
International Socialism journal

Editor: Alex Callinicos

Deputy editor: Camilla Royle

International Socialism, PO Box 74955, London E16 9EJ

Phone: +44 (0) 20 7840 5640

E-mail: isj@swp.org.uk

Web: www.isj.org.uk

International Socialism is associated with the Socialist Workers Party, but articles express the opinions of individual authors unless otherwise stated. We welcome proposals for articles and reviews for International Socialism. If you have a suggestion, please phone or e-mail as above.

ISSN 1754-4653 (Online)

ISSN 0020-8736 (Print)

International Socialism Style Guide

A guide to writing articles and book reviews for International Socialism

Socialist Workers Party publications

About the International Socialist Tendency

The International Socialist Tendency unites revolutionary organisations around the world on the basis of:

  • Workers’ Power
  • Revolution Not Reform
  • Internationalism
  • Full Equality and Liberation
  • The Revolutionary Party

We are part of the worldwide anti-capitalist and anti-war movement.

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