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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    5. Juni 2017

    President Obama: A superior human in EVERY way. Class Intellect Character Leadership Diligence Dignity Honor RETWEET if u miss him too.🇺🇸

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  2. vor 8 Stunden

    Today was 911 days with the trump crime syndicate in our White House. Ever notice how often folks on TV list his tenure in days, but each day feels like a WEEK? That day count is TIRING. But the GOOD news is Election Day is only 545 days away... ...or 13,056 hours.😣

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  3. vor 12 Stunden

    I was excited to hear him say these things for A MINUTE...they sounded just like he was talking about Barr. Then I said, "But it's Marco Rubio." So I waited. It all sounded reasonable and righteous. And then, in the last 2 seconds of the clip...damn.

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  4. vor 12 Stunden

    "I think an Attorney General held in contempt of Congress is someone who should resign." -- Marco Rubio, 2012 What's up NOW, ? Speak up, we can't hear you. The hypocrisy is deafening.

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  5. vor 13 Stunden

    I guess she didn't appreciate having her thunder stollen. *takes bow* You're welcome.

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  6. vor 17 Stunden

    The best part is "you're welcome." Christine had waited her whole life to own a Lib. She'd heard stories that likened the feeling to The Rapture, with angel's harps through sun-parted clouds. Alas, her moment was...stolen. Or was it stollen? 🤔

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  7. vor 17 Stunden

    One of my favorite things is when a trumper tries to correct your intentionally-misspelled word, not realizing you're clowning on the old Stable Genius. *It's stolen.* I feel so special.

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  8. vor 21 Stunden

    The , also known as Individual 1, is sooo guilty... HOW GUILTY? He asserted executive privilege over the ENTIRE Mueller report. Now we have a Constitutional crisis in the middle of our Constitutional crisis.

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  9. vor 23 Stunden

    Mitch McConnell lowlights: 2/20/42 - Born 2010 - "most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." 2016 - Blocks SCOTUS pick 2016 - won't sign bipartisan statement condemning Russia 2019 - Case Closed We MUST defeat McConnell.

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  10. vor 24 Stunden

    When I schedule a ride with services like Uber and Lyft, the ME from 15 years ago who couldn't get a ride from yellow cabs (because I'm Black) gives today's ME a high five. I hope the drivers get what they need, because fuck those damn yellow cabs who passed me.

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  11. 8. Mai

    To Rep. Jerry Nadler: DON'T buckle. DON'T budge. The MILLIONS of us watching can see this gambit by DOJ for what it is: They are trying to run out the clock. Push forward. Do not relent. These criminals must be brought to justice.

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  12. 8. Mai

    How many of US would be "billionaires" if we didn't pay taxes for 10 years, and had access to million$ of other people's money? No wonder trump is fighting so hard to hide his taxes. They're PROOF that he's a bumbling businessman and a con.

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  13. 7. Mai

    Republicans will likely cheer a trump move that makes it more difficult for the poor to get food stamps, while the rich are SWIMMING in money... ...until they realize that a MAJORITY of the poor reside in Red states.

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  14. 7. Mai

    I'm ALL IN for renaming 5th Avenue as Barack Obama Avenue, or better yet "Thanks Obama Avenue." Not for any other purpose but for watching Orange Twitler turn purple.

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  15. 7. Mai

    On the anniversary of , Melania trump showed us that you can implore people to "Be Best" while completely ignoring your husband's efforts to while he was LOCKING BABIES IN CAGES. Screw her stupid anniversary.

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  16. 7. Mai

    "We took an oath not to try to protect Donald Trump, we took an oath to protect the Constitution. And the way we do that is we begin impeachment proceedings now against this president.” -- Senator Elizabeth Warren FROM THE SENATE FLOOR.

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  17. 7. Mai

    On Election Day 2020, I will vote for:

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  18. 7. Mai

    I know the "conventional wisdom" is that Joe Biden has the best chance of beating trump, just because he's an old white guy. I reject that "sheeple" narrative. By MY scorecard, Elizabeth Warren has a much more impressive policy list than "I'm male/old/white."

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  19. 7. Mai

    If regular, taxpaying folks like you or me decided to reject Congressional orders like Steve Mnuchin did, we'd ALREADY be in jail. Obeying the law is NOT optional, even if you have gobs of money like these Cruella de Villains.

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  20. 7. Mai

    Call me cautious, but shouldn't Robert Mueller have some kind of serious security detail if he's gonna be out and about before he testifies to Congress? Keep that man SAFE!

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  21. 7. Mai

    We are living in times when the so-called "president" of the United States RTs a crazy evangelical suggesting that trump should get an extra two years in office, and the overall reaction to it is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If President Obama did that, Republicans would be apoplectic.

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