Cloudflare Mobile SDK

Network metrics that inform high performing and engaging applications

Deploy cutting edge network diagnostic tools for any app, without dependencies on Cloudflare infrastructure.

Segment users by any network related dimension such as experience, geography, device type.

Identify network errors that impact application performance, and know where to focus development efforts.

"Network access has a huge impact on any connected user experience in mobile, but mobile network latency is often ten times the latency of server processing times and mostly untracked. Cloudflare's focus on bringing mobile network issues to light with minimal engineering effort will be great for users and even better for developers."
Alex Austin
CEO of Branch Metrics

Mobile networks are unpredictable and inconsistent

App developers focus on building apps that are stable, reliable and perform well under a variety of network and load conditions. Mobile networks present a unique set of challenges for the app developer which can impact application adoption and retention.

Mobile network speeds vary across the world based on geography and carrier, developers rarely have any visibility into how their apps will perform in these regions short of conducting limited test trials and releases for users in these markets. Mobile applications can also succumb to data loss due to congested cellular networks, and in some instances application screens may freeze or specific features may be disabled.

Make better development decisions with network data and metrics

Cloudflare Mobile SDK provides visibility into application performance and load times across any global carrier network. Developers gain a better understanding of their application's responsiveness based on host, country, device, network type and version.

  • Free. Customers are not obligated to purchase any additional products from Cloudflare to continue using the SDK. No personal or sensitive information is ever tracked or retained by Cloudflare.
  • Lightweight, and adds minimal dex count/binary size to the app APK or IPA.
  • Non-intrusive and can easily be removed or fail without impacting the integrity of the app.
"Our users never complain about poor connectivity; they complain our app doesn’t work. After integrating the SDK, my engineering team has visibility where previously we had none. Cloudflare’s Mobile SDK delivers the missing link in app experience monitoring."
Ben Yule
CTO of Spire

Identify mobile network performance issues

Gain insights on mobile application performance in countries with varying network carrier speeds. Determine app responsiveness based on country and network type.

Develop apps that will engage users on any network

Developers can measure how their apps will perform under a variety of network conditions such as latency or packet loss.

Identifying potential roadblocks before they become errors will allow developers to make more educated app design decisions.

Understand 3rd party API calls

Cloudflare's mobile network experience metrics help developers understand how their app performs when third party calls are made through the included libraries. This type of insight helps to identify particular end points that are impacting app performance e.g. ad networks or tracking providers.

Easy to integrate

Cloudflare Mobile SDK is easy to deploy and includes support for iOS and Android operating systems. Once the app is registered and the installation has been verified, live monitoring results will be collected. Additional documentation on getting started are available in the Mobile SDK developer resources.

Key Features

Track which domains impact app responsiveness (e.g. which ad networks are causing issues)

Compare performance and error rates on wifi versus cellular

Correlate app engagement with network experience metrics

Measure app performance in individual countries

Track network types and carriers that are experiencing increased network errors

View network metrics and errors using your existing APM tools

Cloudflare Mobile SDK provides access to network metrics that can help developers build more engaging apps

"Cloudflare is helping us deliver a faster, more reliable cryptocurrency trading experience to our users. The mobile SDK was straightforward to integrate into our apps despite a complicated use case, and data started flowing quickly."
Kirill Yashuk
Co-founder and CTO of TabTrader