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The WikiLeaks arrest is about the journalism, not the journalist

The WikiLeaks arrest is about the journalism, not the journalist

The debate over whether Julian Assange is a journalist or not serves no purpose other than to undercut future press freedom.

The case against Julian Assange

The case against Julian Assange

The US government has just unsealed the charge sheet against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Read it for yourself.

Finding peace in the decaying remains of America's malls

Finding peace in the decaying remains of America's malls

Standing in the hollowed-out carcass of a dying mall, Crikey's writer-at-large catches a glimpse of the transience of modern life.

Keeping up with the Kushners. Again.

Keeping up with the Kushners. Again.

While the recent college admissions scandal has thrown Jared Kushner back under the microscope, scandal and the spotlight are nothing new for this family.

Cohen testimony is colourful, but what does it achieve?

Cohen testimony is colourful, but what does it achieve?

People know Trump is a "liar" and a "cheat". That's precisely why they voted for him. They thought he'd lie and cheat on their behalf.

Highlights from Cohen's explosive testimony on Trump

Highlights from Cohen's explosive testimony on Trump

Pay-offs to Stormy Daniels, the Democratic National Committee email leaks from WikiLeaks, the Russia investigation — Michael Cohen's testimony had it all.

Venezuelan coup draws battlelines around the world

Venezuelan coup draws battlelines around the world

Previously, this coup would have been nothing more than the straightforward exercise of power in the US backyard. But we live in interesting times...

The first fast-food president

The first fast-food president

A photo of congealing fast food dished up stone cold may not do anything to Trump, but it sure symbolises where his presidency is at.

China outrages West by doing the same commercial spying we do

China outrages West by doing the same commercial spying we do

Lurid reports of Chinese hacking omit that we engage in exactly the same — and occasionally worse — cyber-espionage.

Forget the US: how Mexico responded to the 'migrant caravan'

Forget the US: how Mexico responded to the 'migrant caravan'

Contrasts in how migrants were received in different parts of Mexico reflect the current international crisis of border control.