Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union




  • Casuals Deserve Better

    The AMWU fights for the rights of casual and labour hire workers. We pro...

  • Family Violence Leave

  • Maintain Our Forces

  • Respect for Auto Techs

    From talking to lots of regular auto techs around Australia, we know tha...

  • Build them here

    Tell the NSW Government to build our trains, buses, and ferries in NSW. 

  • Save Australian Shipbuilding

    Save Australia's Shipbuilding Industry! 

  • Asbestos free future

    Get involved to ban all types of asbestos around the world. 

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Join us

Join our union today! You can join online in less than 3 minutes.

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The Union has a free call information and help service. Trained professionals can help you with your questions or problems – confidentially, for free.

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Jan 25, 2019

2019 Delegates' Forums

Each year across the country the AMWU holds forums for its Delegates. This year, the...

Jan 24, 2019

Life hacks for getting back to work in 2019

It’s now three weeks into January and your new year resolution to drink less, go...

Happening now