The Lens


New Orleans' first independent, nonprofit news site. We provide the information and analysis necessary to advocate for more accountable and just governance.

New Orleans, LA
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  1. Duela 2 ordu

    . has hired Sabina Pence as its new CEO. She's served as the charter network's chief academic officer since 2014 and was a principal before that. Longtime CEO Jay Altman will step down July 1.

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    Join us May 7 to learn how to find public records related to criminal justice.

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    Latest from The Lens' opinion section: Big ‘green’ mistake: dumping sewage in wetlands carries hidden costs

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    Some parents got a shock this week: ReNEW charter network relocating McNair students, closing campus this summer

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    This week on Behind The Lens, the New Orleans City Council grilled Mayor LaToya Cantrell about her decision to lower the speed threshold for traffic camera tickets, and why her administration didn’t notify the public about the change.

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    OneApp enrollment lottery results bring mixed emotions. How do you feel about your child's placement?

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    This week on Behind The Lens we spoke with Lindsay Weixler about the center's recent study on whether text message reminders helped parents complete early childhood applications in :

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    Behind The Lens episode 29: ‘I will not in any way apologize for that’ Michael Isaac Stein on traffic cameras. Marta Jewson looks at some new research from the Education Research Alliance. And an exit interview with former Behind The Lens host Tom Wright.

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    Read ERA's report on whether text messages helped families complete early childhood education enrollment and stay tuned for today's Behind The Lens podcast which includes an interview with ERA's Lindsay Weixler explaining the study's findings.

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    No plan or timeline yet for how the city will spend the $5 million Entergy paid as a fine for the paid actor scheme. Disagreements between council members and the Mayor continue over how much should go to the Sewerage and Water Board.

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    City parks, greenspace and rec programs hang in the balance. New Orleanians need to vote!

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    Orleans Parish school district spokeswoman Tania Dall said McNair students did not get closing school priority in OneApp “because the school is being relocated, not closed.”


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