
The FSP is not a NGO subsidized by foundations, corporate largess or government funds. It is funded by generous contributions and monthly donations by members and sympathizers who also raise money using traditional grassroots means: meals; pass-the-hat at meetings; raffles, rummage and candy bar sales; holiday cards; etc.

Click one of the options below and you can make an easy online contribution.

For a one-time donation, click this button.

To make a one-time donation in Australian currency, click this button.

To make a one-time donation in New Zealand currency, click this button.

To make a recurring monthly donation, please use the button below and select your preferred donation amount.

To donate by mail, send a check or money order to the FSP National Office, 4710 University Way NE, #100, Seattle, 98105, USA. Checks should be made out to FSP National Office. Or call 206-985-4621 and we can set you up for monthly donations.

If money is short, there are many other ways you can help the cause!

Become a local distributor of the Freedom Socialist

Call 206-722-2453 and talk to a member of the newspaper staff or email Margaret Viggiani, FS Business Office, at

Become a volunteer

Can you answer phones, research ballot issues, write letters or help with a mailing? Make picket signs, take part in a demonstration, translate a flier into Spanish, cook a meal, write a press release, post fliers in your neighborhood or campus, organize a study group…the list is endless! To volunteer just call a branch near to you or the National Office.