18 May 2019

Dominated by communalist appeals and threats
India’s multi-phase election concludes

By Keith Jones, 18 May 2019

The working class will come into headlong conflict with India’s next government, whatever its precise composition.

As class struggle sharpens,
Indian Stalinists stump for right-wing bourgeois government

India’s election and the revolutionary program to oppose austerity, war and communal reaction

Amid declining real wages, strikes in US escalate

By Jerry White, 18 May 2019

Fueled by declining real wages, new strikes by teachers, health care workers and other sections of the working class are erupting.

Strong support for Toledo hospital workers as UAW isolates strike

Strikes by US workers outpacing rate in 2018

Video: Mass layoffs hit Illinois Fiat Chrysler plant

By Michael Walters, Marcus Day and George Marlowe, 18 May 2019

Workers at the plant are worried that Fiat Chrysler will eliminate another shift later this year, with hundreds or thousands more jobs cut.

“The UAW sold us down the river”
Fiat Chrysler uses robocall to announce more layoffs at Belvidere, Illinois, plant

With contract deadline approaching, Michigan auto parts workers vote by 97 percent to strike global parts maker

One million take to the streets against education cuts, austerity in Brazil

By Miguel Andrade, 18 May 2019

The powerful demonstrations by teachers and students in over 200 cities targeted both fascistic President Bolsonaro and Workers Party (PT) state governors.

Conservative Party implodes over Brexit crisis as May agrees to stand down next month

By Robert Stevens, 18 May 2019

A field of up to 20 Tory MPs are expected to stand to replace May as party leader and prime minister, an expression of the fracturing of the oldest political party of the British ruling elite.

Russia: 98 arrested in opposition-led protests in Yekaterinburg

By Clara Weiss, 18 May 2019

The protests are led by right-wing nationalist forces aligned with Alexei Navalny’s US-backed liberal opposition.

Bavarian State Regiment
German government prepares troops for domestic missions

By Tino Jacobson and Peter Schwarz, 18 May 2019

With the pilot project of a Bavarian “state regiment,” the German federal government is secretly and unconstitutionally creating an armed homeland security force.

New Zealand PM leads global Internet censorship campaign

By Tom Peters, 18 May 2019

New Zealand’s Labour Party-led government is heading international efforts to exploit the Christchurch terrorist attacks to ramp up restrictions on social media.

Democrats back trade war with China

By Patrick Martin, 18 May 2019

The main criticism of Trump’s trade policy by congressional Democrats and most presidential candidates is that the president should focus exclusively on China and enlist Canada, Mexico and the European Union in an anti-China coalition.

In another escalation of trade war against China
Trump issues executive order directed at Huawei

New Jersey education budget reallocation threatens hundreds of jobs

By Erik Schreiber and Sandy English, 18 May 2019

The Democratic and Republican politicians of one of the wealthiest states in America are refusing to adequately fund public education in working class communities.

As New York City transit contract expires, governor launches vindictive attack on workers

By Daniel de Vries and Alan Whyte, 18 May 2019

The union is keeping 40,000 workers on the job while governor Cuomo whips up hysteria over allegedly fraudulent overtime.

Massive flooding in New Orleans as five pumps go offline

By Aaron Murch, 18 May 2019

The breakdown of the city’s pumping system following an evening of heavy rains exposes the continued neglect of infrastructure in a city devastated due to the failure of levees in 2005.

New in Portuguese

A estreia da Uber na bolsa: bilhões para investidores, maior exploração para trabalhadores

Shannon Jones, 18 Maio 2019

As greves e protestos globais dos motoristas da Uber e da Lyft, que estão acontecendo em meio a um enorme enriquecimento dos acionistas, ressaltam a necessidade de trabalhadores adotarem uma estratégia socialista internacional.

New in Spanish

La marcha hacia la guerra contra Irán y el conflicto con Europa

Alex Lantier, 18 mayo 2019

En medio de los crecientes conflictos con sus rivales estratégicos, incluyendo sus “aliados” de la Unión Europea, Washington está buscando reorganizar la geopolítica eurasiática, comenzando con una campaña militar contra Irán.

Más muertes de migrantes, mientras Trump anuncia cuota clasista de inmigración

Eric London, 18 mayo 2019

Trump anunció el nuevo plan, mientras el ejército acordó a construir seis nuevos campos de internamiento a lo largo de la frontera de EUA y México.

"Preferiría morir de hambre antes que cambiar mi opinión"
Chelsea Manning encarcelada nuevamente tras negarse a declarar contra WikiLeaks

Niles Niemuth, 18 mayo 2019

Manning ha insistido de manera valiente y principista que nunca declarará ante ningún gran jurado sobre sus posibles contactos con Assange y WikiLeaks o ningún otro tema.

New in German

Die Kriegsvorbereitungen der USA gegen den Iran und der Konflikt USA-Europa

Alex Lantier, 18. Mai 2019

Mit dem Feldzug gegen den Iran beginnen die USA eine Reorganisierung ihrer Geopolitik in Eurasien. Dies führt zu heftigen Konflikten mit ihren vormaligen Verbündeten in der Europäischen Union.

„Ich würde lieber verhungern, als meinen Standpunkt aufzugeben“
Chelsea Manning erneut in Haft wegen Weigerung, gegen WikiLeaks auszusagen

Niles Niemuth, 18. Mai 2019

Manning hält daran fest, dass sie grundsätzlich vor keiner Grand Jury aussagen wird. Eine solche Vernehmung würde dazu dienen, ein Strafverfahren gegen Julian Assange vorzubereiten.

Stimmt für die Socialist Equality Party! Nehmt den Kampf für den sozialistischen Internationalismus auf!

Socialist Equality Party (Australien), 18. Mai 2019

Die SEP tritt an, um eine revolutionäre sozialistische Bewegung der Arbeiterklasse gegen das gesamte parlamentarische Establishment und das von ihm verteidigte kapitalistische System aufzubauen.

New in Turkish

Emperyalist savaş, Ortadoğu ile Kuzey Afrika’daki işçi sınıfı kabarması ve Sürekli Devrim stratejisi

Keith Jones, 17 Mayıs 2019

Cezayir’de ve bölge genelinde yaşanan işçi sınıfı kabarması, can alıcı perspektif ve strateji sorunlarını; en önemlisi de, işçi sınıfını Sürekli Devrim programı ile siyasi olarak donatma gerekliliğini gündeme getirmektedir.

New in French

Washington ordonne au personnel américain de quitter l'Irak tandis que s’intensifient les préparatifs de guerre contre l’Iran

Bill Van Auken, 17 mai 2019

L'ordre d'évacuation a été donné alors qu'un haut général britannique a déclaré qu'il n'y avait pas de menace accrue des forces soutenues par l'Iran dans la région.

Le Pentagone menace l'Europe à propos du projet d’une armée européenne

Alex Lantier, 17 mai 2019

La lettre a été divulguée sur fond de tensions grandissantes entre Washington et ses rivaux impérialistes européens à propos des menaces de guerre américaines contre l’Iran.

La France accueille «l’Appel de Christchurch» pour intensifier la censure de l’Internet

Will Morrow, 17 mai 2019

Sous la bannière de la lutte contre le terrorisme, les géants des médias sociaux et les États capitalistes cherchent à censurer les médias sociaux pour bannir les opinions de gauche et antiguerre.

New in Russian

Лидер германского «Союза молодых социалистов» вызывает бурю дебатов о социализме

Петер Шварц, 16 мая 2019 г.

Будучи беззастенчивым карьеристом, Кюнерт может выдавать себя за социалиста лишь потому, что он опирается на неопытность и недостаток знаний у сегодняшнего молодого поколения.

Other Languages


The assault on the Venezuelan embassy

18 May 2019

The violent police seizure of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington expressed in microcosm the criminality of US imperialism the world over.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

Only socialist policies can resolve the Australian public education crisis

By the Committee for Public Education, 18 May 2019

Teachers and parents should treat the sham election promises of Labor, Liberal and the Greens on education with the contempt they deserve.

Vote 1 Socialist Equality Party! Take up the fight for socialist internationalism!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 17 May 2019

The SEP is campaigning to build a revolutionary, socialist movement of the working class against the entire parliamentary establishment and the capitalist system that it defends.

The Socialist Equality Party candidates in the 2019 Australian election

Mass unemployment, climate change and a toxic dump in Oxley

Strong response to SEP’s socialist program at final election meetings

Workers and youth discuss Julian Assange, social conditions and war at SEP election meetings


Bob Hawke, former Australian Labor prime minister, 1929-2019
Ruling elites pay tribute to a favourite son

By Nick Beams, 18 May 2019

Some of the most hated figures in world politics have come together to praise Hawke and laud his achievements.

Featured Report

Muslim victims of violence in Sri Lanka speak to the WSWS

By our reporters, 17 May 2019


Columnist urges more female involvement in “building, deployment, targeting and use of nuclear weapons”
New York Times promotes a woman’s right to annihilate millions

By David Walsh, 18 May 2019

Times editorial board member Carol Giacomo complained May 15 that women were “particularly underrepresented in senior positions dealing with nuclear issues.”

The US war drive against Iran and the conflict with Europe

By Alex Lantier, 17 May 2019

Saudi bombs kill Yemeni civilians, raising war tensions in Persian Gulf

Washington orders US personnel out of Iraq amid war buildup against Iran

No to war against Iran!

George Galloway tried to become Brexit Party candidate—and failed

By Robert Stevens, 17 May 2019

Alabama abortion ban: Back to barbarism

By Patrick Martin, 16 May 2019

More migrant deaths as Trump unveils class-based immigration quota

By Eric London, 17 May 2019

ICE conducts armed raid on student pastor’s home in Chicago, abducts three

More on the attacks against immigrants »

Five years since the poisoning of Flint’s water supply: Part one

By James Brewer, 14 May 2019

European elections

Socialist Equality Party in Germany to hold central meeting of European election campaign in Berlin

By the Socialist Equality Party (SGP), 17 May 2019

Prior to the May 18 meeting, the SGP will organise a rally in front of the British Embassy in Berlin to demand the freedom of Julian Assange.

“Join the fight for a united socialist Europe!”
Socialist Equality Party (SGP) publishes campaign video for European Elections

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 29 April 2019

The European elections and the revival of class struggle

Free Assange and Manning

Speech by Niles Niemuth to London meeting
“What is it that Manning and Assange are being persecuted for? Revealing the truth”

18 May 2019

We are publishing the speech of Niles Niemuth, a leading member of the Socialist Equality Party (US), at the May 12 public meeting in London in defence of jailed WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

London meeting to free Assange and Manning
Attendees from Scotland speak out: “Workers have to make their voices heard”

By our reporters, 18 May 2019

Audience members at livestream viewings in Scotland of the SEP’s May 12 London meeting in defence of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning spoke to the WSWS.

Speech by Oscar Grenfell
Millions in Australia “view Assange as a hero who is being attacked for revealing the truth.”

By Oscar Grenfell, 17 May 2019

Clara Campos of the Julian Assange Defence Committee:
“We must act now in mobilising to free him. He is one of us.”

By Clara Campos, 17 May 2019

“I would rather starve to death than change my opinion”
Chelsea Manning jailed again after refusing to testify against WikiLeaks

By Niles Niemuth, 17 May 2019

Audience members at London meeting discuss way forward in fight for Assange and Manning’s freedom

ICFI supporters hold rally in India to demand freedom for Assange and Manning

“The Socialist Equality Party views the defence of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning as the spearhead of an emerging global struggle against imperialism.”

Sweden reopens “preliminary investigation” and seeks extradition of Julian Assange

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »

Workers Struggles

Hundreds of Indian workers strike over unpaid wages; Bangladesh jute mill workers continue protests; Auckland rail workers locked out in New Zealand
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

18 May 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

University of California unions wear down workers with fifth one-day strike

By Evelyn Rios, 17 May 2019

Detroit teachers demand action on pay, class sizes and testing

The teachers’ revolt and the fight for social equality

More on education in the US »

Arts Review

The Eyes of Orson Welles: A markedly political approach to the American filmmaker …
… and John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky (about John Lennon’s 1971 album Imagine )

By Joanne Laurier, 17 May 2019

Doris Day, prominent postwar American actress and singer, dies at 97

By David Walsh, 15 May 2019

San Francisco Board of Education to decide on the fate of historic murals said to be “offensive”

Wild Nights with Emily: American poet Emily Dickinson undone by gender politics

Socialist Equality Party

Defeat the government’s police-military dictatorial plans
SEP/IYSSE public meeting in Colombo on Sri Lankan emergency declaration

17 May 2019

The meeting will discuss the revolutionary socialist perspective needed to defend the democratic and social rights of working people.

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

The future lies in socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 13 May 2019

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.


A million species threatened with extinction, UN-backed report warns

By Daniel de Vries, 14 May 2019

The comprehensive study of biodiversity called for “transformative change” to protect nature and humanity.

25 years ago: Teamsters cut off strike benefits for freight drivers

On May 17, 1994, the executive board of the Teamsters union approved the cutoff of $200-per-week strike pay following the betrayal of the freight drivers’ strike in April.

More »

50 years ago: Chinese-Malay clashes after Malaysian election

On May 13, 1969, following national elections that resulted in a sharply reduced majority for the ruling Malay-dominated Alliance Party, riots broke out in Kuala Lumpur that targeted and attacked Chinese neighborhoods.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin deports the Crimean Tatars

On May 17, 1944, the Soviet secret police, at the direction of Stalin, launched a three-day punitive operation rounding up the entire population of 500,000 Crimean Tatars.

More »

100 years ago: Canadian workers begin general strike in Winnipeg

On May 15, 1919, more than 30,000 workers in Winnipeg, Manitoba, walked off the job in support of a strike by metal tradesmen which began on May 6.

More »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE in US holds successful meetings on postmodernism and identity politics

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

”Dictatorships as alternative political orders?”—We say no!
Student Parliament at Humboldt University condemns Jörg Baberowski’s right-wing think tank


One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part One

By Peter Symonds, 4 May 2019

One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part Two

New York Times column falsifies legacy of Eugene Debs

By Tom Mackaman, 30 April 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”
David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

More on the fight against fascism »

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018