Posts in: workers

Latin American updates

June 2019

U.S. returns to the “big stick” in Venezuela; in Mexico, maquila strikers spread demands for union democracy.

Labor Weather Report, June 2019

June 2019

April 2019 — Stop & Shop: win and loss. Over three thousand Stop & Shop supermarket workers in New England went on a militant, highly publicized and supported strike for eight days, and won! They preserved their relatively good contract for current workers. BUT UFCW unions agreed to a two-tier contract, at the expense of… Read more »

Matamoros: la Clase Obrera Levanta la Cabeza

abril de 2019

La mitad de la fuerza de trabajo de Matamoros, Tamaulipas, se fue a la huelga. Esta ciudad fronteriza tiene unas 110 empresas maquiladoras que emplean a 70 mil personas. Esta ciudad ha sido el escenario de la principal lucha obrera en mucho tiempo en México. Luego de varias décadas de “paz laboral”, de un largo… Read more »

Labor Weather Report: Workers press on, February 2019

April 2019

CWA workers defeat union busting in NYC; South Korean hunger strikers win changes in safety rules for all workers; and United Electrical workers in Pennsylvania strike and win back their union status from a new, anti-union company owner.