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Jack Harmsworth makes the case for why the UK must learn from its European neighbours and take back control of privatised industries.

The billionaire class are preparing for doomsday. Only problem is, the rest of us aren’t invited. Tom Whyman explains.

Hyppolite Ntigurirwa was seven years old when his father, friends and relatives were killed in the Rwandan genocide. He spoke to Husna Rizvi about why he’s chosen to forgive the perpetrators.

In Cameroon, civil war is brewing along linguistic lines. Lorraine Mallinder reports on the repressive pouring fuel on the fire.

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May-June 2019, Issue 519

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  • Twelve years left
  • How do we get to zero carbon emissions?
  • ‘Real education happens outside the classroom’
  • First-class lifeboats
  • Life after coal

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