Want to get amongst protests, seminars, and discussion evenings? Here is everything coming up on the ALRANZ events calendar!

ALRANZ Meeting of Minds + AGM

This meeting is for anyone who wants to talk about abortion law reform. There will be speakers, and discussion, and ALRANZ's AGM. Let's do all we can to make 2019 the year we get law reform! Saturday 6 April 2019 3pm Location TBD

A Pro-choice Sociable Lunch!

ALRANZ National president Terry Bellamak will be at Chuffed Coffee in Auckland for lunch on Wednesday 27 March at 11:30 am. If you're in the area, stop by for some lunch and a chance to talk about abortion law reform with like-minded individuals. We would love to see...

Abortion: A Reproductive Right

Moderator - Noelle McCarthyFour powerful speakers confirmed:Terry Bellamak - National President of ALRANZLizzie Marvelly - Writer, Activist and MusicianElla Shepherd - Student, Feminist and Education ActivistGolriz Ghahraman – Green Party MP.Donations between zero and...

March for Reproductive Rights

Nobody should be denied the right to make informed choices about our health, our bodies, and how we plan our families, but in New Zealand, abortion continues to remain a criminal offence. Under our current law, we need two doctors to verify that continuing a pregnancy...

Counter Protest the Booties?

What: Voice for Life is planning to arrange 12,000 pairs of booties on Parliament grounds in Wellington to represent the number of abortions last year. The demonstration, we are told, will be timed to coincide with the release of abortion data by Stats NZ. Here is the...

Come to the book launch!

You are warmly invited to the launch of Risking Their Lives: New Zealand Abortion Stories 1900–1939 by Margaret Sparrow at Unity Books 6pm–7.30pm, Thursday 28 September in honour of International Safe Abortion Day. This launch is kindly supported by ALRANZ Abortion...

TRAPPED returns to Wellington!

Back by popular demand! If you missed TRAPPED last time around, we've got you covered. Come on down to the Light House Cinema on Cuba in central Wellington to see Dawn Porter's award-winning documentary. The film starts at 6 pm, but we will be there earlier with...

TRAPPED coming to Auckland!

ALRANZ Abortion Rights Aotearoa is proud to present the award-winning documentary TRAPPED by Dawn Porter. Come join us for the film, and stay for the panel discussion afterwards! TRAPPED tells the story of the abortion providers who fight to make reproductive rights...

TRAPPED coming to Christchurch

Kia ora Christchurch members and friends, ALRANZ, Abortion Rights Aotearoa, invites you to a screening of Dawn Porter's acclaimed documentary TRAPPED. Join us from 6pm for welcome and nibbles, before the screening at 7pm. A panel discussion after the film will explore...

TRAPPED Screening

In honour of International Safe Abortion Day, ALRANZ Abortion Rights Aotearoa is screening the award-winning documentary, TRAPPED.