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A City Made of Words is an "innovative detour into the unknown and uncanny."

"Park pushes the boundaries of speculative fiction in this collection of eight fascinating short pieces that defy categorization...He captures the fragility of the human condition (and the human ego) while offering a sympathetic rendering of human struggles to find answers in a complex world. Seasoned speculative fiction fans will enjoy Park’s innovative detour into the unknown and uncanny."—Publishers Weekly

“Complex, elusive, haunting, written in a transparent prose that slips you from one world to another with prestidigitous ease.”
—Ursula K. Le Guin

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Birth Strike in Truthdig, Midwest Book Review


"Sharp yet sobering, Birth Strike is a "must-read" about a keystone American social issue. Birth Strike is highly recommended, especially for public library collections. ..."—James A. Cox,
Midwest Book Review

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Jenny Brown in Truthdig/On Contact
Jenny Brown on Against the Grain
Jenny Brown on Behind the News with Doug Henwood
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Dr. Michael Fine's Abundance -- "suavely and elegantly fashioned"


“Rhode Islander Michael Fine’s suavely and elegantly fashioned Abundance (PM Press) puts Liberia center stage instead of the Ocean State...The sparsely simple prose evokes a thriller-esque take on Ernest Hemingway, especially combined with the kind of setting Papa was known for taking on. A thinking man’s thriller that makes Fine the Ocean State’s own John Le Carré."—Jon Land, Booktrib

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Science Fiction's Gay Elder Statesman


"April Fool’s Day was the 77th birthday of science fiction writer and public intellectual Samuel R. Delany. Chip, as his friends call him, is a genius. Though his reputation continues to ascend like the twin moons that suddenly appear in the night sky in his science fiction masterpiece “Dhalgren” (celebrating 45 years since its publication this year), even if he continues to be underrated, in my view, as both a writer and as a leading light of queer sexual and civic liberation.

When the leviathans of science fiction like Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov were at the height of their popularity, it was Delany who won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America’s Nebula Award two years in a row, in 1966 for “Babel-17” and the next year for “The Einstein Intersecti­on.” He did this as an African American man. And as  a gay man. That was completely unprecedented in American sci-fi writing."—Christopher Murray, Gay City News NYC

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    The British empire defeated Napoleon in 1815 on the field of battle at Waterloo (Belgium) and smashed the universal principles of the French Revolution – liberty, equality, and fraternity.
  • Slaughterhouse Prayer interview
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  • Who is this man? Part 1
    What a black and white photograph of an unidentified man found in the Lakehead University Archives tells us about violent class relations in the twentieth century.

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