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How Stuart Robert can fix the NDIS

How Stuart Robert can fix the NDIS

Greens spokesperson Jordon Steele-John offers some tips for the new minister.

How do you solve a problem like toxic masculinity?

How do you solve a problem like toxic masculinity?

Australian women are still facing an epidemic of violence, but the conversation about it has notably shifted to "men's behaviour".

Labor should stop lying: the Liberals did not cut health spending

Labor should stop lying: the Liberals did not cut health spending

Labor has long insisted the government cut health funding. In fact, health spending has risen significantly under the Coalition.

Labor's health obsession too much of a good thing

Labor's health obsession too much of a good thing

Labor is talking about nothing but health, which is a positive for Bill Shorten but serves voters poorly when there are more critical issues to be dealt with.

How Morrison squandered his high ground on disability rights

How Morrison squandered his high ground on disability rights

Disability advocates are calling for the royal commissioners to step aside, the Medicare levy to be reinstated and yes, to stop being used a political football.

What is the Pharmacy Guild and why did it donate $15k to One Nation?

What is the Pharmacy Guild and why did it donate $15k to One Nation?

The average suburban pharmacist may appear innocuous, but together, they make up one of Australia's most powerful lobby groups

Is it finally time Medicare covered dental work?

Is it finally time Medicare covered dental work?

Covering dental visits with Medicare would be a logical decision benefiting the general health of all Australians. But as we know, just because spending is logical doesn't make it a priority.

How would Labor regulate access to abortion?

How would Labor regulate access to abortion?

Labor has pledged to expand access to abortion services if elected this year. But how would it overcome the messy web of state abortion rules?

Heart Foundation shows Indigenous staff the door

Heart Foundation shows Indigenous staff the door

Former Indigenous employees say the organisation has been marred by an exodus of Aboriginal staff, a collapse of specialist programs and a failure to meet reconciliation targets.

Magic mushrooms to soothe the dying

Magic mushrooms to soothe the dying

A landmark study in Australia will use psilocybin to induce what's come to be known as a "classical mystical experience". Is this the start of a "mushrooming mental health zeitgeist"?