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Topic: 2019 federal budget
The clock is ticking for the Coalition and time is short

The clock is ticking for the Coalition and time is short

The Coalition has to turn around the polls — and the the election is approaching even more rapidly than it might initially seem.

The dominant story of the election is weak household income

The dominant story of the election is weak household income

The only economic issue in the coming election should be household income and how wages policy can lift it.

Smoking is down but it’s still bringing in big bucks for the government

Smoking is down but it’s still bringing in big bucks for the government

Pulling in a budget surplus from tobacco excise has knock-on effects that need to be considered

Ridiculous budget oversight could be a baby bonus (or a mistake)

Ridiculous budget oversight could be a baby bonus (or a mistake)

Using a six-year-old statistic to plan for fertility rates could point to an attractive possibility for Morrison: baby bonus redux.

Coalition’s higher income tax cuts to cost country $30b

Coalition’s higher income tax cuts to cost country $30b

Good morning, early birds. The Coalition's proposed flat tax rate for middle to higher income workers may push the budget back into deficit, and a disability royal commissioner is called to step down for potential conflicts of interest. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

Letting down start-ups: how the government has abandoned innovation

Letting down start-ups: how the government has abandoned innovation

By stunting the growth of the start up sector we're turning our backs on innovation and setting up the country for issues down the road.

Labor has lured a desperate Coalition onto its battleground

Labor has lured a desperate Coalition onto its battleground

By aiming the budget at a list of political problems, the government has begun the election campaign fighting on Labor's preferred battleground of health, education and low income earners.

Older Australians struggle to survive on Newstart

Older Australians struggle to survive on Newstart

Crikey readers discuss the impracticality of living on Newstart as an older Australian.

Arts and the budget: ad-hoc approach reflects Coalition’s misunderstanding of the sector

Arts and the budget: ad-hoc approach reflects Coalition’s misunderstanding of the sector

Despite a boost, this year's budget highlights the fact that the Morrison government lacks vision for our cultural sector.

What if the budget tried to address our real economic problems?

What if the budget tried to address our real economic problems?

If budgets were about addressing actual economic problems, this one would be a failure — but not a total one.