Posts in: socialism

Socialists: we’re not all the same

June 2019

Revolutionary versus democratic socialists • Why not run as a Democrat in elections • The point of a revolutionary party — vital discussion for all radicalized activists.

Stay the revolutionary course

May 15, 2019

A former member’s thoughts on the collapse of the International Socialist Organization.

Mumia Abu-Jamal

  Despite a public pressure campaign, Larry Krasner, the Philadelphia district attorney, appealed a court ruling that would allow political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal a chance to appeal his conviction. Krasner’s decision was appalling.

Return of the Red Scare

April 2019

Trump & Co. are preaching against socialism. They want another Red Scare? OK! Time for all good lefties to get fearsome.

Private power, public catastrophe

April 2019

Pacific Gas & Electric is responsible for deadly California fires. It is trying get off through bankruptcy. What’s the only rational remedy?