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ACTU leader to present case for minimum wage rise

David Marin-Guzman
David Marin-GuzmanWorkplace Editor

Australian Council of Trade Unions leader Michele O'Neil will personally showcase unions' bid for a 6 per cent increase in the minimum wage while Labor has promised to make a submission for a "real wage increase" on its first day in government.

Ms O'Neil's decision to present the union's case before the Fair Work Commission's minimum wage panel on Wednesday instead of the peak body's industrial officer makes her the first ACTU president to do so since Bob Hawke.

The planned appearance comes as Labor wrote to FWC president Iain Ross to advise him it will withdraw its submission to the wage review if it wins government this weekend and make a new submission requesting "a real wage increase to award rates".

The wage review panel is holding hearings in Melbourne and Sydney on Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of its decision on how much the minimum wage and associated award rates should increase from July 1 for some 2 million workers.

The ACTU wants a 6 per cent increase this year followed by 5.5 per cent next year to bring rates up to 60 per cent of median earnings, which it defines as a "living wage".


Labor has promised to legislate so FWC will set a "living wage" if it wins government by taking greater account of modern living pressures such as mobile phone costs and the internet.

But before it does that Labor said in its letter it would make its case for a "real wage increase" on its first day in government.

"We have made this unprecedented decision on behalf of Australia’s workers who rely on the award minimum rates and do it because this government has completely failed to advocate for workers in this country.

"At no point in the last six years has this government supported real increases in submissions to the annual wage review."

'Theatre and politics of the moment'

Coalition and Labor governments have both traditionally taken a neutral stance on minimum wage increases in submissions to the commission.

It is unclear what will be different in Labor's submission if it wins government, other than that it would replace the Coalition's submission, and it will unlikely be able to take advice from the department of employment.

Labor's submission in opposition already proposes a "substantial" and "fair and economically responsible real increase" without nominating a number, while the Coalition's submission called for a "fair increase".


The Fair Work Commission considers living costs, employment growth, the needs of the low paid and economic competitiveness in its wage decisions and has awarded record high increases of 3.5 per cent and 3.3 per cent in the last two years.

Ms O'Neil said while she would argue for a 6 per cent increase this year "the real solution is to change the rules that determine how the minimum wage is set".

“The minimum wage should not just be enough to stop you starving, it should be enough to provide for a decent life for all full-time workers."

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's submission this year noted that the ACTU's wage case was "an exaggerated, ambit claim from unions grounded firmly in the theatre and politics of the moment".

"At various points, exogenous pressures have included calls from employers, unions and competing political parties to change the rules under which minimum wages are varied, just as the tribunal was arbitrating competing wage claims. We have no doubt the panel will close its ears to the background noise of political debate."

David Marin-Guzman writes about industrial relations, workplace, policy and leadership from Sydney. Connect with David on Twitter. Email David at
David Marin-Guzman

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