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For a militant, fighting New Year
- 2019 Jan 01

Greetings to all for 2019 - a year of expanding class struggle and political advances for the revolutionary working class.


Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

Vale Darce Cassidy  

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) mourns the passing of Jon (“Darce”) Cassidy.
Darce made an important contribution to the anti-imperialist movement and many progressive people’s struggles.


more...- Posted on 2019 May 13

European fascists and US plans to secure control  

(Contributed)                             10 May 2019

Three recent reports, from Germany, the Baltic Republics and Sweden, provide a chilling picture of far-right political and terrorist organisation and US-led civil defence provision.
While the three are seemingly separate developments, in ...


more...- Posted on 2019 May 10

"Hidup Buruh! Lessons for Australian Radicals from the New Generation of Indonesian Unionists"  
Antonio G.                    8 May 2019
"Tell the boss to come here himself if he wants to say something. This is fucking union business, fuck off."
With these words a worker from the Jakarta International Container Terminal helped us push through a group of police filming our arrival at the ...

more...- Posted on 2019 May 08

The US “Space Race” and Australia  
(Contributed)                      7 May 2019
Media releases about the development of an Australian space industry have revealed just how important and strategically-placed the country is for US-led military and security provision.
Australia has become inextricably linked to the US-led wave of militarism sweeping the region; recent US-led Australian military planning, ...

more...- Posted on 2019 May 07

The sorrow and joy of May Day  

Louisa L                       2 May 2019

For the first time in this aging writer’s memory, May 1 was marked in Sydney with a 6000 strong strike and march. The push to return May Day to its militant beginnings came from ...


more...- Posted on 2019 May 02

Step up Change the Rules campaign – don’t let it die in a parliamentary election!  

Nick G.      1 May 2019

On May Day 2019, the day of international working class struggle and solidarity, workers in Australia will show our united resolve to step up the fight to Change the Rules and continue the struggle for a fairer, more just society for working people. ...


more...- Posted on 2019 May 01

Free Baba Jan and the 13 environmentalists!  

By Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza                      30 April 2019

(Vanguard has received a request to publish an article on the struggle to free revolutionary environmentalists sentenced to 40 years jail in Pakistan.  The struggle took place in a part of Jammu ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 30

Grassroots Peoples will outlast corporate control  

Lindy Nolan

This is an expanded version of the article in Vanguard’s hard copy May Day edition. It concludes a series investigating ruptures in pro-corporate support among First Peoples.

Imagine if Tony Abbott turned up at your place, telling you how to live, like he did to Northern Territory Aboriginal ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 29

Superpower interests at stake in Libyan conflict  

Nick G.               28 April 2019

The recent outbreak of violence in Libya is continuing testimony to the US imperialism’s inability to put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Good at pushing regimes from their place on the wall, invariably the result has been utter chaos ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 28

US imperialism and the Middle East: the decline of regional influence  

(Contributed)                        27 April 2019

After decades of US-led interference in the Middle East, Washington would appear to be losing its hegemonic presence in the region.
A number of recent developments have had far-reaching implications for US imperialism.


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 27

US multinational Kimberly-Clark to sack 220 Australian workers and send production off-shore  

Danny O.              25 April 2019

Huggies nappies will no longer be made in Australia. It follows the decision of giant US multinational consumer goods manufacturer Kimberly-Clark to shut down its nappy making factory in the south-west Sydney suburb of Ingleburn.
The closure, which is expected to be completed by ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 25

“Neither power nor profit could buy the great Ted Hill.”  

On the anniversary of Ted Hill’s birth, 23 April 1915, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new website on his life and work.  Ted Hill was a founding member and Chairman of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).  He dedicated his life and work to the struggles ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 24

“Money Money Money – It's a Rich Man's World”  
Josh S.             24 April 2019
More evidence has surfaced about how the rich rig and rort the system to get rich and richer. And how they buy politicians and parties.
In 2016-17, 69 millionaires in Australia “arranged” their affairs and paid zero tax. ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 24

“Solidarity is the tenderness of the people” – standing with our construction workers  

(Contributed)             19 April 2019

On Wednesday 17 April well over 1,000 construction workers held a demonstration through the business and retail heart of Adelaide's Central Business District. The demonstration was part of the union movement's Change the Rules campaign.


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 19

Taiwan a conduit for US influence in South Pacific  
(Contributed)           18 April 2019
The wave of US-led militarism sweeping the Asia-Pacific region has, in many ways, focussed upon pushing more favourable diplomatic links with Taiwan.
The US-led initiatives aim to tighten the net of containment and encirclement of China.

more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 18

Business Council sets agenda for biggest corporations  

Nick G .          13 April 2019

The Business Council of Australia (BCA) released a report on April 11 called “A Plan for A Stronger Australia”.
The immediate question is “stronger for whom”?  To answer that, we need to know for whom the BCA speaks.


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 13

Australia To Lose in Looming Trade Deal Between USA and China  
Ned K.                 13 April 2019
The US and China, the two biggest economic powers when it comes to world trade, are on the verge of a new trade deal. The US has a US$400 billion trade deficit with China and Trump is desperate to increase US exports to China ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 13

US struggles to keep control of developments in the south of Korea  

(Contributed)            11 April 2019

The impeachment and sacking of President Park Geun-hye in South Korea (ROK) has enabled national elections to take place in early May.
The elections, however, are unlikely to resolve the political crisis within the country or the problems of their diplomatic ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 11

The only way to Change The Rules is through struggle!  

CPA (M-L) leaflet (See opposite and Downloads menu)

“Real change always comes from waves of defiant, militant and at times “illegal” struggle on the job, in the streets and in our communities…we will never get it from begging and pleading with the bosses or the politicians.”


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 09

Venezuela’s Maduro: “…we are preparing for the popular resistance of the whole people”  

Nick G.           8 April 2019

Experiencing social and technological destabilisation and subversion, and facing threats of immanent invasion by US imperialism, the people and government of Venezuela are preparing for all-out resistance in defence of national independence, social reform and democracy.


more...- Posted on 2019 Apr 08

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