investigators entered the ISE facility and documented in photos and videos horrific cruelty to animals. The roofs of three of five sheds at this location, one of three ISE facilities in the area, had crashed into the structures housing hundreds of thousands of hens. Many of the highest cages in the four-tiered sheds were flattened, hens crushed beneath metal sheeting and plywood. Other wire battery cages were smashed, and still live hens were found amidst badly rotting corpses.

COK investigators left the facility that night with two rescued hens. This was not the first time COK documented neglect and animal abuse at an egg factory farm. To learn more about COK’s egg farm investigations, please click here.

Want to Help Egg-Laying Hens?

Don’t Buy Eggs.

The best way to help hens is to leave eggs out of your grocery cart. By boycotting the animal agribusiness industry, you are not only taking a stand against animal abuse, you are also promoting the environmental integrity of the planet as well as improving your own personal health.

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Write your legislators.

European Union egg producers will no longer be allowed to use conventional cages in 2012. Germany has banned all cages for laying hens beginning in 2007. Yet, the United States has lagged behind as it typically does on animal welfare issues. Demand that your state and U.S. senators and representatives take a stand against animal cruelty by banning battery cages. To find your legislators, please visit