Be a Compassion Over Killing Volunteer!

Start lending your voice to farmed animals by signing up for one or more Compassion Over Killing volunteer opportunities (or apply for an internship)! Join us in our Los Angeles or Washington, DC offices — or become a volunteer wherever you live! We’re always looking for caring individuals nationwide to help with outreach events as well as campaigns, and various projects.

Please fill out the form below to tell us a little about yourself. We’ll then follow up soon with more details, and you’ll automatically be subscribed to our e-newsletter for updates on our campaigns and events in your area. You can also find more information on leafleting, hosting feed-ins and restaurant outreach in our advocacy resource center.

Thank you! By taking action today, we can work together to build a kinder tomorrow.

Due to shipping restrictions, we are currently unable to ship volunteer kits to non-US addresses.

By submitting this form, you are confirming that you wish to receive communications from Compassion Over Killing.

Volunteer Resources

COK’s Guide to Effective Leafleting
COK’s Guide to Hosting a Feed-in
COK’s Guide to Restaurant Outreach

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