16 May 2019

Washington orders US personnel out of Iraq amid war buildup against Iran

By Bill Van Auken, 16 May 2019

The evacuation order came as a senior British general said there was no heightened threat from Iranian-backed forces in the region.

The social crisis and the global eruption of US imperialism

No to war against Iran!

Pentagon threatens Europe over EU army plans

By Alex Lantier, 16 May 2019

The letter came amid mounting tensions between Washington and its European imperialist rivals over US war threats against Iran.

In another escalation of trade war against China
Trump issues executive order directed at Huawei

By Nick Beams, 16 May 2019

The latest US action is an escalation in what could be described as a drive to “weaponise” all arms of the state in the economic confrontation against China.

A new stage in the US-China trade war

Protesters occupying Venezuela embassy in Washington DC speak out

By our reporters, 16 May 2019

For over a month, protesters opposed to the illegal US regime change operation in Venezuela have defended the embassy from being taken over by pro-Guaidó forces.

ICE conducts armed raid on student pastor’s home in Chicago, adbucts three

By Jacob Crosse, 16 May 2019

Betty Rendón had been preaching at Emaus Lutheran Church in Racine, Wisconsin while studying for her doctorate degree in Chicago when she, her husband and cousin were snatched by federal agents last week.

Trump planning nationwide military round-up of 10,000 immigrants

Trump administration to evict 55,000 children of immigrants from public housing

More on the attacks against immigrants »

Detroit teachers demand action on pay, class sizes and testing

By J. Cooper, 16 May 2019

Hundreds of red-shirted teachers demanded to be heard at Tuesday’s school board meeting.

Indian elections: Congress combines populist rhetoric with jingoism and communalism

By Wasantha Rupasingha, 16 May 2019

The Indian bourgeoisie’s traditional party of government, the Congress, like the BJP, is committed to pro-investor “reform” and an anti-China partnership with US imperialism.

India’s election and the revolutionary program to oppose austerity, war and communal reaction

France hosts “Christchurch call” summit to intensify internet censorship

By Will Morrow, 16 May 2019

Under the banner of fighting terrorism, the social media giants and capitalist states are seeking to censor social media to banish left-wing and anti-war views.

German president calls for clampdown on freedom of speech, internet censorship at Berlin conference

Censorship in the guise of opposition to monopoly control
Co-founder Chris Hughes calls for government break-up of Facebook

By Kevin Reed, 16 May 2019

The New York Times op-ed by Hughes is part of a campaign for government regulation of social media and technology corporations in order to step up censorship of left-wing political views.

Torture report reveals German authorities’ brutal methods during deportations

By Marianne Arens, 16 May 2019

The Committee for the Prevention of Torture detailed methods that are both brutal and shocking.

Right-wing outcry over student protest against anti-Muslim “headscarf conference” at German university

16 May 2019

Legitimate criticisms of right-wing and racist positions are criminalised and denounced as “attacks on academic freedom” and “ideological terror.”

Sudanese military kills protesters demanding return to full civilian rule

By Jean Shaoul, 16 May 2019

The violence erupted after the Transitional Military Council leaders, who seized power in a coup, announced they had reached an agreement with opposition leaders.

New Zealand government’s promises to combat child poverty exposed

By Chris Ross and Tom Peters, 16 May 2019

The Labour-led government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is overseeing growing poverty and social inequality.

New in Russian

Лидер германского «Союза молодых социалистов» вызывает бурю дебатов о социализме

Петер Шварц, 16 мая 2019 г.

Будучи беззастенчивым карьеристом, Кюнерт может выдавать себя за социалиста лишь потому, что он опирается на неопытность и недостаток знаний у сегодняшнего молодого поколения.

New in Turkish

İran’a karşı savaşa hayır!

Bill Van Auken, 16 Mayıs 2019

Bugün, Ortadoğu’da topyekün bir savaş tehlikesi, ABD’nin 2003’te Irak’ı istila etmesinden bu yana hiç olmadığı kadar büyüktür ve bunun olası sonuçlar çok daha ağırdır.

İsveç, “hazırlık soruşturması”nı yeniden açıyor ve Julian Assange’ın iadesini istiyor

Chris Marsden, 16 Mayıs 2019

İsveç’in Julian Assange’a karşı uzun süre önce gözden düşmüş olan 2010 tarihli tecavüz iddiasına yönelik bir soruşturmayı yeniden açması, WikiLeaks’in kurucusunu kötülemek ve susturmak için ABD önderliğinde yürütülen komployu derinleştiriyor.

Julian Assange’ın olağanüstü araştırmacı gazetecilik sicili

Oscar Grenfell, 16 Mayıs 2019

, Assange’ın bir gazeteci olarak sicilinin, çağdaş dönemde bir benzeri bulunmamaktadır.

New in Portuguese

Discurso de abertura do Comício Online Internacional de 1˚ de Maio
O ressurgimento da luta de classes e a luta pelo socialismo

Por David North, 16 Maio 2019

Estamos publicando o discurso de David North no Comício Online Internacional de 1˚ de Maio de 2019.

New in French

Trump prépare une rafle militaire de dix-mille immigrés dans tout le pays

Eric London, 16 mai 2019

L’étendue de la rafle impliquerait de fait la loi martiale et servirait de répétition générale à l’arrestation et à la détention en masse de dissidents politiques.

Non à la guerre contre l'Iran!

Bill Van Auken, 16 mai 2019

La menace d'une guerre totale au Moyen-Orient est plus grande que jamais depuis l'invasion de l'Irak par les États-Unis en 2003 et les conséquences potentielles sont beaucoup plus graves.

La Suède rouvre une «enquête préliminaire» et demande l’extradition de Julian Assange

Chris Marsden, 16 mai 2019

Eva-Marie Persson, directrice adjointe des poursuites publiques en Suède n’a cité aucune nouvelle preuve.

Sri Lanka : le gouvernement impose le couvre-feu dans un contexte de violences contre les musulmans

K. Ratnayake, 16 mai 2019

Le couvre-feu est censé prévenir les violences, mais les attaques contre les musulmans se poursuivent, indiquant que les forces de sécurité ferment les yeux.

«Le Parti de l’égalité socialiste considère la défense de Julian Assange et de Chelsea Manning comme le fer de lance de la nouvelle lutte mondiale contre l’impérialisme.»

Chris Marsden, 16 mai 2019

Voici le discours prononcé par Chris Marsden, secrétaire national du Parti de l’égalité socialiste (Royaume-Uni), lors de la réunion du 12 mai à Londres en défense de Julian Assange, éditeur de WikiLeaks et de Chelsea Manning, la courageuse dénonciatrice alors incarcérée.

A Berlin, les étudiants soutiennent le rassemblement de samedi pour défendre Julian Assange

Notre correspondant, 16 mai 2019

Les militants du SGP et de l'IYSSE ont distribué des milliers de tracts et posé des centaines d'affiches sur les lieux de travail, dans les universités et les centres commerciaux pour promouvoir le rassemblement « Freedom for Julian Assange » à Berlin.

New in Norwegian

Nei til krig mot Iran!

Bill Van Auken, 16. mai 2019

Faren for en fullskala krig i Midtøsten er større enn noen gang siden den amerikanske invasjonen av Irak i 2003, og de potensielle konsekvensene er denne gangen langt farligere.

«Socialist Equality Party ser forsvaret av Julian Assange og Chelsea Manning som spydspissen for en fremvoksende global kamp mot imperialisme.»

Chris Marsden, 16. mai 2019

Vi publiserer her talen Chris Marsden, nasjonssekretær for Socialist Equality Party (UK), holdt på møtet i London søndag den 12. mai til forsvar for den fengslede WikiLeaks-utgiveren Julian Assange og varsleren Chelsea Manning.

«IYSSE skal fordoble sin innsats for å bygge en massebevegelse av unge mennesker for Assanges forsvar»

Alice Summers, 16. mai 2019

Vi publiserer her talen fra IYSSE-representanten på London-møtet til forsvar for Julian Assange og Chelsea Manning den 12. mai.

"Han er ikke bare en journalist, men en av de mest betydningsfulle noensinne"
Deltakere på London-møtet for Assanges and Mannings løslatelse sier sitt

våre reportere, 16. mai 2019

Møtedeltakere på søndagens London-møte til forsvar for Julian Assange og Chelsea Manning uttalte seg til journalister fra World Socialist Web Site.

Sverige gjenåpner «forundersøkelsen» og søker utlevering av Julian Assange

Chris Marsden, 16. mai 2019

Ingen nye bevis har blitt referert av Eva-Marie Persson, Sveriges assisterende direktør for den offentlige påtalemyndigheten.

Klassekampen i USA og kampen mot krig

Niles Niemuth, 16. mai 2019

Vi publiserer her norsk oversettelse av transkripsjonen av talen Niles Niemuth holdt for 2019 Online International May Day Rally.

New in Spanish

¡No a la guerra contra Irán!

Por Bill Van Auken, 16 mayo 2019

El peligro de una guerra total en Oriente Próximo no ha sido tan grande desde la invasión estadounidense de Irak en 2003, y las consecuencias potenciales son mucho más graves.

Trump planea redada militar nacional para capturar a 10.000 inmigrantes

Por Eric London, 16 mayo 2019

La magnitud sin precedentes de la redada requeriría una ley marcial de facto y serviría como un ensayo para el arresto y encarcelamiento masivos de disidentes políticos.

El Gobierno de Trump desaloja de viviendas públicas a 55.000 niños, hijos de inmigrantes

por Eric London, 16 mayo 2019

El Washington Post reportó que el asesor fascista de Trump, Stephen Miller, divulgó la nueva norma, mientras que el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano concluyó que su propósito es aumentar la pobreza y destitución de las familias inmigrantes.

Washington se acerca al borde de una guerra con Irán

Por Bill Van Auken, 16 mayo 2019

El abrupto viaje de Pompeo a Bruselas y el despliegue de más fuerzas militares estadounidenses en el golfo Pérsico demuestran la escalada de la crisis de guerra por parte de EUA.

Un millón de especies amenazadas de extinción, advierte informe auspiciado por ONU

Por Daniel de Vries, 16 mayo 2019

El estudio comprensivo sobre la biodiversidad hace un llamado a un “cambio transformativo” para proteger a la naturaleza y a la humanidad.

New in German

Die Verteidigung Venezuelas und der Kampf für den Sozialismus in Lateinamerika

Bill Van Auken, 16. Mai 2019

Wir veröffentlichen hier den Wortlaut der Rede von Bill Van Auken auf der Internationalen Online-Maikundgebung 2019.

Trump plant landesweiten Militäreinsatz zur Verhaftung von 10.000 Immigranten

Eric London, 16. Mai 2019

Das beispiellose Ausmaß der Razzia würde die faktische Einführung des Kriegsrechts erfordern und als Testlauf für die Massenverhaftung von politischen Gegnern dienen.

Kein Krieg gegen den Iran!

Bill Van Auken und Peter Schwarz, 16. Mai 2019

Die Gefahr eines totalen Krieges im Nahen Osten ist größer als je zuvor seit der US-Invasion im Irak im Jahr 2003, und die möglichen Folgen sind viel gravierender.

Other Languages


Alabama abortion ban: Back to barbarism

16 May 2019

The purpose of the law is to give the new right-wing majority on the US Supreme Court the opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Earlier Perspectives »

Free Assange and Manning

Audience members at London meeting discuss way forward in fight for Assange and Manning’s freedom

By Laura Tiernan, 16 May 2019

Last Sunday’s public meeting in London convened by the Socialist Equality Party to defend jailed WikiLeaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning provoked a wide-ranging discussion.

“The IYSSE will redouble its efforts to build a mass movement of young people in Assange’s defence”

“He’s not just a journalist, he’s one of the most significant journalists of all time”
Attendees at London meeting to free Assange and Manning speak out

ICFI supporters hold rally in India to demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By our correspondents, 16 May 2019

The rally in the capital of the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu attracted the attention of workers and youth.

Sweden reopens “preliminary investigation” and seeks extradition of Julian Assange

By Chris Marsden, 14 May 2019

“This administration clearly wants to go after journalists”
Chelsea Manning restates her refusal to testify against Julian Assange as new grand jury subpoena looms

“The Socialist Equality Party views the defence of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning as the spearhead of an emerging global struggle against imperialism.”

By Chris Marsden, 14 May 2019

London public meeting demands the freedom of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

Australia: Rally to defend Julian Assange held in Broadmeadows, Melbourne

Students in Berlin support this Saturday’s rally to defend Julian Assange

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

Australia’s housing crisis to worsen whichever party wins election

By Richard Phillips: SEP senate candidate for NSW, 16 May 2019

A new housing loan scheme announced by Liberal leader Morrison and endorsed by the Labor Party will do nothing to resolve the acute housing problems facing millions of workers.

Labor and the unions responsible for social crisis in western Sydney

By Oscar Grenfell: SEP candidate for Parramatta, 16 May 2019

Grenfell explained that Labor and the unions have presided over “an onslaught against manufacturing and industrial jobs.”

Hunter “Meet the Candidates” Forum exposes major parties

By our reporters, 15 May 2019

Factory fire symptomatic of social devastation in Calwell electorate

A socialist program needed to halt assault on university students and staff

SEP election meetings in Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Brisbane
Vote Socialist Equality Party! No to War and Austerity! For Socialism and Internationalism!

7 May 2019

Arts Review

Doris Day, prominent postwar American actress and singer, dies at 97

By David Walsh, 15 May 2019

San Francisco Board of Education to decide on the fate of historic murals said to be “offensive”

By Toby Reese, 13 May 2019

Wild Nights with Emily: American poet Emily Dickinson undone by gender politics


Strong support for Toledo hospital workers as UAW isolates strike

By Tom Hall, 15 May 2019

Toledo, Ohio workers complete first week of strike vs. Mercy Health St. Vincent

After shouting “I’m pregnant,” woman fatally shot by Texas police officer

By Marcus Day, 15 May 2019

Sri Lankan austerity measures to deepen after terrorist attack

By Saman Gunadasa, 15 May 2019

Five years since the poisoning of Flint’s water supply: Part two

By James Brewer, 15 May 2019

Five years since the poisoning of Flint’s water supply: Part one

How Québec Solidaire abetted the rise of anti-Muslim chauvinism

By Richard Dufour, 15 May 2019

Trump says he reported $1.17 billion in losses over 10 years to evade paying taxes

The working class and the threat of dictatorship in the US

Faculty at Chicago’s DePaul University condemn professor’s anti-democratic, militarist comments on Middle East


A million species threatened with extinction, UN-backed report warns

By Daniel de Vries, 14 May 2019

The comprehensive study of biodiversity called for “transformative change” to protect nature and humanity.

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

The future lies in socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 13 May 2019

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.

Workers Struggles

The teachers’ revolt and the fight for social equality

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 14 May 2019

Three years ago, Detroit teachers were the first to organize sickouts and protests that exposed the crisis of public education to a national and international audience.

“I am ready to stay out and not going back in until we get everything we need”
More than 20,000 participate in Oregon walkouts for public education

Strikes by US workers outpacing rate in 2018

By Jerry White, 13 May 2019

The Uber IPO: Billions for investors, increased exploitation for workers

More on the class struggle in the US »

GM workers denounce deals to “save” token jobs in Lordstown and Oshawa

By Shannon Jones, 10 May 2019

“The UAW sold us down the river”
Fiat Chrysler uses robocall to announce more layoffs at Belvidere, Illinois, plant

More on autoworkers struggles »

25 years ago: Teamsters cut off strike benefits for freight drivers

On May 17, 1994, the executive board of the Teamsters union approved the cutoff of $200-per-week strike pay following the betrayal of the freight drivers’ strike in April.

More »

50 years ago: Chinese-Malay clashes after Malaysian election

On May 13, 1969, following national elections that resulted in a sharply reduced majority for the ruling Malay-dominated Alliance Party, riots broke out in Kuala Lumpur that targeted and attacked Chinese neighborhoods.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin deports the Crimean Tatars

On May 17, 1944, the Soviet secret police, at the direction of Stalin, launched a three-day punitive operation rounding up the entire population of 500,000 Crimean Tatars.

More »

100 years ago: Canadian workers begin general strike in Winnipeg

On May 15, 1919, more than 30,000 workers in Winnipeg, Manitoba, walked off the job in support of a strike by metal tradesmen which began on May 6.

More »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE in US holds successful meetings on postmodernism and identity politics

By our reporters, 10 May 2019

”Dictatorships as alternative political orders?”—We say no!
Student Parliament at Humboldt University condemns Jörg Baberowski’s right-wing think tank

European elections

“Join the fight for a united socialist Europe!”
Socialist Equality Party (SGP) publishes campaign video for European Elections

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 29 April 2019

The European elections and the revival of class struggle


One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part One

By Peter Symonds, 4 May 2019

One hundred years since the May 4 movement in China—Part Two

New York Times column falsifies legacy of Eugene Debs

By Tom Mackaman, 30 April 2019

The Fight Against Fascism

“If you agree with our analysis, you’ve got to decide what you’re going to do.”
David North speaks on the threat of fascism

By David North, 20 April 2019

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

More on the fight against fascism »

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

By Andrea Lobo, 25 March 2019

The ongoing strike wave on the US-Mexico border provides critical lessons for the incipient movement of the working class on an international scale.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018