Beyond The Lies

Beyond The Lies is a program of Compassion Over Killing that brings the truth about how animals are raised and killed on farms and in slaughterhouses across the U.S. to people through powerful pay-per-view video outreach. We offer passersby $1 to watch our 4-minute mini-documentary, then discuss how they can make compassionate choices in their lives. We also collect email addresses from our viewers who pledge to consume fewer animals to use for helpful follow-up communication.

Get Involved

Beyond The Lies is currently seeking volunteers for our spring tour in Southern California!


Beyond The Lies Upcoming Events

Summer tour will be announced soon!




Our tours have reached over 13,000 people since starting in 2018, spreading awareness about the impacts of animal agriculture through powerful video outreach and personable conversations.



At every event, our trained touring staff show our powerful mini-documentary, discuss ways viewers can live more compassionate lives, and collect pledges to eat more vegan meals and email addresses for follow-up communication. Make sure to check out our schedule to see where we’re going next!



Since beginning our tours, we’ve visited 36 cities in 24 states all over the U.S., bringing our message to major metro areas, as well as more rural areas that don’t often get an animal rights message. Make sure to check out our schedule to see where we’re going next!

Where the Tours Have Been

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We get lots of great questions, both through social media and at our outreach events. Here’s a few we’ve compiled below.