Request help restoring your account

    • Reactivation is only available for accounts that have been deactivated in the last 30 days. Instructions for reactivation can be found here. If you need help logging in to an account that has never been deactivated, please visit this page.

      Still need help? Please choose one of the below:

      • Has it been more than 48 hours since you reactivated your account?

        • We’d like you to try logging out and logging back in on the web. If that doesn’t restore your counts, we invite you to provide more info below.

        • If your counts are slow to restore, we may be experiencing a delay in restoring account data. Check out this article for current known issues affecting reactivation.

      • Accounts that have been deactivated for more than 30 days CANNOT be reactivated - by you OR by our agents. You will need to sign up for a new Twitter account here:

    • For detailed instructions on how to deactivate your account, please read this article. Still need help? Please choose one of the below:

      • For detailed instructions on how to deactivate your account, please read this article. Still need help? Please choose one of the below:

        • Deactivating your account does not free up the username or email address for use on another account. If you'd like to use a username or email address on a new account, you need to change both the username and the email address in that account to something else prior to deactivation.

        • The username and email address associated with your deactivated account will be free for use 30 days from the date of deactivation. Or, you can reactivate your account so that you may change the username and email address to something else, which will free them up for use on your new account.

        • Please fill out the form below.

        • Sorry, we can’t help you. We require verification of either the email address and/or mobile number tied to the account in order to deactivate it on your behalf. If you feel your account has been hacked or compromised, please visit this form.

        • Please fill out the form below.

      • In cases where you suspect that your account may have been compromised, please change your password before deactivating the account to prevent unauthorized parties from logging in and reactivating it. You can change your password at

      • If you no longer remember your password, you can request a password reset email at Be sure to pick a strong, unique password you haven't used before.

      • You can check to verify that your account has been deactivated by visiting your profile URL. E.g.!/TwitterSupport

      • If you're deactivated, you'll see "Sorry that page doesn't exist!"

      • Did that work?

        • Great!

        • Please fill out the form below.

      • We do not generally accept requests for usernames that are suspended or seem inactive. If the account appears to be violating our Terms of Service or the Twitter Rules, please see this Help Center article for information about reporting potential violations to us.

    • This form requires a Twitter account. Please log in to your account in order to submit this request.

Security reminder: Do not include private information (address, home phone) in this request. Never include your password.
Your information
This is the email we'll use to contact you. Enter your current address.