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Vale Bob, co-founder of 21st-century Australia

You can divide Australian life into before Bob and after Bob. He was a unique politician who, with Paul Keating, created modern Australia.

News Corp v Labor: 24 hours in the election news cycle

We traced News Corp's messaging on Labor from the morning papers through to Sky After Dark.

How News Corp campaigns in a different reality to the rest of Australia

News Corp has a long history of backing unlikely — and often unpopular — election winners. Will the federal election be any different?

Dutton’s Rwandans led troops in deadly raid targeting tourists

Two Rwandan men secretly resettled by the government led soldiers in a 1999 raid in Uganda that resulted in the rape and murder of Western tourists.

Warringah: a symbol for this strange, close, and bad-tempered election

There are the two realities that Abbott forever inhabits — the messianic protector of Western civilisation, and Australia's great clanging embarrassment.

The contradictions of Bob Hawke play out for Shorten

To be young and left during the rise of Bob Hawke was to be in heaven. But now, looking back, we can see he marked a time when Labor began its backwards steps.

Coalition recovery is too little, too late

It would take something special for the Coalition to win it from here. Still, the fog of war is thick enough that the full range of possibilities needs to be countenanced.

For Indigenous voters, this election is just more of the same

Both major parties continue to see our community as a problem that requires solving. Nothing will be solved until we have a seat at the table.

The missing ministers of the campaign trail

Who we haven’t heard from, and why, speaks volumes about what we could see at the 46th parliament.

How both parties bungled the chase for Chinese-Australian votes

It's 2019 and Australian politicians are only just starting to front up to this major group of voters. They have a lot to learn.

A flash of fuschia as Julia Banks sweeps the peninsula

Candidates battle not only each other but the ghost of politics that haunts Victoria's twin peninsulas.

Scare campaigns have long been a part of Australian politics

Crikey readers discuss Australia's history of scare campaigns, betting on elections and the race for New England.

Trending news

Can the bookies tell us who will be the next prime minister?

Some pundits swear by the idea the betting markets are a stronger indicator of an upcoming election's outcome than any polling. But how does it work?

After watergate, will Barnaby Joyce lose New England to an independent?

In Saturday’s election, Barnaby Joyce is widely expected to stroll to victory. Who is the new independent getting in his way?

How the Witness K/Collaery case is being delayed into oblivion

This is Australian politics' biggest scandal, and the most powerful people in the country are ensuring you know as little about it as possible.

The people behind the scenes in Warringah

A look at the who's who of Warringah's influential backroom operatives.

Meet the Labor candidate trying to unseat Abbott

Dean Harris is personable and articulate, never faltering on policy. Imagine if Labor ran him in a seat he could actually win.

Looking for Tony Abbott: a candidate gone to ground

Tony Abbott might not be winning friends outside of Warringah, but hanging out at the local mall he's in his element. Having John Howard beside him helps.

The polite protests of Warringah

The relative privilege of these crowds doesn't undermine the sincerity or importance of what they're trying to achieve, but it does shift the tone. Every protest is imbued by this smiling confidence that they will win.

Warringah’s outsiders: on the road with Kristyn Glanville and the Greens

While the NSW Greens have been a bit of a mess in recent months, Kristyn Glanville is keeping the environment front and centre.

Also trending

Why federal election polling numbers should have you concerned

You may think that unanimity across the results of multiple two-party preferred polls would mean they must be accurate, but you'd be wrong.

Warringah: a symbol for this strange, close, and bad-tempered election

There are the two realities that Abbott forever inhabits — the messianic protector of Western civilisation, and Australia's great clanging embarrassment.

Looking for Tony Abbott: a candidate gone to ground

Tony Abbott might not be winning friends outside of Warringah, but hanging out at the local mall he's in his element. Having John Howard beside him helps.


They really said that?

Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum.


The late prime minister’s impromptu public holiday declaration and most famous line, delivered after Australia defeated the US at the 1983 America’s Cup.


Environmental as anything

This week: life expectancy gaps, return of the mammoth, more dunnies please, and the 49% solution (to humanity).


Why GetUp is more transparent than the major political parties

The only reason people are picking at GetUp's accounts like vultures is that its accounts are actually public.

Can the bookies tell us who will be the next prime minister?

Some pundits swear by the idea the betting markets are a stronger indicator of an upcoming election's outcome than any polling. But how does it work?

After watergate, will Barnaby Joyce lose New England to an independent?

In Saturday’s election, Barnaby Joyce is widely expected to stroll to victory. Who is the new independent getting in his way?

Having learnt from Labor, the Coalition goes hard on last-minute scares

Labor can complain about the Coalition's negative gearing scare campaign all it likes, but it benefited from lying to voters in 2016.

Wages are going nowhere. And the entire governing class is to blame.

Wages growth has ground to a halt in Australia, reflecting the wilful refusal of key players to take wage stagnation seriously.

What is the ABC for?

Crikey tries to unravel and distill some of the crucial questions we think the ABC should be asking itself in this post-Guthrie/Milne era.

Australia farewells Bob Hawke

Political leaders across the spectrum have mourned the loss of Labor legend Bob Hawke, and the major parties make their final pitch to voters amid news of late Coalition cuts. It's the news you need to know, with Rachel Withers.

Get ahead of the headlines with The Worm.
Free to your inbox every weekday morning.

Drama and tragedy roll on in Rush defamation case

Accusations of bias. Witness X revealed. Tactical ploys ahead of special damages. This thing is far from done.

Foxtel’s streaming is on the rise but it’s still a financial black hole

The financials are bad for Foxtel, but the bigger worry is the slump in subscriber numbers.

Inside News Corp’s attack dog practices

The playbook for attacks like #Billsmum isn't new.

A political hit job gone wrong: how News Corp created its own existential crisis

We have now reached a point with News Corp where it is no longer treated like a normal media organisation — by anyone.

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