On Strike at Stop & Shop: Interview from the Picket Line

An interview with a striking Stop & Shop worker, originallly published by the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.

Tides of Flame

Seattle-based anarchist newspaper that published regularly throughout 2011-2012, covering stories such as the rise and fall of the Occupy movement, resistance to gentrification, the longshore workers' strike and the grand jury targeting local anarchists. Originally hosted at

Citizen Participation vs Class Power: Thoughts on community organizing

Ray Valentine talks about the limitations of the community organizing model. This article was first published by Organizing Work.

E20: The Exotic Dancers Union

Exotic Dancers Union.

Podcast episode about the workers at the Lusty Lady strip club in San Francisco who in 1997 were the first women who managed to unionise a strip joint in the United States, and who later took it over and ran it as a workers’ co-operative.

Amazon: A new business model better able to manage the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production

Amazon cardboard robot

An attempt to understand the functioning of one the world's most powerful companies using marxist categories - explaining how Amazon manages to combine the functions of productive, comercial and finance capital. The intention is, of course, to try to work out the implications for class strugle...

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power? Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

Striking workers in matamoros

Two months after workers launched wildcat strikes in the Mexican city of Matamoros, 89 “maquiladora” factories, mostly in the auto parts, electric, and metallurgical industries, have agreed to workers’ demands for a 20 percent raise and a bonus of 32,000 pesos (US$1,655)—half of the average yearly salary. The strike wave has become known across Mexico as the “20/32 movement.”

GM's plant closures stink of corruption on so many levels

GM's Detroit-Hamtramck plant. Credit:

Investors and top executives have used profits at GM to enrich themselves for years, while insisting mass layoffs are an unavoidable fact of economics.