Our latest fundraising initiatives posted here. If you’d like to help efforts in any behind-the-scenes way or would like to host your own fundraising even on behalf of ALRANZ, please get in touch with us here.

Stand with Abortion Providers in 2019

Providing abortion care is not for the faint of heart.  Every day, abortion providers work to ensure people are not forced to carry unwanted pregnancies, delivering abortion care with empathy and compassion. For this, anti-abortion activists target them for...

ALRANZ Fundraiser for abortion providers

*For donations for treats for AMAC, please head to* We aim to raise money to send flowers and messages of support to the three clinics currently being targeted by the anti-choice campaign '40 Days'. For background and...

Film fundraiser fun!

If you are in Wellington, you should definitely come along to our movie fundraiser next month. Watch a documentary about a fascinating woman and support abortion law reform at the same time. What else would you rather be doing instead, really? DETAILS What's the film?...