Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka: SEP presidential candidate addresses meetings in war-ravaged north

By our reporters, 30 October 2019

The SEP presidential candidate explained that the democratic rights of the oppressed can be achieved only in the struggle for socialism.

Eightieth birthday tribute to Sri Lankan Trotskyist Nanda Wickremasinghe

By David North, 26 October 2019

Nanda Wickremasinghe, who turned 80 on October 15, is a founding member of the Sri Lankan section of the ICFI.

Sri Lankan SEP holds inaugural presidential election meeting

By our correspondents, 26 October 2019

Speakers explained that the Socialist Equality Party is the only one presenting an international socialist program for the working class and the poor.

Vote for SEP candidate Pani Wijesiriwardena in the Sri Lankan presidential election

Build a socialist movement against imperialist war, austerity and dictatorship

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 25 October 2019

There is no solution to the immense dangers facing workers in Sri Lanka and internationally—war, austerity and the threat of dictatorship and fascism—within the framework of capitalism and its outmoded nation state system.

Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE hold successful meeting on India’s Kashmir lockdown

By our correspondents, 19 October 2019

“The Modi government’s anti-democratic moves are not just directed against the Kashmiri people, although they are the immediate target, but against the working class as a whole.”

Sri Lankan SEP presidential candidate holds press conference

By our correspondents, 15 October 2019

“This election is being held in the midst of a growing political and economic crisis of the government and the ruling class as a whole.”

Video: SEP presidential candidate Pani Wijesiriwardena addresses nationally-televised meeting in Sri Lanka

By our reporters, 11 October 2019

Wijesiriwardena’s speech was heard by about 4,000 people at the event and watched by tens of thousands across Sri Lanka on two television networks.

Sri Lankan SEP announces presidential election campaign public meetings

9 October 2019

The Socialist Equality Party meetings will discuss the vital social and political issues confronting workers, youth and the poor.

Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka to contest the November presidential election

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 October 2019

The election has been announced amid rising opposition to the government’s austerity measures and the eruption of mass strikes by public sector workers for higher pay.

How to win the teachers’ fight in Sri Lanka

By the Socialist Equality Party teachers group, 25 September 2019

Teachers must organise independently of the unions, build rank-and-file action committees and unite with all other sections of the working class fighting Colombo’s austerity measures.

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE public meeting: The political issues at stake in the Indian government’s savage Kashmir lockdown

By the Socialist Equality Party and IYSSE (Sri Lanka), 25 September 2019

We urge workers, youth and WSWS readers to attend our Colombo meeting in order to participate in this important discussion on the political perspective required by the working class, highlighted by Modi’s brutal crackdown in Kashmir.

Build action committees! Expand the strike!

A socialist perspective for the Sri Lankan university employees’ struggle

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 10 September 2019

Non-academic university staff, who are beginning an indefinite strike today, should expand their struggle by appealing to other sections of the working class.

Sri Lankan SEP holds “Free Assange” rally and public meeting in Hatton

By our reporters, 21 August 2019

The hour-long morning demonstration won important working-class support in the central province town, which is surrounded by Sri Lanka’s major tea estates.

Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka intensifies the campaign to free Julian Assange

By our correspondents, 22 July 2019

The Sri Lankan Trotskyists held a well-attended public meeting in Colombo and a powerful rally in Jaffna.

Strong support for Julian Assange at Sri Lanka’s Jaffna University

By our reporters, 9 July 2019

SEP and IYSSE campaigners campaigned for a July 10 picket that will be held in defence of the WikiLeaks founder in the war-ravaged city.

SEP (Sri Lanka) to hold Free Assange meetings and demonstrations

6 July 2019

The SEP and IYSSE calls upon workers, students, youth, artists, journalists and intellectuals to support the campaign to free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.

SEP wins support for Assange and Manning at Sri Lanka’s Peradeniya university

By our reporters, 29 June 2019

Tenishan, an agriculture student, asked: “Is it democratic to imprison journalists who have revealed war crimes?”

Sri Lankan workers need a socialist program to defeat Colombo’s police-state preparations

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 12 June 2019

All factions of the warring Sri Lankan bourgeoisie are united in the use of communalism to divide the working class and in moves towards police-state rule.

Aftermath of terrorist attack: Sri Lankan SEP public meeting warns about threat of dictatorship

By our reporters, 27 May 2019

The speakers explained that the dictatorial turn by the Sri Lankan government is part of the international response of ruling classes to the resurgence of class struggles.

Defeat the government’s police-military dictatorial plans

SEP/IYSSE public meeting in Colombo on Sri Lankan emergency declaration

17 May 2019

The meeting will discuss the revolutionary socialist perspective needed to defend the democratic and social rights of working people.

The ICFI’s program intersects with a new wave of working-class struggle

By Wije Dias, 11 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 Online International May Day Rally delivered by Wije Dias, General Secretary of the SEP in Sri Lanka.

SEP (Sri Lanka) holds successful May Day meeting in Colombo, despite government efforts to bar celebrations

By our reporters, 3 May 2019

Some 200 workers, students, youth, professionals and housewives from areas throughout the island attended the meeting.

Sri Lankan SEP denounces political parties’ support for President Sirisena’s police state measures

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 2 May 2019

The SEP warns that the main target of the repressive measures is not Islamic extremists, but working people and their struggles against the government’s austerity agenda.

Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka to hold May Day meeting in Colombo

The new wave of international class struggle and the fight for socialism

26 April 2019

The SEP meeting is being called amid growing indications that Colombo may use the recent terrorist bombings as a pretext to ban all May Day events.

Sri Lanka: Abbotsleigh Estate Workers Action Committee and SEP hold powerful conference

By our correspondents, 20 March 2019

Over 100 people participated, including estate workers, workers from a diverse range of trades, students and a delegation from Sri Lanka’s war-ravaged northern province.

Support grows for Sri Lankan plantation workers’ conference

By our correspondents, 16 March 2019

Campaign teams hold discussions with workers on estates across the country’s central hill district.

SEP meetings launch Tamil edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By our correspondents, 6 March 2019

The meetings at Hatton in Sri Lanka’s central plantation district and Jaffna, in the war-ravaged north, attracted important layers of workers and youth.

Sri Lankan tea plantation workers protest victimisations

By our reporters, 19 February 2019

Demonstrators denounced the unions’ betrayal of recent wage strikes and demanded management immediately end the frame-up of militant Annfield Estate workers.

Sri Lankan SEP public meetings to launch Tamil edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

7 February 2019

The book is critical in exposing the many lies perpetrated about the Russian Revolution in 1917 and the subsequent degeneration of the Soviet Union.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)

Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

The political struggle against the WRP prepared the ICFI for the new period of revolutionary class struggles that are now emerging.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)

The RCL/SEP’s struggle against the anti-Tamil civil war

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 28 December 2018

Part five outlines the RCL/SEP’s intransigent political struggle to defend the democratic rights of the island’s Tamil minority and to unite the working class, Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim, on the basis of socialist internationalism.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)

The RCL/SEP’s political struggle against the LSSP’s betrayal

By W.A. Sunil and Deepal Jayasekera, 27 December 2018

The RCL waged a consistent struggle, under difficult conditions, against the second coalition government, particularly against the LSSP, which continued to dishonestly trade on its previous Trotskyist record.

Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court refuses to hear SEP’s legal action against May Day meeting ban

By our correspondent, 18 December 2018

The government’s intention was to sabotage May Day demonstrations and rallies, a tradition established by workers before the end of British colonial rule in 1948.

Sri Lankan president reinstates sacked prime minister

By K. Ratnayake, 17 December 2018

Sirisena’s decision to reappoint Wickremesinghe will not end the crisis but is just a temporary pause in the ongoing political conflict within Sri Lanka’s ruling elite.

The international significance of the Sri Lankan plantation workers’ strike

By Deepal Jayasekera, 17 December 2018

In the midst of the strike, workers at the Abbotsleigh Estate turned towards revolutionary politics and forms of organisation, establishing an action committee independent of the unions, under the political guidance of the Socialist Equality Party.

Sri Lankan plantation workers end strike action under protest

By Saman Gunadasa, 15 December 2018

Sri Lanka plantation workers denounced the unions and returned to work on December 14, after a nine-day strike for a doubling of their daily wage.

SEP (Sri Lanka) holds successful public meeting on political crisis

By our correspondents, 22 November 2018

The speakers stressed the necessity for the working class to adopt a socialist and internationalist program, in opposition to all factions of the ruling elite.

SEP (Sri Lanka) to hold lecture on “Lessons of History and the Fight for Socialism Today”

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 21 November 2018

The lecture in Jaffna will focus on the political lessons of key strategic experiences of the 20th century for the working class and their contemporary relevance.

Fight for a socialist solution to the political crisis in Sri Lanka

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 31 October 2018

The SEP calls on the working class to reject the cynical manoeuvres of all factions of the ruling elite and to mobilise independently to fight for its own class interests.

The struggle for socialism and the importance of history: David North interviewed on Radio Sri Lanka

12 October 2018

David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, was interviewed at length on Radio Sri Lanka’s “Coffee with Dan” program early this week.

Watch: David North interviewed on Sri Lanka’s English-language Channel Eye TV

10 October 2018

David North, the chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, discussed the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International on “Rise and Shine,” Sri Lanka’s most popular English-language morning television show, on October 8.

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On October 7, David North, International Editorial Board chairman of the World Socialist Web Site, delivered the following lecture to a well-attended public meeting in Colombo, organised by the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka).

Large Colombo audience hears David North’s lecture on the history of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 9 October 2018

David North concluded his Sri Lankan tour with a powerful lecture in Colombo, delivered to a large, enthusiastic audience.

David North’s lecture at Peradeniya University in Kandy attracts significant support from students and workers

By our reporters, 5 October 2018

The 200-strong audience responded enthusiastically to the lecture marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International.

David North outlines contemporary relevance of Trotskyism at Colombo media briefing

By our reporters, 3 October 2018

North’s address provoked thoughtful questions from Capital Radio and Independent Television Network reporters.

Text of David North's remarks to Sri Lankan press conference on Trotskyism

By David North, 2 October 2018

These remarks were delivered by David North, chairman of the WSWS International Editorial Board, at a press briefing in Colombo on October 1.

Sri Lankan students discuss upcoming anniversary meetings on the history of the Trotskyist movement

By our reporters, 2 October 2018

University students in Kandy and Colombo outline their financial difficulties, concerns about unemployment and voice support for David North’s forthcoming lectures.

SEP and IYSSE win broad support for Peradeniya university meeting on the struggle for Trotskyism

By our correspondents, 29 September 2018

SEP campaigners have spoken with scores of students, workers and academics at the campus, explaining the historical record and political importance of the struggle for Trotskyism in Sri Lanka and internationally.

David North warmly welcomed on his arrival in Sri Lanka

28 September 2018

North stressed the immense role played by Trotskyism in the political development of the working class in Sri Lanka.

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)

The RCL/SEP’s political struggle against petty-bourgeois radicalism

By Kapila Fernando, 28 September 2018

The past five decades have confirmed the far-sightedness of the RCL/SEP’s political analysis and exposure of the petty-bourgeois radicalism of the JVP.

Workers and students support Sri Lankan meetings on the struggle for Trotskyism

By our reporters, 27 September 2018

Students and Colombo Port workers discuss the significance of the forthcoming SEP public meetings and the necessity for an international socialist party of the working class.

80th anniversary of the Fourth International and 50th anniversary of the SEP (Sri Lanka)

David North to address meetings in Sri Lanka on the lessons of the history and contemporary struggle for socialism

19 September 2018

Understanding the historic fight waged by the Fourth International and the SEP for the revolutionary leadership of the international working class is vital for the emerging class struggles.

Sri Lankan SEP member Mohamdiramlage Chandrasiri (1955–2018)

By Wimal Fernando, 19 July 2018

Retired bank worker Chandrasiri will always be remembered for his selfless dedication to Trotskyism, the rights of the working class and the building of the SEP.

SEP anniversary meeting in Sri Lanka denounces anti-immigrant attacks

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 27 June 2018

The following resolution was unanimously endorsed at the Sri Lankan Socialist Equality Party’s 50th anniversary meeting, held in Colombo this month.

SEP in Sri Lanka holds powerful 50th anniversary meeting

By our correspondents, 27 June 2018

The meeting began by paying tribute to the party’s founding general secretary Keerthi Balasuriya, Wilfred Pereira and all those who gave their lives to the fight for Trotskyism in Sri Lanka and South Asia.

Greetings from David North to the 50th anniversary meeting of the Sri Lankan SEP

By David North, 27 June 2018

For a half century, the party that was founded in 1968 by an extraordinary group of young revolutionaries has upheld the banner of the International Committee of the Fourth International.

Sri Lankan artists speak out in defence of Julian Assange

16 June 2018

Lakshman Mendis, Bertie B. Kudahetti, Ratnasiri Paranawithana and Bartholameuse Wimalaratne endorse the international campaign to free Julian Assange.

Fifty years of the Socialist Equality Party of Sri Lanka

Arm the working class with the program of socialist internationalism and with revolutionary leadership!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 16 June 2018

The fulcrum of the 50-year struggle of the RCL/SEP has been the fight for the political independence of the working class and the program of permanent revolution.

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) to hold lectures to mark its 50th anniversary

By our reporters, 14 June 2018

The SEP lecture series will discuss the significance of the party’s half-century struggle for Trotskyism.

Free Julian Assange rallies called in Sri Lanka and India

7 June 2018

The SEP and supporters of the ICFI will demonstrate in Colombo, the Sri Lankan capital, and Sriperumbudur, in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

Sri Lankan workers and students defend Julian Assange

By our correspondents, 7 June 2018

Many of those who spoke to the WSWS compared the attacks on WikiLeaks to the Sri Lankan government’s measures against journalists.

Sri Lanka SEP files fundamental rights case against Colombo Municipal Council

By our correspondent, 6 June 2018

The legal action against the May Day meeting ban seeks to further expose the government’s anti-democratic attacks on working people.

The Maruti Suzuki workers and the re-emergence of class struggle across South Asia

By Wije Dias, 7 May 2018

Wije Dias, general secretary of the Sri Lankan section of the ICFI, and a veteran Trotskyist of more than 50 years standing, spoke from Colombo to the ICFI’s International Online May Day Rally.

Despite government ban, Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE hold successful May Day meeting

By our correspondents, 3 May 2018

Workers, youths, professionals and housewives, as well as Tamil-speaking residents from Jaffna and plantation workers from the central hills, attended the meeting.

SEP and IYSSE demonstrate against Sri Lankan government’s May Day ban

By our correspondents, 30 April 2018

Almost one hundred SEP and IYSSE members and supporters participated in Friday’s picket, denouncing the government ban and other anti-democratic attacks.

Workers and youth denounce Sri Lankan May Day ban

By our correspondents, 27 April 2018

SEP and IYSSE members are winning important support for their campaign against the government’s prohibition on celebrations of the international workers’ day.

Oppose the Sri Lankan government’s ban on May Day celebrations

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 25 April 2018

The SEP calls on all workers, oppressed people, youth, students and intellectuals to join it in protesting against this blatant attack on the democratic rights of the working class.

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls May Day meeting in Colombo

By the Socialist Equality Party, 19 April 2018

In holding its public meeting on May 1, the SEP is opposing the government’s efforts to sabotage May Day celebrations.

Sri Lankan workers’ inquiry presents findings on Meethotamulla garbage disaster

By our correspondents, 12 April 2018

The Meethotamulla disaster, which claimed at least 32 lives, was a social crime, created by capitalism and its political servants.

Halt the thuggery of non-academic union bureaucrats against WSWS reporters

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 4 April 2018

A WSWS journalist and photographer was violently attacked by union officials at a meeting of striking non-academic employees in the Colombo suburbs on March 27.

Oppose Sinhala racist violence against Muslim community in Sri Lanka

By the Socialist Equality Party, 10 March 2018

The government and the ruling elite are using anti-Muslim communalism to divert and divide the working people.

Sri Lankan local elections: SEP holds public meetings in island’s north

By our correspondent, 9 February 2018

SEP candidates explained why an international socialist program is necessary to fight the government’s social austerity measures and attacks on democratic rights.

Seventy years after Sri Lankan independence: The record of capitalist decay and the necessity for socialism

By Vijith Samarasinghe and K. Ratnayake, 3 February 2018

Throughout the Indian subcontinent, there is no real independence from imperialism and the ruling classes have failed utterly to provide democratic rights and decent living standards for all.

Sri Lanka: SEP holds first local election meeting in plantation area

By our correspondents, 19 January 2018

Speakers explained that growing social unrest in Sri Lanka, including strike action by key public sector workers, was part of an international radicalisation of the working class.

Local government election in Sri Lanka: Support SEP campaign against austerity and war! Fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 9 January 2018

The SEP is campaigning for the international socialist program needed by workers, youth and the poor, who are increasingly coming into struggle against the government’s attacks on their democratic rights and living standards.

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) stands for local government elections

By our correspondents, 23 December 2017

The SEP is the only party contesting the elections on an internationalist and socialist program against the looming threat of a world war, social counter-revolution and dictatorial rule.

SEP in Sri Lanka pays tribute to Keerthi Balasuriya

By our correspondent, 20 December 2017

Balasuriya’s untimely death in December 1987 “cut short an invaluable and devoted service to the cause of international socialism.”

On the 30th anniversary of the death of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya

By David North, 19 December 2017

Keerthi’s death on December 18, 1987 was an irreplaceable loss to the International Committee of the Fourth International and its Sri Lankan section.

Sri Lankan students and workers oppose Google censorship of the WSWS

By our correspondents, 22 November 2017

“It’s very important to organise the working class on an international basis.”

Successful public meeting in Colombo marks the Russian Revolution centenary

By our correspondents, 18 November 2017

About 150 workers, students, youth, professionals and housewives attended the event and around 300 watched it live via the Internet.

Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE commemorate Russian Revolution at Peradeniya University

By our correspondents, 11 November 2017

SEP/IYSSE members campaigned extensively at the university and in neighbouring areas prior to the meeting provoking animated discussions on the political lessons of the October Revolution.

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE calls public meetings to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution

27 October 2017

The Colombo meeting will discuss the political and theoretical lessons of the October Revolution for workers, students and young people being propelled into social and political struggles today.

Sri Lankan academics oppose Google censorship

By our correspondent, 7 October 2017

Google’s actions are “a gross abuse of monopolistic power” and related to its close links to the US state apparatus and the Pentagon.

Sri Lankan SEP Jaffna meeting discusses political bankruptcy of Tamil parties

By our reporters, 11 September 2017

The speakers explained the necessity for Tamil and Sinhalese workers to build a revolutionary party based on an internationalist socialist perspective.

Sri Lankan university workers defeat union attempts to victimise SEP member

By Pani Wijesiriwardena, 5 September 2017

SEP member Dehin Wasantha has a three-decade record of fighting for the rights of Sri Lankan workers, students and the poor on the basis of socialist internationalism.

SEP meeting in Jaffna: Reject Tamil bourgeois nationalism. Build the Socialist Equality Party!

19 August 2017

The meeting will discuss the degeneration of the Tamil bourgeois nationalist parties in Sri Lanka and the necessity for a revolutionary party based on socialist internationalism.

The road forward for Sri Lankan workers after the betrayal of the CPC strike

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 12 August 2017

The struggle against privatisation and to defend jobs can be waged only through a political fight against the profit system, on the basis of socialist policies.

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the US-led imperialist war drive!

7 August 2017

The Modi government has effectively transformed India into a “frontline” state in the US-led military war drive against China.

Independent Inquiry Committee holds meeting on Sri Lankan garbage dump collapse

By our correspondent, 26 July 2017

The Independent Workers’ Inquiry called by the SEP will expose the class roots of the Meethotamulla disaster and the culpability of successive governments.

Socialist Equality Party holds public meeting on Sri Lankan floods disaster

By our correspondents, 5 July 2017

The meeting discussed the recent catastrophe, which killed at least 300 people, and the other social disasters created by the capitalist class.

Sri Lankan students demand release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 7 June 2017

Kelaniya University students denounced the jailing of the Indian autoworkers and supported the international campaign to free them.

Floods in Sri Lanka: Government responsible for another social disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 June 2017

The deaths and human suffering are results of the callous disregard for the lives of ordinary people by successive governments dedicated to defending the profit system.

Sri Lanka: SEP holds meeting and picket in Hatton for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 27 May 2017

Plantation workers, youth and housewives from Hatton and plantation estates participated in the SEP campaign.

SEP (Sri Lanka) calls for workers’ inquiry into Meethotamulla garbage dump disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party, 9 May 2017

The Socialist Equality Party will initiate an independent working class investigation into the April 14 catastrophe that killed 32 people and displaced over 150 families.

Sri Lanka: Jaffna picket demands release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 1 May 2017

Jaffna workers, youth, fishermen and housewives joined an SEP/IYSSE picket and public meeting to protest the witch-hunt and jailing of Indian autoworkers.

Sri Lanka SEP holds picket in Jaffna to free Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 28 April 2017

Despite the anti-democratic intervention of student union leaders, most Jaffna University students supported the campaign.

Sri Lankan university students condemn Maruti Suzuki frame-up

By our correspondents, 3 April 2017

Students and workers in Colombo, Kandy and Jaffna denounced the heavy sentences imposed on framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India.

Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE hold picket to demand freedom of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 1 April 2017

The well-attended SEP/IYSSE picket attracted the attention and interest of workers and youth who were returning home from work or school.

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE to picket and hold public meeting for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

30 March 2017

The campaign to overturn the frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers requires the independent mobilisation of the working class in India, throughout South Asia and internationally.

Sri Lankan workers support campaign to free framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 28 March 2017

Socialist Equality Party campaigners distributed the ICFI statement “Free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers” in Sinhalese and Tamil.