23 May 2019

British Steel collapse threatens 25,000 jobs

By Robert Stevens, 23 May 2019

British Steel’s insolvency threatens to be a virtual coup de grâce against a once powerful section of the working class that has been repeatedly betrayed by the trade unions.

Ford escalates jobs massacre
The global socialist strategy to fight auto layoffs

“This is a horrible feeling”
Ford workers in Michigan respond to job cuts

Macron’s Labor Law in France: Unions organize 3,000 layoffs at Carrefour supermarket chain

By Anthony Torres, 23 May 2019

The unions and company are using a procedure for so-called voluntary redundancies introduced in the Labor Law initiated by the Socialist Party and imposed by Macron.

Banks and multinationals announce mass layoffs in Spain

Trump, Democrats clash over investigations

By Patrick Martin, 23 May 2019

Trump has issued an unprecedented ultimatum: Halt investigations or no political business will be done in Washington.

As more Democrats call for impeachment inquiry
Former White House counsel refuses to testify before House committee

Kicking off his presidential campaign
Biden makes right-wing plea for “unity” with Republicans

The Indian elections and the fight to free the Maruti Suzuki class war prisoners

By Saman Gunadasa, 23 May 2019

Completely blacked out from the election campaign has been any discussion of the plight of the 13 Maruti Suzuki workers who have been jailed for life on frame-up murder charges.

Indian Elections:
Stalinist CPM faces debacle in its West Bengal “bastion”

After sixth death of a migrant child
Flu outbreak leads to quarantine at Texas immigrant detention center

By Alex González, 23 May 2019

The death of a migrant teenager on Monday has highlighted the inhumane conditions at one of the largest immigration detention centers in the US.

As secret negotiations resume between unions and school district
New Haven teachers strike enters fourth day

By Toby Reese and Evan Blake, 23 May 2019

To carry their struggle forward, New Haven teachers must break free from the pro-Democratic Party teachers’ unions, which are preparing to sell them out in the same manner as in Los Angeles, Oakland and Sacramento.

Teachers strike in New Haven School District, Northern California

New Zealand media to censor coverage of Christchurch terrorist’s trial

By Tom Peters, 23 May 2019

Corporate and state media have agreed to self-censorship of Tarrant’s trial in order to obscure the connection between his views and the xenophobia promoted by the ruling class internationally.

German government steps up military intervention in Mali

By Gregor Link, 23 May 2019

Berlin’s Africa Strategy is aimed at advancing its economic and geo-strategic interests by military means.

Australian voters speak out
Workers and young people warn about the mounting social crisis

By our reporters, 23 May 2019

“The most important thing for me is jobs, security and the economy—we need real action on jobs.”

Australian Labor Party in crisis after election debacle

The Australian Labor Party’s election debacle and the fight against the far-right

New in Russian

Разоблачение коррупции крайне правого политика Кристиана Штрахе приводит к падению австрийского правительства

Алекс Лантье и Иоганнес Штерн, 23 мая 2019 г.

Лицемерная оппозиция оси Берлин-Париж против Штрахе и ультраправых базируется на собственной империалистической повестке дня.

New in Portuguese

Casa Branca e Google lançam guerra tecnológica contra China

Por Andre Damon, 23 Maio 2019

O Google e outras empresas anunciaram medidas que na prática destruiriam a Huawei, a segunda maior fabricante global de smartphones e a maior fabricante mundial de equipamentos de telecomunicação.

Manifestantes falam sobre os ataques de Bolsonaro à educação durante protesto em São Paulo

Por nossos repórteres, 23 Maio 2019

As manifestações de 15 de maio levaram um milhão de pessoas às ruas do Brasil no primeiro protesto nacional contra as políticas do presidente fascista Bolsonaro.

New in French

En pleins préparatifs de guerre dans le golfe Persique, Washington menace la Syrie d’une nouvelle attaque

Bill Van Auken, 23 mai 2019

Au moment où l'administration Trump menace de lancer une nouvelle attaque contre la Syrie sous prétexte de l’usage d’armes chimiques, une lettre des démocrates exige une politique encore plus agressive.

Loi travail: les syndicats avalisent la perte de 3.000 emplois à Carrefour

Anthony Torres, 23 mai 2019

Carrefour et les syndicats utilisent une procédure de rupture de convention collective, dispositif créé par Macron dans le contexte de la «loi travail» du PS.

Ford détruit 7000 emplois de cols blancs

Jerry White, 23 mai 2019

Dans une scène identique à ce qui s’est déroulé il y a à peine quelques mois chez General Motors, des centaines de cols blancs de chez Ford vont être licenciés cette semaine alors que Ford supprime 10 % de ses effectifs dans le monde.

Dix ans après la guerre civile, les élites dirigeantes sri-lankaises préparent la guerre de classes

Pradeep Ramanayake et K. Ratnayake, 23 mai 2019

L’ensemble de l’establishment politique sri lankais prépare une nouvelle «guerre contre le terrorisme» bidon visant les musulmans de l’île ; mais son objectif véritable est de réprimer l’opposition de la classe ouvrière.

L'audience d'extradition de Julian Assange en Suède reportée au 3 juin

Mike Head, 23 mai 2019

Les allégations faites par la Suède, d’abord lancées en 2010, visent à noicir le nom du fondateur de Wikileaks et à mettre au point un moyen pour le trainer de force aux Etats-Unis

Mobiliser la classe ouvrière pour défendre le droit à l’avortement

le comité de rédaction du WSWS, 23 mai 2019

Le Parti de l’égalité socialiste et les Étudiants et jeunes internationalistes pour l'égalité sociale distribuent cette déclaration lors de manifestations à travers les États-Unis pour défendre le droit à l’avortement.

New in Norwegian

Ford eskalerer jobbmassakeren
Den globale sosialistiske strategien for å slåss mot permitteringer i bilindustrien

Jerry White, 23. mai 2019

Den globale integreringen av kapitalistisk produksjon har skapt de praktiske og teknologiske midlene for å forene arbeidere i en internasjonalt koordinert kampanje til forsvar for jobber og levestandarder.

Washington truer med nytt angrep på Syria samtidig med krigsoppbyggingen i Persiabukta

Bill Van Auken, 23. mai 2019

Samtidig med at Trump-administrasjonen truer med nytt angrep på Syria under påskudd om kjemivåpen, signerte demokratene et brev med krav om en enda mer aggressiv politikk.

«Faren for...s/2019/05/23/assa-m23.html">Svensk høring om utlevering av Julian Assange utsatt til den 3. juni

Mike Head, 23. mai 2019

De svenske påstandene, først fremmet i 2010, er rettet inn mot å sverte WikiLeaks-grunnleggerens navn og etablere en mekanisme for å få ham slept avgårde til USA.

Østerrikes regjering velter etter eksponering av ytrehøyrepolitikeren Christian Straches korrupsjon

Alex Lantier og Johannes Stern, 23. mai 2019

Berlin-Paris-aksens hyklerske opponering mot Strache og det ytre høyre er basert på deres egen imperialistagenda.

Mer enn 240 000 støtter kinesiske teknologiarbeideres protest

Mike Ingram, 23. mai 2019

Kinesiske teknologiarbeidere som protesterer mot umenneskelige arbeidsforhold har fått massiv støtte internasjonalt.

New in German

Ford vernichtet Tausende Arbeitsplätze
Eine internationale sozialistische Strategie gegen Massenentlassungen in der Autoindustrie

Jerry White, 23. Mai 2019

Die globale Integration der kapitalistischen Produktion hat die praktischen und technologischen Möglichkeiten geschaffen, um die Arbeiter in einer internationalen Kampagne zur Verteidigung ihrer Arbeitsplätze und Lebensbedingungen zu vereinen.

Washington bereitet Krieg im Persischen Golf vor und droht mit neuem Angriff auf Syrien

Bill Van Auken, 23. Mai 2019

Während die Trump-Regierung einen angeblichen Chemiewaffenangriff in Syrien als Vorwand für erneute Drohungen mit einem Angriff nutzt, drängen die Demokraten in einem Brief auf ein noch aggressiveres Vorgehen.

Video: Eine sozialistische Perspektive gegen den Aufstieg der extremen Rechten

Christoph Vandreier, 23. Mai 2019

Die folgende Rede hielt Christoph Vandreier, der Spitzenkandidat der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP) zu den Europawahlen am vergangenen Samstag in Berlin.

Europawahl: Le Pens neofaschistische Bewegung liegt in Wahlumfragen vorn

Will Morrow, 23. Mai 2019

Genau wie im Rest der Welt profitieren auch in Frankreich rechtsextreme Kräfte von der sozialen Wut über die Kriegs-, Austeritäts- und Polizeistaatspolitik der sozialdemokratischen Regierungen.

Erneut Sammelabschiebung von 26 Afghanen nach Kabul

Marianne Arens, 23. Mai 2019

Nur vier Tage vor der Europawahl macht der Charterflug in das kriegsgebeutelte Land deutlich, welche mörderische Politik die Regierungen von Bund und Ländern in der Praxis durchsetzen.

Brandenburg: SPD und Linke stärken Verfassungsschutz

Markus Salzmann, 23. Mai 2019

Neben der Aufstockung des Personals will die Landesregierung den Einsatz von V-Männern verstärken und die parlamentarische Kontrolle begrenzen.

New in Spanish

Ford intensifica masacre de empleos
La estrategia global socialista para combatir los despidos en industria automotriz

Por Jerry White, 23 mayo 2019

La integración global de la producción capitalista ha creado los medios prácticos y tecnológicos para unir a los trabajadores en una campaña internacionalmente coordinada para defender sus trabajos y niveles de vida.

Washington amenaza con atacar de nuevo a Siria, mientras se prepara para la guerra en el golfo Pérsico

Por Bill Van Auken, 23 mayo 2019

Mientras el Gobierno de Trump amenaza con atacar nuevamente a Siria bajo el pretexto de un presunto uso de armas químicas, los demócratas firmaron una carta urgiendo la adopción de una política incluso más agresiva.

Peligran 25.000 empleos por colapso de British Steel

por Robert Stevens, 23 mayo 2019

Los sindicatos y el Partido Laborista han respondido a la amenaza contra los puestos de trabajo en British Steel con un estruendo predecible de demagogia nacionalista.

Bancos y multinacionales anuncian despidos masivos en España

Por Alejandro López, 23 mayo 2019

La capacidad de las compañías de imponer despidos depende de la colaboración de los sindicatos españoles.

New in Turkish

Faşizme ve savaşa karşı sosyalist bir perspektif: SGP’nin Berlin’deki başarılı seçim toplantısı

Muhabirlerimizden, 22 Mayıs 2019

SGP’nin ve onun Avrupalı kardeş partilerinin önde gelen temsilcileri, Julian Assange’ı savunan, siyasi durumu ve Dördüncü Enternasyonal’in sosyalist programını açıklayan konuşmalar yaptılar.

Trump İran’ı tehdit ederken, Basra Körfezi’nde gerilimler yükseliyor

Bill Van Auken, 22 Mayıs 2019

ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın İran’ı “sonunu getirmek” ile tehdit eden Twitter mesajı, tam da ABD savaş gemilerinin İran kıyılarına yakın mesafede bir dizi kışkırtıcı askeri tatbikat düzenlediği sırada, Basra Körfezi’ndeki savaş krizini keskin biçimde tırmandırdı.

Medya, Chelsea Manning’in yeniden hapse atılması konusunda sessiz

Genevieve Leigh, 22 Mayıs 2019

Manning’e ve Assange’a yönelik saldırı, ifade özgürlüğü, basın ve internet dahil olmak üzere temel demokratik haklara yönelik geniş çaplı küresel saldırının parçasıdır.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 75. Yılı
Kemalizmin bir bilançosu (17 Kasım 1998)

Justus Leicht, 22 Mayıs 2019

Kemalizmin özü, ülkenin birliği ve bağımsızlığı, laiklik ve cumhuriyet ilkeleri (yani, devlet ile dinin ayrılması), modernleşme ve sınıfsız ve ayrıcalıksız bir toplum yaratılması idi. Bunların hiçbirinin gerçekleşmediği oldukça açıktır.

New in Arabic

أول أيار 2019 انبعاث الصراع الطبقي والنضال في سبيل الاشتراكية

٣٠ نيسان أبريل ٢٠١٩

بمناسبة الأول من أيار يوم تضامن الطبقة العاملة على المستوى الدولي تحيي اللجنة الدولية للأممية الرابعة وموقع الاشتراكية العالمية نضالات العمال المتصاعدة عبر العالم.

Other Languages


Washington revives Syria chemical weapons propaganda as pretext for war

23 May 2019

The threat of a new US attack on Syria follows a report exposing the last chemical weapons incident attributed to the Syrian government as a staged provocation.

Earlier Perspectives »

The Fight Against Fascism

“The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”
Video: Christoph Vandreier’s full lecture at Wayne State

By Christoph Vandreier, 21 May 2019

The WSWS makes the full recording of Vandreier’s April 11, 2019 lecture available.

Free Assange and Manning

Amnesty International declares Julian Assange “not a prisoner of conscience”

By Laura Tiernan, 23 May 2019

According to Amnesty International, neither Assange nor whistleblower Chelsea Manning are “prisoners of conscience” and their defence is not being actively pursued by the human rights charity.

Socialist Equality Group to hold public meeting in Turkey to demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By the Sosyalist Eşitlik, 22 May 2019

The meeting is part of the ICFI’s ongoing international campaign to defend Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Swedish hearing to extradite Julian Assange delayed until June 3

By Mike Head, 22 May 2019

On the spot report: Ecuador’s government colludes with Washington to seize Julian Assange’s possessions

By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, 21 May 2019

Former Ecuadorian consul Fidel Narváez denounces search and confiscation of Assange’s possessions

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »


The rise of the Brexit Party and how to fight it

By Chris Marsden, 23 May 2019

Nigel Farage is intent on portraying the European elections, which will see a massive abstention, as a plebiscite on Brexit and a weapon against any move towards a second referendum.

The Huawei shock

By Nick Beams, 23 May 2019

The actions by the Trump administration against the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei have sent shock waves through the global economy and the international trading system.

White House and Google launch technology war against China

Ten years after civil war ends, Sri Lankan ruling elites prepare for class war

By Pradeep Ramanayake and K. Ratnayake, 22 May 2019

Over 240,000 people back Chinese tech worker protest

By Mike Ingram, 22 May 2019

Thousands rally across the US to defend abortion rights

By our reporters, 22 May 2019

Mobilize the working class in defense of abortion rights

Alabama abortion ban: Back to barbarism

Canada’s Conservative leader lays out right-wing economic and foreign policy agenda

By Roger Jordan, 22 May 2019

Arts Review

The author asks: Is America unredeemable? Rachel Kushner’s novel The Mars Room

By Sandy English, 22 May 2019

Rachel Kushner’s new novel centers on the grim conditions in a women’s prison and draws connections between them and the general state of American society.

Avengers: Endgame: A waste of time, money and talent

By Josh Varlin, 20 May 2019

The Eyes of Orson Welles: A markedly political approach to the American filmmaker …
… and John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky (about John Lennon’s 1971 album Imagine )

By Joanne Laurier, 17 May 2019

Doris Day, prominent postwar American actress and singer, dies at 97

By David Walsh, 15 May 2019

European elections

A socialist perspective against fascism and war: Successful SGP election meeting in Berlin

By our reporters, 21 May 2019

Socialist Equality Party in Germany to hold central meeting of European election campaign in Berlin

By the Socialist Equality Party (SGP), 17 May 2019

“Join the fight for a united socialist Europe!”
Socialist Equality Party (SGP) publishes campaign video for European Elections

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 29 April 2019

The European elections and the revival of class struggle

Workers Struggles

Strong support for Toledo hospital workers as UAW isolates strike

By Tom Hall, 15 May 2019

Amid declining real wages, strikes in US escalate

25 years ago: Southern Yemen declares independence

After the outbreak of a civil war and several weeks of fighting, on May 21, 1994, leaders of southern Yemen announced secession and declared the Democratic Republic of Yemen.

More »

50 years ago: Military coup brings Nimeiry to power in Sudan

On May 25, 1969, Sudanese Army Colonel Gaffar Nimeiry launched a coup to overthrow the civilian government and replace it with the rule of the Revolutionary Command Council.

More »

75 years ago: German surprise attack on Tito’s headquarters

On May 25, 1944, German bomber and fighter planes attacked the small industrial town of Drvar in Bosnia, near the headquarters of Josip Broz-Tito, leader of the Yugoslavian Communist Party and the anti-fascist partisan movement.

More »

100 years ago: British air force raids Kabul

On May 24, 1919, British bombers struck the Afghan capital of Kabul to secure supply lines from attacking Afghan forces.

More »

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

Only socialist policies can resolve the Australian public education crisis

By the Committee for Public Education, 18 May 2019

Vote 1 Socialist Equality Party! Take up the fight for socialist internationalism!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 17 May 2019

The Socialist Equality Party candidates in the 2019 Australian election

Mass unemployment, climate change and a toxic dump in Oxley

Strong response to SEP’s socialist program at final election meetings

Workers and youth discuss Julian Assange, social conditions and war at SEP election meetings


Bob Hawke, former Australian Labor prime minister, 1929-2019
Ruling elites pay tribute to a favourite servant

By Nick Beams, 18 May 2019

Some of the most hated figures in world politics have come together to praise Hawke and laud his achievements.

Featured Report

Muslim victims of violence in Sri Lanka speak to the WSWS

By our reporters, 17 May 2019

Socialist Equality Party

Defeat the government’s police-military dictatorial plans
SEP/IYSSE public meeting in Colombo on Sri Lankan emergency declaration

17 May 2019

The meeting will discuss the revolutionary socialist perspective needed to defend the democratic and social rights of working people.

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

The future lies in socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 13 May 2019

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.


A million species threatened with extinction, UN-backed report warns

By Daniel de Vries, 14 May 2019

The comprehensive study of biodiversity called for “transformative change” to protect nature and humanity.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE in US holds successful meetings on postmodernism and identity politics

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

”Dictatorships as alternative political orders?”—We say no!
Student Parliament at Humboldt University condemns Jörg Baberowski’s right-wing think tank


One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part One

By Peter Symonds, 4 May 2019

One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part Two

New York Times column falsifies legacy of Eugene Debs

By Tom Mackaman, 30 April 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”
David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

More on the fight against fascism »

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018