Radical Women

Energetic, thoughtful, motivated feminist rebels seek same. Join a vibrant, international organization of dynamic women of all colors, ages, and sexual persuasions. We’re workers, mothers, students, retirees, immigrants, women with disabilities—all united by a common socialist feminist program that prioritizes fighting for the needs and leadership of the most oppressed.

Radical Women was founded in 1967 by two seasoned feminist revolutionaries, Clara Fraser and Gloria Martin, and by young radicals from the Students for a Democratic Society who were fed up with sexism. The new group’s mission: to provide a feminist voice in the labor, antiwar and civil rights movements and a radical voice in the women’s liberation movement. Today Radical Women is an autonomous organization affiliated by program and aims with the Freedom Socialist Party.

Radical Women members:

  • Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with super-exploited women workers in this hemisphere and the world
  • Oppose the destruction spread by U.S. imperialism and reject the idea that women and children should pay for the war machine which bankrupts social services and education programs in the U.S. while devastating other countries
  • Fight to protect women’s clinics and preserve access to abortion
  • Speak out against racism and work with the RW/FSP Comrades of Color Caucus
  • Defend equal rights for queers
  • Join unions to strengthen the labor movement through rank and file activism and solidarity
  • Demand full human and civil rights for immigrants regardless of status
  • Explain why socialism is the humane and sensible alternative to the exploitation that all workers—men and women—suffer under capitalism.
  • Speak, write, organize and lead
  • Want to change the world!

Visit Radical Women’s website to learn more about our history, current activities, literature, and how you can get involved!

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