Dame Eileen Toomey-Wright


Old conservative married gay male. Parody, humour, socio-political commentary, hashtag games, humour, cooking. No DMs. My name is my politics. Say it out loud

Haziran 2013 tarihinde katıldı


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  1. Sabitlenmiş Tweet
    21 Ara 2016

    And for those who've just tuned in: my name is my politics. Eileen Toomey-Wright. Say it slowly a couple of times. *sound of penny dropping*

    Geri al
  2. 2 saat önce

    OK, kids, my work here is done for another day. It's crumbed prawns with home-made mayonnaise (Marie Rose sauce pictured) and a Greek salad for us later tonight. Be good to each other. And especially yourself. Toodles.

    Geri al
  3. 3 saat önce

    What but I wanted the front ...

    Geri al
  4. 9 saat önce
    Geri al
  5. 3 saat önce
    Geri al
  6. 3 saat önce
    Geri al
  7. 3 saat önce

    "'I knew I was going to kill him'. "With time served, she could be eligible for parole in just over three years." How is that not pre-meditated murder? And if it had been a man?

    Geri al
  8. 4 saat önce

    Guy Sebastian is trending. I though the Left cancelled him after appearing alongside eeevil Scott Morrison when he announced $150m extra funding for the arts, the bastard.

    Geri al
  9. 18 saat önce

    As it’s , I’m reposting my list of pronouns that you MUST learn. If you don’t know them all, you’re literally a fascist.

    Geri al
  10. 5 saat önce

    Just to annoy the dobbers and the cops flying drones to catch gatherings for Grand Final day, I'm going to light a BBQ and record a few of the Sportsbet bogan voice-overs and play them loudly in my backyard. They'll think there's hordes of footy fans.

    Geri al
  11. 6 saat önce

    Drone surveillance, ankle bracelet monitoring, citizens spying on and reporting others, curfews, travel restrictions, locking down whole buildings... Now imagine the outrage from the Left were he a Liberal Premier.

    Geri al
  12. 6 saat önce

    ""It is now all about political correctness, about gender and race" "When you work for them you are wary and frightened of saying anything. It is a minefield out there and that is sad."" Sound familiar, ABC? Like the Aaron Pedersen 'Australia Remastered' voice-over?

    Geri al
  13. 6 saat önce

    Warsaw saw war.

    Geri al
  14. 7 saat önce
    Geri al
  15. 7 saat önce

    "Magda Szubanski was targeted in a coordinated right wing extremist attack online... online abuse which is coordinated by ostensibly white extremists (and) conspiracy theorists" Cool. Now do one on the Left's attacks on conservatives.

    Geri al
  16. 7 saat önce

    "A child in this jurisdiction can be assaulted and actual bodily harm can be occasioned to them, and that is still not serious enough to be beyond a section 17 [non-conviction order]" Victims' 'rights' over those of the children. This is now where we are.

    Geri al
  17. 7 saat önce

    "There are other factors a lot more important to be considered than skin colour and ethnic origin … can I ask... whether they are willing to unconditionally condemn the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship?" That's racist?

    Geri al
  18. 7 saat önce

    "Gracelyn Smallwood accused the LNP of "using Indigenous matters as a political football"" Oh? The curfew is to address criminal juveniles. It doesn't target Indigenous kids unless, of course, they are some of those breaching curfew. Bit racist to assume otherwise.

    Geri al
  19. 21 Eki
    adlı kullanıcıya yanıt olarak

    Hmmm... I wonder, will get supplies of ankle bracelets, to track peoples movements, from China delivered on his belt and road❓ NOT.

    Geri al
  20. 21 Eki

    OK, kids, my work here is done for another day. It's falafel for us later tonight (gotta use up 3.7 tonnes of homo-made tabouli somehow). Be good to each other. And especially yourself. Toodles.

    Geri al
  21. 21 Eki

    This. So, if I tweeted: 'Only males get testicular cancer' would I, too, get suspended?

    Geri al

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