Recasting India as a vassal state

by Badri Raina
first published in Mainstream Weekly, November 22, 2005

I t is now obvious that the neo-imperialists in America—and their apologists at home here—wish to hard sell the thesis that the Westphalian bedrock (sovereign nation-states, and the principle of non-interference), upon which international relations have been based for over two centuries, must be deemed to have slipped with finality from under the countries of the world.

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For those in Toronto in December

An event announcement in which I am personally implicated, below.

I also was, courtesy of some great organizers in Halifax, on the Atlantic Coast of Canada over this past weekend. I gave a talk on Haiti at St. Mary’s University and another on Israel/Palestine at Dalhousie. I was very happy to speak to engaged audiences of awake and interested people, not to mention to spend time with the local activists who made the events happen.

Continue reading “For those in Toronto in December”